Wrist and Hand Complex Biomechanics

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• The hand consist of 5 digits – 1 thumb & 4 fingers
• There are 8 carpal bones.
• In hand complex there are 19 bones & 19joints, distal to carpal bones.
• Each digit has a carpometacarpal joint (CMC) & a metacarpophalangeal joint
• Each finger has 2 interphalangeal joints one distal (DIP) & one proximal (PIP)
except thumb having only 1 interphalangeal joint.
• The wrist (corpus) consist of 2 joints –
• Radiocarpal joint
• Midcarpal joint


• The major contribution of wrist complex is to control length tension
relationship in multiarticular hand muscles & to allow fine adjustments of grip.
• Wrist muscles are designed for balance & control rather than maximizing
torque production.
• Wrist complex as a whole is considered biaxial with
motions of flexion/extension (coronal axis) & ulnar deviation / radial
deviation (AP axis).
• The ROM of entire complex is variable & reflect
differences in carpal kinematics which could be due to –
• Ligamentous laxity
• The shape of articular surfaces
• The constraining effect of muscles
• Normal varying ranges of wrist joint are –
Flexion 65° - 85°
Extension 60° - 85°
Radial deviation 15° - 21°
Ulnar deviation 20° - 45°

• The 2 joint rather than single joint complex provides –

• Large ROM with less exposed articular surfaces & tighter joint
• Less tendency for structural pinch at extreme ranges
• Flattenedmultijoint surfaces that are more capable of
withstanding imposed pressures
• Formed by radius & radioulnar discs as a part of triangular fibrocartilage
complex (TFCC) proximally & scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum distally.
• Distal radius has single continuous biconcave curvature that is long &
shallow side to side & sharper & shorter anteroposteriorly.
• Proximal joint surface consist of –
1. Lateral radial facet (scaphoid)
2. Medial radial facet (lunate)
3. TFCC (triquetrum & little with lunate in neutral position)
• Proximal radiocarpal joint surface is oblique & angled slightly
volarly & ulnarly.
• Average inclination of radius is 23° & tilted 11° volarly.
• Consist of radioulnar disc & various fibrous attachments providing
support to distal radioulnar joint.
• The disc is connected medially via 2 dense, fibrous connective tissue
laminae. Upper laminae include dorsal & volar radioulnar ligament
whereas lower laminae has connections to sheath of ECU tendon,
triquetrum, hamate & base of 5th metacarpal through ulnar collateral
• Meniscus homolog – region of irregular connective tissue (part o lower
laminae) traverse volarly & ulnarly from dorsal radius to insert on the
• Overall TFCC functions at wrist as an extension of distal radius.
• Scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum – proximal carpal row.
• Bones are interconnected by 2 ligaments ie. Scapholunate
interosseous & lunotriquetral interosseous ligaments.
• Proximal carpal row & ligaments together appears as a single biconvex
cartilage covered joint surface that can change shape to accommodate
to the demands of space between forearm & hand.
• In radiocarpal joint distal surface is sharper than proximal both in
coronal & sagittal plane – makes joint incongruent.
• This causes greater range of flexion than extension & greater ulnar
deviation than radial deviation.
• As the curvature & inclination of the radiocarpal surfaces
affects function, the length of ulna in relation to radius also affects it.
• Ulnar negative variance – shorter ulna than radius at the distal end.
• Ulnar positive variance – longer distal ulna than distal radius.
• Positive variance is associated with changes in TFCC thickness
– potential for impingement of TFCC between ulna & triquetrum.
• Relatively longer ulna is present after distal radius fracture healed in
shortened position – pain at end range of pronation ulnar
• Negative variance – abnormal force distribution at radiocarpal joint –
potential degeneration – avascular necrosis of lunate (kienbock’s

