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Daniel Felipe Valenzuela Sánchez
Construcción en edificaciones
Ficha 2254184
IN 2021

■ A person who builds, especially one who contracts for and supervises the construction
or repair of buildings.

■ Something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the

principal product.
Climate Change

■ Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a
change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a
place's usual temperature for a month or season.
Climate change is also a change in Earth's climate. This could be a change in Earth’s usual
temperature. Or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth.
Weather can change in just a few hours. Climate takes hundreds or even millions of years to
Construction Industry

■ Construction is a vast industry that is made up of many types of building and civil
engineering jobs. The construction industry includes jobs in carpentry, road
construction, bridge development, and home design. This industry is one of the largest
in the world because it is responsible for creating the infrastructure for cities, towns, and
Cost of installation

■ Cost of Installation means the total expenditure the Company will incur for labor,
materials, overhead and supervision in the installation of Electric Lines and associated
facilities that are required to serve the Developer's Project.

■ A customer is an individual or business that purchases another company's goods or

services. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without them,
businesses cannot continue to exist.

■ The simplest definition of eco-friendly is that it describes something that is ecologically

beneficial or at the least not harmful.

■ Working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way.

Energy Costs/Electricity Costs

■ Energy Cost means the cost of electricity, fuel oil, gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, or
other source of energy connected to the operation of a regional sewerage authority.

■ Environment, the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors that act upon an
organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
Environmental Protection

■ Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by

individuals, organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural
resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage
and reverse trends.
Environmental Waste

■ "Environmental waste" is a term used to describe solid waste. When materials have
outlived their useful lives or they are no longer wanted, these materials are removed
from service and become solid waste.

■ Concerned with or relating to conservation of the world's natural resources and

improvement of the environment.
Human Health

■ Human health, defined as the complete state of physical, social, and mental well-being
and not merely the absence of illness, disease, or infirmity, is as vital a resource as
water, food, or energy.

■ The impression made by an idea, cultural movement, social group, etc.

LED Lighting

■ A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when
current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
releasing energy in the form of photons.

■ To perform a function

■ Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause
adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as
noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign
substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as
point source or nonpoint source pollution.

■ Habitual or customary performance.


■ Relating to or being a commodity or resource, such as solar energy or firewood, that is

inexhaustible or replaceable by new growth.
Renewable Energy Sources

■ Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or
processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keep shining
and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather.
Residential Properties

■ Residential property is any building or unit zoned and purposed as living space. It’s one
of two general categories of real estate, the other being commercial propert y.
Residential property is usually owner-occupied, but not necessarily.
Smart Windows

■ Smart windows are a type of window that helps to regulate light that enters a room.
These windows are also used to better control heating and air conditioning costs. Some
of the kinds of glass used are electrochromic, liquid crystal, micro-blinds and suspended
Solar Panels

■ A solar panel, or photovoltaic (PV) module, is an array of photovoltaic cells mounted on

a frame for installation. Solar panels use sunlight as an energy source to generate direct
current electricity.

■ Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is
composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally
as profits, planet, and people. Increasingly, companies are making public commitments
to sustainability through actions like reducing waste, investing in renewable energy, and
supporting organizations that work toward a more sustainable future.
Sustainable Construction

■ Sustainable construction encompasses not only the appropriate choice of materials and
construction processes, but also the urban environment and its development. It is based
on the proper management and reuse of natural resources and energy conservation. It is
about planning and social behavior, behavioral habits and changes in the usability of
buildings in order to increase their useful life.
Sustainable Lighting

■ Sustainable lighting is lighting designed with energy efficient light sources. "There are
simple design strategies and some materials that can facilitate the energy saving
advantages of natural light. Light colored interiors and open floor plans are good
choices. This approach also augments artificial light efficiency. Energy efficient lighting
is not simply finding the lightest for the least wattage or the longest lasting light bulb.
Proper sizing of the light to the needs of the location and the tasks that will be
performed, called task lighting, is an energy saving strategy."
IN 2021

Hello, let's talk a bit about green alternatives in the construction sector.
Currently, sustainable construction has made the environment more sustainable. We can
make renewable practices generate a positive impact on green building and reduce climate
change, offering them a range of by- products, which make residential properties operate
better by offering builders in the construction industry, solar panels, renewable energy
sources, smart windows, led lighting, eco- friendly with great benefits in the cost of
installation, energy cost reduction, less environmental waste, environmental protection.
These alternatives are effective in combating pollution and improving human health, so we
can increase the number of customers with an eco-friendly mindset.
In this way, we can achieve a greener future in the construction sector and, perhaps,
generate awareness in other industries.

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