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“The Human Distinctive Way of Life

Culture is like a map. Just like a map isn’t the
territory but an abstract representation of a particular
area, so also a culture is an abstract description of
trends towards uniformity in the words, deeds, and
artifacts of human group.
If a map is accurate and you can read it, you won’t get
lost; if you know a culture you will know your way
around in the life of a society.
- Clyde Kluchonn

What is culture?

For example, you meet a young woman who has just

arrived in the Philippines from the Germany. That her
culture is different from yours is immediately evident to
you. You first see it in her clothing, jewelry, make-up and
hairstyle. Next your hear it in her language.

It then becomes apparent by her gestures. Later you will

hear her express unfamiliar beliefs about the world and
opinions about what is valuable or worthwhile in life.

All these characteristics are indicative of culture, the

language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, and even
material objects that one passed from one generation
to the next.

According to Edward B. Taylor “That complex

whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art,
morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and
habits acquired by man as a member of society”
Some sociologists define culture as the way of life of
a social group; The group’s total man-made
environment including all the material and non-
material products of group life that are transmitted
from one generation to the next.

Culture constitutes the distinctive achievements of

human groups.
Some sociologists define culture as the way of life of
a social group; The group’s total man-made
environment including all the material and non-
material products of group life that are transmitted
from one generation to the next.

Culture constitutes the distinctive achievements of

human groups.
Answer the following questions. Write your
answer on any sheet of paper take a picture or
you can directly type it and send it through my

1.) What do you think is interesting about Filipino culture?

2.) When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they
usually think of?
3.) What you don’t like and like about your culture?
4.) If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
5.) What do you think is important when visiting another culture?
The concepts culture and society have been
associated with each other on the grounds that all
human phenomena are socio cultural.

Sharing a similar culture helps to define the group to

which we belong. A fairly large number of people are
said to constitute a society.
Society is the largest form of human group.
It consist of people who share common
heritage and culture. Members of the society
learn this culture and transmit it from one
generation to the next.

Material Culture- refers to the physical or technological aspects of

our daily lives, including jewelry, art, buildings, weapons, machines,
clothing, hairstyle, etc.

Non-material Culture- refers to the groups way of thinking ( beliefs,

values, and assumptions ) and common patterns of behavior (language,
gestures and other forms of interaction). Generally, the non-material
culture is more resistant to change than the material culture.

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