• Has strong but somewhat loose capsule & reinforced by capsular &
intracapsular ligaments.
• Most ligaments & muscles crossing radiocarpal joint also contributes to
midcarpal joint stability
• Articulation between scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum proximally &
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate & hamate distally.
• Functional unit rather than an anatomical unit.
• Has separate fibrous capsule & synovial lining that is continuous with
each intercarpal articulation & some with CMC joint.
• Complex as it has overall reciprocally concave convex configuration.
• Functionally distal carpal row moves as a fixed unit.
• Union of distal carpals also results in equal distribution of loads across
scaphoid-trapezium-trapezoid, scaphoid-capitate, lunate-capitate &
triquetrum-hamate articulations.
• Distal row contributes to 2 degrees of freedom to wrist complex with
varying amounts of ulnar/radial deviation & flexion/extension.
• Distal carpal row lads to the foundation of transverse & longitudinal
arches of hand.
• The ligamentous structure of carpus is responsible for articular stability
as well as guiding & checking motions between & among the carpals.
• In general, dorsal ligaments are thin & numerous volar ligaments are
thicker & stronger.


Extrinsic Intrinsic

Connects carpals to radius ulna proximally or

metacarpals distally Interconnects the carpals

CONNECTION Carpals to radius ulna Interconnect carpals

proximally & metacarpals (intercarpals / inrterosseous)

Stronger & less stiff

Lie within synovial lining

Nutrition Contiguous vascularized Through synovial fluid


Risk of injury High Low

Healing Fast Slow

Accept forces first

• Organized into 2 groups : radiocarpal & ulnocarpal ligaments –
composite volar radiocarpal ligaments.
• Has 3 distinct bands – the radioscaphocapitate (radiocapitate); short &
long radiolunate & radioscapholunate ligaments.
• Radioscapholunate – stabilizes scaphoid – disruption causes scaphoid
instability. - ???
• Radial collateral ligament – extension of volar radiocarpal ligaments &
• Ulnocarpal ligament complex – composed of TFCC including articular
disc & meniscus homolog; ulnolunate ligament & ulnar collateral
• 2 Volar intrinsic ligaments – important in wrist function.
• Scapholunate interosseous ligament – maintains scaphoid stability &
so wrist stability.
• Lunotriquetral interosseous ligament – maintains stability
between lunate & triquetrum
• Stretched while wrist extension.
• Dorsal radiocarpal ligament
• Dorsal intercarpal ligament
• Together forms a horizontal ‘V’ that contributes to radiocarpal stability;
notably stabilizes scaphoid during wrist ROM.
• Taut with wrist flexion.
Movements of radiocarpal & midcarpal joints :-
• Proximal carpals acts as mechanical link between radius & distal carpals
& metacarpals to which the muscular forces are directly applied –
intercalated segment.
Flexion / extension of the wrist –
• In 3 proximal carpal bones, scaphoid has greatest motion & lunate
moves least.
• The movements of complex from complete flexion to extension are –
distal carpal row moves on proximal carpal row → scaphoid & distal
carpals moves on lunate & triquetrum → carpals as a unit move over
radius & TFCC.
• Extension to flexion – reverse process.
Radial / ulnar deviation –
• In radial deviation, carpals slide ulnarly over radius with simultaneous
flexion of proximal carpals & extension of distal carpals. The opposite
occurs in ulnar deviation.
• in full radial deviation, both the radiocarpal & midcarpal joints are in
closed packed position.
• Ranges vary according to the wrist position – more to less – neutral
→ fully flexed → fully extended.
Primary role –
• To provide a stable base for hand while permitting positional
adjustments & allow for optimal length tension relationships.


Volar (cause flexion) Dorsal (cause extension)


• Hand complex consist of 5 digits – 4 fingers & one thumb.

• Each finger has 1 CMC, 1 MCP & 2 IP (proximal & distal) joints
whereas thumb has 1 CMC, 1 MCP & ONLY 1 IP joint.

• Overall there are 19 bones & 19 joints distal to the carpals.

