Online Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette

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Know and determine and avoid the

dangers of the Internet.
Be responsible in the use of social
networking sites.
Rules of Netiquette
Write Yes if you agree with the statement and if No if you disagree on the
blank before each number.
_____1. My computer has antivirus so it is okay to open most email
attachments like e-cards and video files.
_____2. Your friend told you that his college was rejected due to the
fact that you posted a video of him doing crazy stuff at the party. You
posted that several years ago but later took it down to protect your
friend’s reputation. Can your friend be right that the college found the
_____3. You and your best friend play a lot of video games. One time,
she ask you for your password so she can help you level up and get in-
game money. She promises to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to
give away your password?
_____4. You received an email stating that your mother’s bank
account is going to be forfeited if you do not respond to the email. Is
it safe to reply?
_____5. You forget that your essay for English class is due tomorrow.
While doing your research, you found a website offering free essays.
Is it okay to use essays from this free essay website?
_____6. A virus is a malware that multiplies and infects other
computers through flash drives.
_____7. Keyloggers are software that show pop-ups ads even if you
are not using your browser.
_____8. Search engines scan websites for search results even if you
have you have set your post to “private.”
_____9. There is a danger in posting information about a future
____10. Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you
want to get as many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile
makes you vulnerable to identify theft.
What is Internet Safety?
It refers to the online security or safety of
people and their information when using the

It is a network etiquette, the do’s and don'ts
of online communication.

Always use your manners.

Tips to Stay Safe Online
The Internet is a public place and it is up to you to protect
yourself. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when using
the Internet.
1. Be mindful of what you shared online and what site you
share it to.
2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; to read it.
3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how
the website handles the information you share.
4. Know the security features of the social networking sites you
use. By keeping you profile private, search engines will not
be able to scan your profile.
5. Do not share your password with anyone.
6. Avoid logging in to public networks /Wi-Fi. Browsing in
“incognito (or private) mode,” a feature of the browser, will
not protect you from hackers.
7. Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
8. Never post a thing about a future vacation. It is similar to
posting, “Rob my house at this date.”
9. Add friends you know in real life.
10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
11. Install and update an antivirus software on your
computer. Use only one antivirus software to avoid conflicts.
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private network
by adding a password.
13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.
You are most vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads
(torrents) as the download is most likely not monitored by
the site owner.
14. Buy the software; do not use pirate ones.
15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
Internet Threats
Here are some of the threats you should be aware of when using Internet:
1. Malware – Stands for malicious software.
a. Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself the transfer from
one computer to another either through the Internet and local networks or
data storages like flash drives and CDs
b. Worm – a malicious program that transfer from one computer to another
by any type of means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself. For
example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) created by a Filipino.
c. Trojan – a malicious program that is disguises as a useful program but once
downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hacker to
get your information.
 Rogue security software – tricks the users into posing that it is a security
software. It asks the user to pay to improve his/her security but in reality,
they are not protected at all.
d. Spyware – a program that runs in the background without you knowing it
(thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing
and typing through keylogging.
 Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke done by the users. This is done
to still there password or any other sensitive information. It can record
email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard.
e. Adware – a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as

2. Spam– unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to send

3. Phishing – It goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords

and credit card details. This is done by sending you an email that will direct the
user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit
card, or personal information.
 Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS
(Domain Name Service) system.
Key Terms
 Cybercrime – a crime committed or assisted through the
use of the use of the Internet.
 Privacy policy – tells the user how the website will handle
its data.
 Malwares – stands for malicious software.
 Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and
transfer from one computer to another.
 Worm – a malicious program that transfer from one
computer to another by any type of means.
 Trojan – a malicious program that is disguised as a useful
program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC
unprotected and allows hacker to get your information.
 Spyware – a program that runs in a background without you
knowing it. It has the ability to monitor what you are
currently doing and typing through keylogging.
 Adware – a program designed to send advertisements,
mostly pop-ups
 Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers
 Phishing – acquires sensitive personal information like
passwords and credit card details.
 Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing where it
exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system.
Quiz #2
Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B.

____1. Virus
a. Designed to send you advertisements
____2. Rogue b. Sends an official-looking email and is designed to
steal sensitive personal information
____3. Keylogger
c. It is the do’s and don'ts of online communication.
____4. Adware
d. the information superhighway
____5. Spam e. exploits the DNS system
____6. Netiquette f. tricks the user into posting that is as security
____7. Internet
g. a malicious software
____8. Pharming
h. unwanted email mostly from bots
____9. Malware
i. replicates and can transfer from one
____10. Spyware computer to another

j. runs in the background and monitors what

you are doing

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