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Skylights point the way: 

The building saves electricity by boasting vast skylights that

flood the center of the structure with natural light. But, the
skylights serve a second function, Pelli Clarke Pelli architect
Fred Clarke said in an earlier interview. They help people find
their way. Intentionally designed to get travelers where they
want to go, the elevators, escalators and restrooms are all in
the center of the building, where the light is strongest. “You’ll
never get lost,” Clarke said. “All you need to do is always go
toward the center, toward the light.”
Sensors automatically control all the other lights: 

Although the building brings in tons of natural light, it is San

Francisco, after all, where fog rolling in at night has a tendency to
turn the skies grey. And when it does, sensors will automatically
adjust the vast majority of more than 200 different types of lights
depending on how bright it is outside. Occupancy sensors also
slow down escalators to save energy when they aren’t in use.
Rain and grey water can be collected and reused:

 Integrated into the transit center is a system for

collecting rain water, irrigation runoff and grey water.
It filters out the majority of contaminants and
reintroduces that water to the wetland areas of the
rooftop park or uses it to flush toilets. At full
implementation, WSP estimates it will save 13 million
gallons of water per year — enough to fill 20 Olympic-
sized swimming pools.
Enormous, slow-moving fans remove exhaust
fumes on the bus deck: 

Although it’s largely open to the elements, the bus

deck still has the potential to trap exhaust fumes from
the all diesel-chugging buses flowing through there.
Fourteen-foot fans slowly move large volumes of air to
continuously pump fresh air in and prevent exhaust
fumes from building up. They also help cool the
building when it’s hot outside.

This ambitious projects aims to

integrate entire cities with native plant
Verdance Vertical Urban Green Structure

and animal life, thus achieving a perfect

balance between the organic and
architectural elements in them. The
concept design features a lightweight
canopy covered with plants that
stretches through roads and streets.
While the plants purify the air during
the day, integrated LED fixtures offer
light at night. The self-sufficient system
also comes with an underground water
tank and a series of irrigation tubes that
supply water to these plants regularly.
This bus stop
Solar-powered is illuminated
bus stops by and well-informed wait:
for an illuminated
modules. It uses the internet
and keeps informing the
passengers waiting there about
the transport schedules. This
bus stop has been designed
and developed by Canadian
research engineers from the
McMaster University. The stop
is run by the flexible solar cell
Location: Rueil-Malmaison, France
Multimodal Hub Area: 1,5 ha
Completion date: 2016
 On top of functional
improvements, the designers
wanted to create the sense of a
station-garden that could
share in the area’s energy by
incorporating shops and cafés.
 The idea was to provide dense
vegetation in this business area
where built density is
important. Abundant
vegetation grew on the roofs of
the new canopies.
Tall trees (Scots pines and tulip
trees) were planted to create a
A square was even built in the tight space.
Pale cladding and the presence of trees and
living roofs reduce the urban heat island
effect. The abundance of plants helps escape
the functional image of a bus station. The
site has blossomed from a mundane
multimodal transport site to a real slice of
urban life.

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