• Articulation between distal carpal row with 2nd to 5th bases of
metacarpals (MC).
• The 2nd MC articulates primarily with trapezoid & secondarily with
trapezium & capitate; 3rd MC with capitate; 4th with capitate &
hamate & 5th MC articulates with only hamate.
• Supported by strong transverse & weaker longitudinal ligaments.
• Deep transverse metacarpal ligament covers 2nd to 4th MC volarly
– tethers together the MC heads & prevents excessive
abduction which contributes to CMC stability.
• Proximal transverse (carpal) arch – affects CMC & hand function
but not the wrist function.
• It is formed by trapezium, trapezoid, capitate & hamate (distal
carpal row) – which is concave volarly.
• This concavity is maintained by transverse carpal ligament &
intercarpal ligament. This forms carpal tunnel which contains
median nerve & 9 extrinsic flexor tendons.
• In the articulating surface more range is available at MC heads.
The mobility increases from radial to ulnar side of hand.
• 2nd to 4th CMC joints are plane synovial joints having only 1° of
freedom (flexion/extension) whereas 5th CMC joint is saddle joint
with 2° of freedom. (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction &
limited opposition)
• 2nd & 3rd
CMC joints – essentially immobile – considered to
have 0° of freedom – as it provides fixed & stable axis for 1st, 4th
& 5th MC heads.
• Thefunctionof fingers CMC joints & their segment
is to contribute to palmar arch system.
• Proximal transverse arch – concavity formed by carpal bones.
• Distal transverse arch – formed by 1st, 4th & 5th MC heads & is
relatively mobile.
• Longitudinal arch – traverse length of the digits from proximal to
• Deep transverse MC ligament contributes to stability of mobile
arches during grip functions.
• Allows the palm & digits to conform optimally to the shape of the
object being held – allowing maximum surface contact, enhance
stability & increase sensory feedback.
• Muscles crossing CMC joint contributes to palmar cupping –
hollowing of palm accompanies finger flexion & relative
flattening of palm accompanies finger extension.
• Convex metacarpal head proximally & concave base
of 1st phalanx distally.
• Condyloid joint with 2° of freedom (flexion/extension &
• In sagittal plane, MC head has 180° of articular surface
(predominant portion lying volarly), opposed to 20° of articular
surface on 1st phalanx.
• In frontal plane there is less but more congruent frontal plane.
• Surrounded by a capsule – lax in extension – allows
some passive axial rotation of phalanx.
• Collateral ligament at the volarly located deep
transverse MC ligament – enhances joint stability.
• Volar plates – accessory joint structure to enhance joint stability.
• Also called as palmar plates
• Increases joint congruence; provides stability to MCP joints (limits
hyperextension) – so provides indirect support to the longitudinal
• Composed of fibrocartilage & is firmly attached to base of
proximal phalanx.
• Becomes membranous proximally to blend with volar capsule at
MC heads.
• During MCP extension, the plate adds up the amount of surface
in contact with large MC heads.
• Fibrocrtilage composition resist both tensile stresses (MCP
hyperextension) & compressive forces (to protect MC heads
from objects held in palm)
• During flexion – glides proximally – prevents pinching of long
flexor tendons in MCP joint.
• Also blends with & are interconnected superficially by deep
transverse MC ligament.
• sagittal bands (dorsal to deep transverse MC ligaments) –
stabilizes volar plates.
• The radial & ulnar collateral ligaments of MCP joints are
composed of 2 parts: collateral ligament proper (cordlike) &
accessory collateral ligament.
• Tension in collateral ligament at full MCP joint flexion (closed pack
position) – limits MCP abduction in full flexion.
• Provides stability throughout the MCP joint ROM
• ROM at each joint varies; flexion/extension increases radially to
ulnarly with index finger (90°) & little finger (110°).
• Hyperextension – consistent between fingers but varies among
• Range of passive hyperextension is used to assess flexibility.
• Abduction/adduction is maximal in MCP extension & restricted in
• Each proximal & distal IP joints is composed of
head of the phalanx & the base of the phalanx distal to it.
• True synovial hinge joint with 1° of freedom (flexion/extension),
a joint capsule, a volar plate & 2 collateral ligaments.
• Structure similar to MCP joint but with little posterior
surface (permits hyperextension)
• Volar plates – reinforce each IP joint capsule, enhances stability &
limits hyperextension. Similar to MCP joint plates except no
connection with deep transverse ligament.
• Collateral ligaments – cord like, similar to MCP joint, provides
stability. Injuries to proximal IP joint collateral ligament are
common in sports & at workplace (radial > ulnar collateral)
• Flexion/extension of IP joints of index finger – proximal (100°-
110°) > distal (80°).
• Range of PIP & DIP joint flexion increases ulnarly with 5th PIP &
DIP having flexion ranges of 135° & 90° respectively.
• Additional range to ulnarly fingers – favors angulation of fingers
towards scaphoid & opposition with thumb.
• Muscles of fingers & thumb having proximal attachment above
• 2 muscles contributing to finger flexion – flexor
digitorum superficialis (FDS) & flexor digitorum profundus
• FDS –
• Flexes proximal IP joint & MCP joint.
• Produces more torque than FDP.
• Crosses fewer joints & superficial to FDP at MCP joint.
• Greater moment arm for MCP joint.
• FDP – Flexes MCP, PIP, DIP joints – more active.
• During finger flexion with wrist flexion – FDS & FDP works
• At the proximal phalanx (proximal to PIP), FDP emerges through
split in FDS (camper’s chiasma) & FDS attaches to base of
middle phalanx.
• Both FDS & FDP are dependent on wrist position for optimal
length tension relationship.
• Counterbalancing extensor torque at wrist is provided by
extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) or sometimes by extensor
digitorum communis (EDC).
• Optimal function of FDS & FDP depends on –
• Stabilization by wrist musculature
• Intact flexor gliding mechanism

