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Key HR Skills for Line Managers

• HR may not be in your title, but it is part of your

job description as a manager of any organization
• You are the first line of defense when it comes to
addressing day-to-day HR issues
Effective Communication 

• The ability to communicate effectively has a significant

impact on your everyday interactions with your team
• Help develop a culture where people feel that they are
being heard and understood.
• Keep in mind that how you say something is as
important as what you say
Sensitive Responses to Sensitive Situations

• Develop the skills to recognize the types of issues

and circumstances that call for sensitivity, such as
family leave or health and wellness issues.
• In addition, be aware of privacy issues and key
employment laws and how they may impact your
role as a manager.
Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution

• Arm yourself with the

knowledge and skills for finding solutions to disputes and
• Clarifying the actual point of dispute, establishing common
goals and working together to meet those goals are effective
ways of achieving a win-win solution for all involved
Appropriate Discipline
• By taking action when issues first arise, before
they are allowed to escalate, you have a better
chance of resolving issues in an amicable way
• When faced with a tough decision, particularly
one that may involve termination of an employee,
take a step-by-step approach and ensure that you
are considering the situation from all angles.

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