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Materials and Schedule of HEI

Character Development
No. Subject Matter Source Person Meeting Meeting
1 Introduction to HEI Dean School of Economy and 1,2 and 3 October 2nd, 2021
08.00-09.30 MBTI & Accounting
2 Recognizing the effective learning Head of Study Program 4 and 5 October 16th, 2021
situation in study program
08.00-11.00 MBTI & Accounting
3 Student Code of Ethics and Student Head of Student Affair 6 and 7 October 20th, 2021
08.00-09.30 MBTI & Accounting
4 Emotional Skills and Social Ethics FEB/CDC Consular 8, 9 and 10 December 4th, 2021
08.00-10.00 MBTI & Accounting
5 Recognizing Self Potency FEB/CDC Consular 11 and 12 December 18th, 2021
08.00-10.00 MBTI & Accounting
6 Resilience and Self Concept FEB/CDC Consular 13 and 14 January 8th, 2021
08.00-10.00 MBTI & Accounting
Implementation Terms
• The implementation of the HEI Character Development Course is carried out through public
lectures for new students Class of 2021 within the Faculty of Economics and Business
• Students MUST be present at every activity
• The schedule of activities is subject to change, further information will be announced later
• Students MUST fill in attendance via the link: . This
link will be open at 08.00 – 11.00 during each courses
• Students MUST complete the assignment. The assignment must be written by hand using
lined folio paper. The assignment will be submitted using the following link: . The due date for the assignment is 7 days after
each course. Assignment file name format : Assignment#_Name_NPM
• Grading weight: 50% attendance and 50%. assignment

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