• Gliding mechanism consist of –

• Flexor retinacula
• Bursae
• Digital tendon sheaths
• The fibrous retinacular structures (proximal flexor retinacula,
transverse carpal ligament, & extensor retinaculum) tethers the
long flexor tendons to hand – prevents bowstringing of tendons.
• Bursae & tendon sheaths facilitate friction free excursion of
tendons on retinacula.
• FDS & FDP tendons – crosses wrist – pass beneath proximal
flexor retinaculum – through carpal tunnel – ulnar bursa (all 8
• Flexor pollicis longus (FPL) – pass through carpal tunnel with FDS
& FDP – then radial bursa encases it.
• FDS & FDP tendons of each finger pass through a fibroosseous
tunnel which comprises 5 transversely oriented annular pulleys
(vaginal ligaments) & 3 obliquely oriented cruciate pulleys.
• Annular pulleys –
• A1 – at head of MC
• A2 – volar midshaft of proximal phalanx
• A3 – distal most part of proximal phalanx
• A4 – centrally on the middle phalanx
• A5 – base of the distal phalanx
• The base of each pulley is longer than the roof superficially & roof
has slight concavity volarly.
• This prevents the pulleys from pinching each other at extremes of
flexion & minimizes the pressure on the tendon when it is under
• The cruciate pulleys –
• C1 – between A2 & A3
• C2 – between A3 & A4
• C3 – between A4 & A5
• A4, A5 & C3 contains only FDP tendon & no FDS.
• Thumb has different pulley system.
• Function of annular pulleys –
• To keep the flexor tendons close to the bone
• To allow only a minimum amount of bowstringing &
migration volarly from the joint axes.
• Enhances tendon excursion efficiency & work efficiency of long
• Extrinsic finger extensors are extensor digitorum communis
(EDC), extensor indicis proprius (EIP) & extensor digiti minimi
• Passes from forearm – beneath extensor retinaculum that
maintains proximity of tendons to the joints & improves
excursion efficiency.
• At MCP joint level EDC tendon of each finger merges with broad
aponeurosis known as dorsal hood or extensor hood.
• EIP & EDM tendons inserts into EDC tendon of index & little
finger at or just proximal to extensor hood.
• I
• EDC, EIP & EDM – extension of MCP joints of fingers via
connection to extensor hood & sagittal band; also causes wrist
• Distal to the extensor hood, tendon splits into 3 bands, as –
• Central tendon (inserts on base of middle halanx)
• 2 lateral bands – rejoins as terminal tendon (inserts into base
of distal phalanx)
• Formed by EDC, EIP, EDM, extensor hood, central tendon, & the
lateral bands that merge into terminal tendon.
• Passive components are –triangular ligaments (helps stabilize the
bands on the dorsum of fingers) & sagittal bands (connects volar
surface of hood to volar plates & deep transverse MC ligament –
prevents bowstringing of extensor tendons).
• The dorsal interossei (DI), volar interossei (VI) & lumbrical
(intrinsic musculature) are active components of extensor
• Passive element – oblique retinacular ligament (ORL)
• With all attachments distal to radiocarpal joint.
Dorsal & volar interossei muscles :-
• Arise between the MC & are important part of extensor
• 4 DI & 3-4 VI muscles
• DI & VI are alike in their locations & some of their actions;
characterized by their ability to produce MCP joint abduction &
adduction respectively.
• The interossei muscle fibers join extensor expansion in 2
locations; some fibers attach proximally to the proximal phalanx
& to extensor hood; some attach more distally to lateral bands &
central tendons.
• 1st DI has most consistent attachment - into bony base of
proximal phalanx & extensor hood.
• 2nd & 3rd DI have both proximal & distal attachments.
