How Many Months in The Islamic Calendar? - What Is The Last Month of The Islamic Calendar? - What Is The First Month? - Do You Know The Nasheed?

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• How many months in the Islamic calendar?

• What is the last month of the Islamic Calendar?

• What is the first month?
• Do you know the Nasheed?
Muharram is the first month in the Islamic year.

1443 AH
The month of Muharram is very
sad for the lovers of the Ahlul Bayt (a)
because this is the month in
which our beloved third Imam,
Imam Husayn (a), was martyred,
by the enemies of Islam.
But he wasn’t killed alone.
Who all were with him?
What does Karbala
Karbala is made up of
two words: “Karb” and
“Bala”. Karb means
suffering and Bala
means troubles

Imam Husayn’s (a) family and 72 of

his dear companions were killed alongside with him.

And the women and children who were left were

taken as prisoners.
Prophet Muhammad (s) loved his grandsons Imam
Hasan (a) and
Imam Husayn (a) very much. He always used to say,
“Husayn is from me,
and I am from Husayn.”
Activity time!
Imam Husayn (A) isn’t just an inspiration
for the Muslims. No, he is an inspiration for
all of mankind!
Imam Husayn

A role model who is to be followed in all

aspects of his life. And true love of Imam
Husayn (a) means that we have to obey
Allah, because Imam Husayn (a) was the
perfect obedient servant of Allah.
• Prophet Adam (a)
All of the creation mourns for Imam Husayn
Karbala and tawakkul
Imam Husayn (a) demonstrated the highest levels of tawakkul in
Despite all the hardships and tragedies he saw on the day of Ashura, he
kept repeating the following phrase

I am pleased with Allah’s plan and

submit to His will!
courage on the battlefield

Karbala and True Courage courage of character

courage of speaking the truth

• you don’t run away

• you have the courage to say, “No, I’m not going to do what displeases Allah.”

• you have the courage to speak the truth.

Karbala and Patience

On the day of Ashura, Imam Husayn (a) sacrificed all his faithful friends,
but remained patient. He sacrificed his family, but he remained patient.
How much can Imam Husayn (a) bear? How much more can he
for the sake of Islam, our dear Imam Husayn (a) sacrificed the most
precious thing in his life.
Karbala and Ikhlas

• Having ikhlaas means that your intention is pure and your actions
are only to make Allah happy, not to show off or make
other people happy.

All Imam Husayn (a) was worried

about was saving Islam..
“Labbayk Ya Husayn!”
We say, “Ya Husayn, we were not there on the day of
Ashura in Karbala to help you, when you called for help and nobody answered you.
But after 1400 years, we answer you!
We answer your call, and we say ‘Labbayk Ya Husayn!’” And insha’Allah when the
Imam of our time, Imam al-Mahdi (aj) returns, we will answer his call and we will
help him.
Duties of Shias towards Imam-e- Hussain

Reciting Salawat and Salutations

upon Imam (A.S.) Weeping for Imam Husain (A.S.)

Visiting the tomb of Imam Husain

To Remember Imam (A.S.) and act
upon his Teachings
Spreading the message of Islam

Excessively Cursing the Umayyads, Ziarat of Imam (A.S.)

openly and secretly

Follow Islam
Why Majaalis?
The majaalis of Ahlul Bayt (a) are important
because they are a means for us to connect
with Allah. They are a place where we can
recharge our spiritual batteries, which
helps us make better choices. Everyone
comes here for one reason and only one
reason, insha’Allah: because of the
love that they have for Imam
Husayn (a) and his holy
Majalis Etiquettes
Sincerity in the intention
Be in wudhu when attending majlis-e-aza.

Take your niyaz with intention of

Take a tasbih and recite at least one tasbih of 'shifa' /cure
Hadhrat Zahra(as) 

Encourage others to participate in majalis-e-aza Cry without shame.

Include marhomeen in the intention of Azadari.

Reward of grieving for Imam Hussain(as) is

sit wherever you find space more than that of Salat-ul-Layl (Ayatollah
Behjat ra)

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