BCG Matrix: Presented by

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BCG Matrix
 Matrix is developed by Bruce Henderson for Boston Consulting Group in 1970.
 According to this technique, business or the products are classified as low or
high performers depending upon their market growth rate and relative market
 It is used to identify how corporate cash resources can be best used to
maximize future growth and profits.
 BCG Matrix Definition:- The encyclopedias put forth the BCG matrix’s
definition as a theory of business that helps business owners decide which
products to roll back and which to invest in more for the future. It is thus, in
essence, like a roadmap that helps a business identify its strong suits while
keeping an eye out for the weak links.
What are the elements of the BCG Matrix?


Stars operate in high growth industries and maintain high market share. Stars are
both cash generators and cash users.
 Stars are leaders in business.
 They also require heavy investment, to maintain its large market share.
 It leads to large amount of cash consumption and cash generation.
 Attempts should be made to hold the market share otherwise the star will
become a CASH COW.
 Cash Cows :-

Cash cows are usually large corporations or SBUs that are capable of innovating
new products or processes, which may become new stars.
 Low growth, High market share
 They are foundation of the company and often the stars of yesterdayThey
generate more cash than required.
 They extract the profits by investing as little cash as possible
 They are located in an industry that is mature, not growing or declining.
 DOGS :

Dogs hold low market share as compared to competitors and operate in a slowly
growing market. They are at declining stage.
 Low growth, Low market share
 Dogs are the cash traps.
 Dogs do not have potential to bring in much cash.
 Number of dogs in the company should be minimized.
 Business is situated at a declining stage.

Question marks are the brands that holds low market share in fast growing
markets consuming large amount of cash and incurring losses.
 Low growth, Low market share
 Dogs are the cash traps.
 Dogs do not have potential to bring in much cash.
 Number of dogs in the company should be minimized.
 Business is situated at a declining stage.
Main tools in BCG Matrix

  Market Share : It is the percentage of the total market that is being
survived by your company, measured in the terms of revenue or volume.

 Market Growth : It is used as measure of a market's attractiveness.

• Markets experiencing high growth are ones where the total market share
available is expanding, and there’s plenty of opportunity for everyone to make

 What Are The Benefits Of BCG Matrix?

 BCG Matrix helps decision-makers evaluate the strategic position of products in their
 BCG Matrix helps companies decide which product to invest more in and which product to
discard, thereby increasing profitability
 It helps the company decide the time and opportunity for expansion.
 Steps of BCG Matrix Step :
 1. Choose the unit Step
 2. Define the market Step
 3. Calculate relative market share Step
 4. Find out market growth rate Step
 5. Draw the circles on a matrix

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