• 4th DI – not actually present – abductor digiti minimi (ADM) plays
that role
• 3 VI muscles – have distal attachment only (lateral band / central
• Proximal interossei have predominant effect on MCP joint only,
but distal interossei will produce their predominant action at IP
joints & some effect on MCP joints.
• All DI & VI muscles pass dorsal to transverse MC ligament but
volar to axis of MCP joints flexion/extension.
Role of interossei at MCP joint in Extension :-
• Effective stabilizers & prevent clawing due to flexion torque.
• Balances passive tension in the extrinsic extensors at MCP joint
at rest.
• Interossei muscles are effective abductors & adductors at MCP
joint when MCP joint is in extension.
• Proximal insertion muscles are more effective than
distal insertion muscles. So abduction is stronger than
Role of interossei at MCP joint in flexion :-
• From extension to flexion – tendons & action lines of interossei
muscles migrate volarly away from coronal axis of MCP joint –
increases moment arm for MCP flexion – action line being nearly
perpendicular to moving segment.
• Increases the flexion torque at MCP joint as it approaches to full
• The volar migration of interossei is restricted by deep transverse
MC ligament – prevents loss of active tension & serves as
anatomical pulley.
• In full MCP flexion, abduction/adduction is restricted due to – tight
collateral ligaments, shape of condyles on MC heads & active
insufficiency of fully shortened interossei muscles.
Role of interossei at IP joint in IP extension:-
• Ability to cause IP extension is influenced by its attachments.
• IP joint extension produced by distal interossei is stronger than
MCP abduction/adduction during MCP extension.
• Index & little finger has weaker IP extension than middle & ring
fingers (fewer distal interossei muscles).
• Overall, proximal components are effective in MCP flexion & distal
component in IP extension. So most consistent activity of
interossei is when MCP joints are flexed & IP joints are extended
– advantage of optimal biomechanics for both DI & VI.
Lumbrical muscles:-
• Only muscles in the body thatattaches to tendons
of other muscles.
• Each muscle originates from tendon of FDP muscle in the palm
– volar to deep transverse MC ligament – attaches to
band of extensor mechanism on radial side.
• Crosses MCP joint volarly & IP joints dorsally.
• Difference in interossei & lumbricals is – more distal insertion of
lumbricals, origin at FDP & great contractile range of lumbricals.
• Effective IP extensors than MCP joint position.
• Deep transverse MC ligament prevents lumbricals migration
dorsally & loosing tension as MCP & IP extends.
• Lumbrical contraction increases tension in lateral band
& FDP tendon too.
• Acts as both agonist & synergist for IP extension.
• As lumbricals activate to cause IP extension, there is effective
release of passive tension in FDP tendon.
• Also assist FDP indirectly during hand closure.
• Functionally MCP jointflexion is weaker in lumbricals than
• Large range of lumbricals, prevents active insufficiency
when shortening over MCP & IP joints.
• Carpometacarpal (CMC)
or trapeziometacarpal
(TM) joint
– between trapezium &
of 1st metacarpal head.
• Saddle joint with 2° of
freedom –
abduction/adduction ; permits
some axial rotation – net
effect “opposition”
called circumduction
– permits
tip of thumb to oppose tips of
• Saddle shaped portion of trapezium is concave in sagittal plane
(abduction/adduction) & convex in plane
frontal (flexion/extension).
• Spherical portion on trapezium – convex in all
