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Technology in Teaching for



1. Understanding
2. Technology
3. Performance perspective
How is teaching for understanding different from
traditional instruction
Traditional Teaching Teaching for understanding

Knowledge is product Understanding is process

Teaching is transmission Teaching is cultivation

Learning is reception Learning is constructing

Student absorb and repeat Student think and apply, create, and critique
Exam test knowledge and repeat acquisition Exam assess promote expertise

School support instruction not learning for Learning communities share authority and
understanding responsibility among members
School are communities of inquiry
Technology in teaching for understanding

The new and emerging technologies of instruction

strongly support the paradigm of teaching
understanding. When you teach for understanding
using technology, your goal is to provide
opportunities for the student to engage in creative
thinking and meaning that will ultimately results of
performance of understanding
Technology in teaching for understanding

Technology has a unique capabilities and feature that

highly support teaching for understanding. It offers
limitless opportunities for students to express and
demonstrate progression of their performance that
measure understanding.
Technology in teaching for understanding

Technology will continue to serve as a catalytic agents of

change. As teaching and learning paradigm continue to
evolve and so the technologies of instruction, teachers
of the new era should strike a balance between
pedagogy and technology.
Three Domains of Educational Technology (Stosic 2015)

1. Technology as a tutor
2. Technology as a teaching tool
3. Technology as a learning tool
Technology as a tutor

Like a tutor, technology is a teaching tool, but never can

never replace a teacher. This like the handyman, which
is just there to be reach. Like any other tool, It is being
used to facilitate and lighten the work of the teacher.
Technology as a teaching tool

Together with the teacher, technology can support

teacher to teach another person or technology when
programmed by teacher can be a tutor to its own. The
teacher will simply switch on or switch off radio
programs, television programs or play DVD CD or any
storage device that contain educationa data.
Technology as a learning tool

While the teacher utilizes the technology as a tool for

teaching, likewise it is an effective tool for learning. As a
tool, it makes learning easy and can produce
learning outcomes that call for technology-assisted
teaching. Even the teacher who are teaching can utilize
similar tool for learning. As a learning tool, It is very
interesting that even elderly uses these tools for leaning
for life.

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