Hot Spring Tour Guci, Tegal: Oleh: Riski Aprilia Rihadatulais

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O L E H : R I S K I A P R I L I A R I H A D AT U L A I S

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History Of Guci

Before the teachings of Islam spread in the Tegal area, a guardian or ulama was sent to preach
Islam to the people of Tegal.. What is unique is that wherever and whenever the wali preaches, he
always carries a jar of water which is always given to the people he preaches. Because they
believe in the efficacy of water given by the guardian, the community's demand for water is
increasing so that the guardian cannot fulfill it directly. In such conditions, the wali then sticks a
stick that he always carries with him every time he preaches into the ground.
Then with the permission of the Almighty, from the hole in the ground where the wali's stick was
stuck in, a hot spring appeared which was taken by the community. Until now, the spring
continues to flow hot water which is believed by the community to be full of benefits and
goodness. This spring is now being flowed from the showers in the tourist spot of Guci Tegal.
The name Guci Tegal which is the name of this tourist spot is taken from the name of the water
reservoir that the guardian always carries.
The Fasilities Provided
If you are bored with your daily activites you can take a trip to Guci,
Tegal . To refresh your mind because there are many rides that are
offered and also cool and still beautifull. Among them are ten choice
of swimming pools with adequated facilities, you can also rent a villa
at an affordable price. You can travel in the forest to see waterfalls
and soak in hot showr, you can imagin that having a cool atmosphere
soaking in hot water is of course very suitable right?
For those of you who liked adrenalin, you can try river tubing. You
can also enjoy jeep adventure ore horse riding tours because is a large
location. To support the trend, you can take a picture at the spots that
have ben provided.
With also many fasilities you can enjoy it with low price.
How Go To Guci?

Address of the Guci tourist attraction is located around the Guci Village
area, Bumijawa District, Tegal Regency, Central Java Province. The route
to get there is actually quite easy, from Tegal City, you go straight south to
Slawi, then straight south again towards Lebaksiu until the Yomani T-
junction. From the Yomani T-junction, turn left towards the south towards
Bojong then Guci. You can go there by private car, private motorbike.
Because there is rarely public transportation that can go to the location.
Souvenirs Of Guci

For souvenirs, this district also has something unique. Yes, when you
hear about the city of Slawi, you will immediately remember the poc.
Indeed, this drink is a typical souvenir that can be purchased at tourist
attractions Guci Tegal.

In addition, there are also many choices of typical souvenirs and

snacks that you can buy and take home. For example, such as papaya,
candied ceremai fruit, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and others.

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