• Base of 1st MC has reciprocal shape to the trapezium. saddle
• Flexion/extension & abduction/adduction occurs
on surface but axial rotation at spherical surface.
Flexion/extension Sagittal Oblique AP axis
Abduction/adduction Frontal Oblique coronal axis
• Capsule of 1st CMC joint is relatively lax but is reinforced by radial, ulnar,
volar & dorsal ligaments.
• Intermetacarpal ligament – helps to tether the base of 1st & 2nd MC,
prevents extremes of radial & dorsal displacement of base of 1st MC
• Dorsoradial & anterior oblique ligaments – key stabilizers of CMC
• OA changes with aging are common at 1st CMC joint, may be due to
cartilage thinning in high load areas imposed on this joint by pinch &
grasps across incongruent surfaces.
• Closed pack position – extremes of both abduction & adduction
• Unique range & direction of motion.
• Opposition is sequential abduction, flexion & adduction
of 1st MC with simultaneous rotation.
• The functional significance of 1st CMC joint is appreciated in all
forms of prehension.
MCP joint :-
• Between head of 1st MC & base of proximal phalanx.
• Condyloid joint with2° of freedom –
flexion/extension & abduction/adduction.
• The joint capsule, volar plates & collateral ligaments are similar
to other MCP joints.
• Function – to provide additional flexion range to
thumb in opposition & to allow thumb to grasp & contour to
• Though structure is same flexion/extension ranges are half of
the other fingers. Abduction/adduction is extremely limited.
IP joints :-
• Between head of proximal phalanx & base of distal phalanx.
• Similar to other IP joints of the fngers.
Extrinsic thumb muscles :-
• The 4 extrinsic thumb muscles are -
• Flexor pollicis longus (FPL)
• Extensor pollicis longus
• Extensor pollicis brevis
• Abductor pollicis longus
• Inserts on distal phalanx
• Correlates to FDP
• At wrist, invested by radial bursa which is continuous
with its digital tendon sheath.
• Unique; Functions independently; only muscle responsible
for thumb flexion at IP joint.
• Sitsbetween the sesamoid bones – derives some
protection from the bones.
• Other 3 muscles are located dorsoradially.
• EPB & APL– commoncourse – dorsal forearm – dorsal
1st compartment-radial aspect of wrist.
• ABL inserts on base of MC joint. EPB inserts on base of proximal
phalanx - abducts CMC joint , slight radial deviation of wrist.
• EBP-extension of MC joint
• EPL-inserts on base on base of distal phalanx- at proximal phalanx EPL
is joined by expansion from APB, 1st volar interossei & adductor pollicis
(ADP)-extends thumbs IP joint to neutral but no hyperextension,
extends and adducts 1st CMC joint
Intrinsic thumb muscles :-
• 5 thenars muscles – originates from carpal bones and flexor
• Opponens pollicis(OP)- only intrinsic muscle having distal
attachment on 1st MC on the lateral side – very effective in
positioning the MC in an abducted ,flexed and rotated posture
• APB , FPB , AdP &1st volar interossei inserts on proximal
• FPB has two heads of insertion.
• Large lat. Head attaches to ABL-abduction.
• Medial head attaches to AdP-adduction
• 1ST dorsal interossei- though not consider as a thenar muscle
contributes to thumb function-CMC joint distraction, assist
thumb adduction.
• Thenar muscles- active in most grasping activities
• Activity of extrinsic thumb muscle in grasp is partially function
of helping to position the MCP and IP joints , main
function being returning the thumb to extension from its position
• Prehension activities involves grasping or taking hold of an object
between any 2 surfaces of hand. Thumb paticipate in most but
not all the prehension activities.


