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© JiGL

® University of Almería
•Morality play
•“The Summoning of Everyman”
(Original Title)

•Written in late 1400’s

•Written in Middle English
•“Here begynneth a treatyse how be
hye Fader of Heven sendeth Dethe to
somon every creature to come and
gyve accounte of theyr lyves in this
worlde, and is in maner of a morall
•Setting- The action begins in
heaven when God sends Death
to summon the main character,
Everyman. Thereafter, the
action takes place on earth
Since the author intended the
main character to represent
every human being, the action
on earth could take place

•Tone- Solemn & Dignified

•Everyman- typical human being
who has neglected his spiritual life
but repents his sins in time to be

•God- Just but merciful Supreme

•Death- Messenger commanded
by God to summon Everyman
•Fellowship, Kindred, Cousin,
Material Goods- Earthly
acquaintances of Everyman who
abandon him in his time of need
•Good Deeds-The only friend willing to
accompany Everyman to the afterlife
•Knowledge- Character that tells
Everyman what he must do to obtain
•Confession- Character representing the
sacrament of penance. Everyman
confesses his sins to this character
•Discretion, Strength, Five Wits,
Beauty- Earthly acquaintances of
Everyman who abandon him in his time
of need

•Doctor- Scholar who delivers words of

warning at the end of the play
God then speaks. He laments that his
creatures live preoccupied with However, when Fellowship
worldly prosperity, blinded to what is learns that Everyman wants him
really important. “Drowned in sin, to testify in the land of death,
they know me not for their God,” the
Fellowship says he would
normally accompany Everyman
King of Heaven says. He summons a everywhere—to eat, drink,
messenger, Death, and tells him to make merry, and pursue the
inform Everyman that his time on pleasures of lust. He would
earth has ended and that he must even help Everyman commit
now give an account of his life. murder.
Everyman says he needs more time,
But to go with him to the
afterlife and help him give an
but Death refuses to grant it.
accounting of his life, that is out
Everyman then attempts to muster of the question, Fellowship
acquaintances to support him. When says. Under no circumstances
he begs Fellowship to help him with a would he undertake such a
problem, the latter pledges fearsome journey.
Everyman then seeks help from those Desperate, Everyman turns to
related to him, Kindred and Cousin. But Good Deeds: I pray you, help me in
they, too, refuse to take part in the this need
perilous journey. Sorely distressed at Or else I am forever damned
their unwillingness to support him in his
Therefore, help me to make
time of need, Everyman now thinks that reckoning
the material possessions he has stored Before the Redeemer of all
up may enable him to buy his way into things.Because he has been long
heaven. He calls out to Goods, saying neglected, Good Deeds is in a sorry
“money maketh all right that is wrong.” condition. Although he is willing to
Goods answers that he cannot stir from go with Everyman, he cannot
his position, for he is a heap of chests muster the strength to do so—at
and bags and sacks.
least not at the moment. However,
he introduces Everyman to his
“But if thou had me loved moderately,” sister, Knowledge, who says she
Goods says, giving part of Goods to the can help him by taking him to
poor, “then shouldest thou not in this Confession. Everyman weeps for
dolor be.”  joy.
Confession tells Everyman he will give Knowledge then tells him before he leaves he
him a precious jewel, penance, if he must receive the last sacraments of the church
confesses his sins. Everyman calls on the —Holy Viaticum (which is a special name for
Lord to forgive his grievous offenses, Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion when
acknowledging that he is a “sinner most given to anyone about to die) and anointment
with an oil. After he receives the sacraments,
abominable,” and calls on the Virgin
Beauty, Discretion, Strength, and the Five Wits
Mary to intercede with her Son on his go with Everyman to his grave but refuse to
behalf.  After Everyman completes his accompany him to the afterlife. Disheartened,
confession, Knowledge informs him that Everyman cries, “O, Jesus, help! All hath
his friend Good Deeds is healthy and forsaken me.” However, Good Deeds says,
whole once again. Good Deeds himself “Nay, Everyman, I will bide with thee.”
then comes forth and says Everyman is Knowledge remains a while longer: “I will not
now prepared for eternity. from hence depart / Till I see where ye shall
be. . . .”
Knowledge outfits Everyman with a
Everyman then prays that the Lord will receive
robe of contrition, signifying his him, saying “In manuas tuas, commendo
repentance. spiritum meum” (Latin for “Into thy hands, I
Good Deeds introduces Everyman to commend my spirit”). 
Discretion, Strength, his Five Wits, and Knowledge hears angels singing. One of them
Beauty and asks them to accompany invites Everyman into the heavenly regions.
Everyman on his journey. Only Good Deeds accompanies him.
•Live for Tomorrow
•Deceptive Appearance
of Sin
•Material vs. Spiritual
•Reckoning &

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