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Activity 1:

Properties of Matter
 Objective:
a. Identify the different properties of matter present in an object
b. Classify whether each property is physical or chemical, intensive or extensive
 Materials:
Different sample material:
1. Iron fillings 5. cotton 9. salt
2. Piece of wood 6. soft drink 10. rock
3. Paper 7. a piece of cloth 11. iron nails
4. Soft drink 8. flour 12. sand
 Procedure:

1. Observe and examine each sample. Record the

different properties that you will observe in
each sample on the table given:
2. Test the hardness, heaviness, solubility, and
magnetic properties
Color Shape Odor Hard or Heavy or Soluble or Magnetic
not not not or not
Iron fillings



Soft drink


A piece of
Iron nails




3. Record the properties exhibited by the samples and classify
each to their correct kind of properties on the table below:

Physical Properties Chemical Properties

Intensive Extensive
Answer the following question:

 What makes each object different from each other?

 Which object/s exhibit chemical properties? Chemical
 Which materials is are prone to rusting? Why or why not?
 What do you think is more helpful when identifying an
objects identity, physical properties or chemical
properties? Why?

 ________________________________________________________________________

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