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This is accepting without question, an opinion about a certain subject

which is given by someone who is considered an authority on the subject.

Ex: If an ordinary person says that kissing transmits colds, he is not

believe much, he may even be laughed at. On other hand, when a doctor
sayss the same thing, he is believe without question, Suppose a doctor
commits a mistake and it is fact that some doctors commits mistakes
Worse, sometimes persons with big names in the
community make pronouncements about things outside their
own expertise and they believed bacuase of their big names.

They are believed without any scientific inquiry about

the truth of their pronouncements. For instance, a well-
known athlete is made to announce that to drink a certain
kind of liqour is good bacause it makes the body strong.
Big stars in the movie are often made to sponsor the sale of
certain products, especillay beauty enhancing things or
articles, and they are believed without the stigthest
semblance of any scientific investigation.

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