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Bikas kumar Behera[2010JTM2293]

Naveen Kumar [2010JTM2398]

 Distributed query processing in wireless sensor

networks provides declarative access to data from
multiple sensor nodes.
 In distributed query processing, a run time database is
maintained about a specific type of query, i.e. how the
nodes in a WSN will respond to a particular query.
 There are two types of approach generally taken to
respond a query:
1. Centralized Database
2. Distributed Database
Centralized database approach for WSN

 The Centralized approach deals with the static data

set. The data are stored in a persistent repository
which can be accessed at anytime.
Distributed database approach for WSN

The distributed approach deals with continuous

and infinite streams of data, and the data
repositories are not likely to be persistent due to
the mobility features of WSN.
Transmission of query
 The most energy consuming operation a node can
perform is the transmission of data.
 WSNs are designed to process data within the
network and subsequently forward the result to the
requesting node.
 Referred as in-network data aggregation results in
reduction of amount of data need to be transmitted
which in turn translates energy saving.
Architecture of current query processing
 There may be many ways to evaluate any particular query out of
all possibilities, only a handful actually lead to energy savings.
 In existing query processing systems such as COUGAR and
TinyDB network statistics (or network metadata) such as
patterns of data produced by individual nodes, location
information and energy reserves of nodes, etc. are sent back
periodically to the central node.
 Using the centrally collected data, the server, which now has a
detailed overview of the status of the entire network of nodes,
calculates the optimal method in which the query may be
 Query Decomposition
An incoming query is broken down and analysed semantically to ensure
that an incorrect query is detected and rejected.
Redundancies in queries are also eliminated
 Data localisation
Examines the incoming query from the query decomposition block and
determines which fragments of data are involved in the query and also
retransforms incoming queries into simpler and more optimised forms by
using different reduction techniques which depends how the data has been
 Fragmentation schema
Fragmentation Schema is to describe how the various fragments may be
related to one another to form a complete relation.
 Fragment allocation
The task of the Fragment Allocation block is to decide at which node a certain fragment of a
relation should be stored.There are numerous parameters that need to be considered during the
optimisation process, e.g. cost of communication between any two pairs of sites, varying access
patterns of various nodes, mobility patterns, cost of storing each at a site , cost of querying
 Cost function
The Cost Function block can be viewed as a database that stores the cost of some of the
parameters considered by the Fragment Allocator such as inter-node communication cost, cost of
storing at and querying a particular node.
 Network metadata
The network metadata block plays a crucial role in the overall performance of the DQP as it
provides the input to the Query Optimisation, Fragment Allocation and Cost Function blocks
which together hold the key to how well a particular node responds to the dynamics of the
 Query optimisation
The Query Optimisation block receives several execution strategies (or operator trees) for a single
query from the Data Localisation Block.
Flow Chart to process a Query
Path Setup, When a query is placed
 Query Processing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: State-of-the-art
and Research Challenges by Yingjie He, Alan Tully, IEEE 2008.
 Giuseppe Amato, Francesco Furfari,Enabling Context Awareness through
Distributed Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2002.
 Jun-Zhao Sun, An Energy-Efficient Query Processing Algorithm for
Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 373–385, 2008,© Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2008
 Sooyeon Kim, Sang H. Son,Data Dissemination over Wireless Sensor
Networks, IEEE 2004.
 Supriyo Chatterjea, Paul Havinga,A DISTRIBUTED QUERY

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