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Assignment No.

For Your Information


1. Download the data from the following link:!Av5QCoyLTBpnm2Yl1vIZNFqexcx0?e=3vTjJ2

2. Use this data to answer the questions in the assignment

3. Use any tool that you are comfortable with (Tableau, Power BI, Excel, Python etc.) & answer
the following questions

4. Along with the actual answers, please present a viewable screenshot of the visualization /
chart / view that you have created to answer these questions

5. When submitting your work, please follow the format given here
For Your Information
*Tool(s) Used:

*Names of Team Members (in alphabetical order):

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. J
Assignment Questions-Q1
Q1: For the Year 2013, for Small Market size, what percentage of Total Sales is Coffee contributing?
Answer: 18%

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Coffee sales as a percentage of total sales for the year 2013 and Small


Coffee contributes 18% to total Total Sales

sales in the year 2013 in small

Total Sales-201604-82%
Assignment Questions-Q2
Q2: Which Product is achieving less than 100% but more than 95% of the Budgeted Sales?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q3
Q3: Which Area Code has Sales more than $15000 & Profit less than $1000?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q4
Q4: How many Area Codes have a transactional Profit value that is more than $100 and less than $150?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q5
Q5: Find out which Product has the worst performance when comparing Budget versus Actual COGS?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q6
Q6: How many Area Codes for Caffe Mocha spend the highest money for Marketing & yet are

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q7
Q7: Which State has %Profit Ratio that is consistently between 40% to 75% across all the Months of all the

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q8
Q8: Which State moved from the 6th Rank at the beginning of the time frame to the 4th Rank by the end of
time frame?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q8
Q9: Check the data to find out if there are any Area codes that are among the Top 100 Area
Codes by Sales but are also among the Bottom 100 Area Codes by Profit. How many such Area
Codes are there in the data & which are those Area Codes?

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Assignment Questions-Q8
Q10: After which month does your Profit consistently surpass your Expense for Decaf Lemon in the major

Screenshot of the visualization/chart/view:

Thank You!

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