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National Service

Training Program
Republic Act 9163
 It is an Act creating the National Service Training Program for the use and guidance of Tertiary
level students.
 It amends the Republic Act 7077 and Presidential Decree No. 1706
 It is an Act creating the National Service Reserve Corps.
 It refers to the program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness of
Filipino youth.
 It develops ethics in service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the 3 program
components; ROTC, CWTS or LTS thereby, in the process making them a youth’s active
contributory to the general welfare.
 The3 agencies Department of National Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education
(CHED), and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) are mandated to
strictly implement the law.
 The CHED AND TESDA regional offices shall oversee and closely monitor the implementation of
the NSTP in their respective jurisdictions.
 It was signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to amend the RA 7077 AND PD 1706.
1. Reserve-Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)- is a program institutionalized under
Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 designed to provide military training to
tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for
national defense preparedness.
2. Literacy Training Service (LTS) - is a program designed to train students to become
teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and
other segments of society in need of their service.
3. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) refers to programs or activities contributory
to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the
community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to
improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and
morals of the citizenry.
Program Implementation
 All coming freshmen students, male and female, of any baccalaureate degree course
or at least two (2) year technical-vocational courses in public and private educational
institutions shall be required to complete one (1) of the NSTP components as
requisite for graduation.
 All higher and technical-vocational institutions, public and private, must offer at least
one of the program components: Provided, that State universities and colleges shall
offer the ROTC component and at least one other component.
 A component shall be credited for three (3) units per semester, with fifty-four (540 to
ninety (90) training hours per semester.
 Each of NSTP components shall be undertaken for an academic duration of two (2)
 In lieu of the two (2)-semester program for any of the components of the NSTP, a one
(1) summer program may be designed, formulated and adopted by the DND, CHED
and TESDA.
Management of NSTP Components
The school authorities shall exercise academic and
administrative supervision over the design, formulation, and
adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components
in their respective schools: Provided, That in case a CHED- or
TESDA-accredited non-government organization (NGO) has been
contracted to formulate and administer a training module for any
of the NSTP components, such academic and administrative
supervision shall be exercised jointly with that accredited NGO:
Provided, further, That such training module shall be accredited by
the CHED and TESDA.
What is the National Defense Act?
 Commonwealth Act No. 1 (National Defense Act) was the first Law
enacted by the National Assembly on December 21, 1935 and was
approved by Commonwealth President Manuel L. Quezon.
 The Law became the legal basis for the creation of the Philippine Army
the forerunner of the AFP.
 As provided by the National Defense Act. The Philippine Army consisted
of a small regular force and backed-up by a large reserve force. Quezon
appointed General Douglas MacArthur, ass the Field Marcial of the Army
of the Philippines proceeded to develop and adopt a ‘’Citizen Army.’’
 The defense plan of General MacArthur and his military colleagues
envisioned an annual draft of able-bodied, 20 years old males to
undergo intensive military training for 5 and a half months. ROTC
(Reserve Officers Training Course) courses were also introduced in
colleges and universities. The planners estimated that by the time of the
grant of the Philippine Independence in 1946, the country would have
an army of citizen or reserves about 400,000 strong.
Section 3: Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military. The Armed
Forces of the Philippines is the protector of the people and state. Its goal is to secure
the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory.

Section 4: The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The
Government may call upon people to defend the State and, fulfillment thereof all
citizens may be required, under conditions provide by law, to render personal, military
or civil service.
Compulsory Service to State
For the defense of the State, all citizens of the republic may be compelled
to render personal, military or civil service. Any citizen may not refuse
compulsory military or civil service on the ground that is against religious belief.
Section 5: The maintenance of the peace and order, the protection of life,
liberty and property, and the promotion of the general welfare are essential for
the enjoyment by all the people of the people of the blessing democracy.
Section 4: The State recognizes the role of women in national building, and
shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.
AFP- Armed Forces of the Philippines
CHED- Commission on Higher Education
CWTS- Civic Welfare Training Service
DILG- Department of Interior and Local Government
DND- Department of National Defense
E-ROTC- Extended-Reserve Officers Training Corps
LTS- Literacy Training Service
MS- Military Service
NGO- Non-Government Organization
NSRC- National Service Reserve Corps
NSTP- National Service Training Program
PMA- Philippine Military Academy
PMMA- Philippine Merchant Marine Academy
PNPA- Philippine National Police Academy
R.A. - Republic Act
ROTC= Reserve Officers Training Corps
TESDA- Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

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