Power grip Precision handling

(full hand (finger thumb
prehension) prehension)
Forceful act resulting in flexion of all Skillful placement of an object
finger joints. The thumb acts as a between fingers or between finger &
stabilizer to the object held in fingers or thumb. No involvement of palm.

Phases • Opening of hand • Opening of hand

• Positioning the fingers • Positioning the fingers
• Bringing the fingers to the object • Bringing the fingers to the object
• Maintaining the static phase

Object is grasped to move through Fingers & thumb grasps the object
space by some proximal joints to manipulate it within the hand

Thumb is generally adducted. Thumb is generally abducted.

• Fingers function to clamp on or hold an object into the palm.
• Fingers sustain flexion position that varies in degree with size, shape &
weight of the object; palmar arches around it.
• Thumb – serves as additionalsurface to finger palm by adducting
against the object.
• Different power grips –
• Cylindrical grip
• Spherical grip
• Hook grip
• Lateral prehension
• Involves use of all finger flexors
• FDP works predominantly
• Interossei muscles – primary
MCP flexors, abductors/adductors
• FPL & thenar muscles-
flexion & adduction of thumb.
• Hypothenar eminence-flex & abduct
MCP joint.
• Typically with wrist in neutral /
extension & slight ulnar deviation.
• E.g. turning a door knob.
• Most respect to cylindrical
grip but greater spread of
fingers to encompass the
• More activity of
for e.g. holding a ball.
• Specialised form of
prehension- function
primarily of fingers.
• Major activity of
• Load – more distally FDP,
proximally (FDS)
• Thumb- moderate to
full extension.
• E.g. - carrying a
• Contact between two
• MCP & IP joint- in
extension as contigious
MCP joint simultaneously
abduct & adduct
• Extensor musculature pre
• E.g. holding a paper
• Require much finer motor control & more dependent on intact
• In “two – jaw chuck”,one jaw is thumb( abducted & rotated) & 2nd
jaw is by distal tip, the pad or the side of finger.
• 3 varieties of prcesion are –
• Pad to pad prehension
• Tip to tip prehension
• Pad to side prehension.
• Involves opposition of pad or pulp
of thumb to pad or pulp of finger.
• The pad has greatest
concentration of tactile corpuscles.
• MCP & proximal IP joint of the
finger – partially flexed
• Distal IP joint- extended or slightly
• Thumb- CMC flexion, abduction &
rotation; MCP & IP joint partially
flexed or extended.
• E.g. holding a foreceps
• Muscle activity almost
same to pad to pad
prehension with some key
differences like IP joint of
the fingers & the thumb
have range & force to
create full flexion.
• MCP joint of opposing
finger deviates ulnarly.
• E.g. holding a pen.
• Key grip or lateral pinch.
• Between thumb & side of
index finger
• Thumb-more adducted &
less rotated least precise
form of precesion handling.
• The functional position is –
• Wrist complex in slight extension (20°) & slight ulnar
deviation (10°)
• Fingers moderately flexed at MCP joint (45°) & proximal ip
joint (30°) & slightly flexed at distal IP joint

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