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Crystal Report for Enterprise BI 4.1 Report Design I – Fund.

of Report Design

OC 310
1. Planning a Report 30 Minutes
2. Creating a Report 90 Minutes
3. Selecting Records 60 Minutes
4. Organizing data on Report 90 Minutes
5. Formatting a Report 90 Minutes
6. Applying Section Formatting 60 Minutes
7. Creating Basic Formulas 180 Minutes
8. Applying Conditional Reporting 45 Minutes
9. Representing Data Visually 45 Minutes
10.Distributing a Report 30 Minutes
Content : Day - 1
a) Planning a Report 30 Minutes

b) Creating a Report (Practical) 90 Minutes

c) Selecting Records (Practical) 60 Minutes

d) Organizing data on Report (Practical) 90 Minutes

e) Formatting a Report (Practical) 90 Minutes

f) Session Evaluation 30 Minutes

Lesson: 1
Planning a Report
 Defining database concepts

 Planning and developing a report prototype

Defining database concepts
In a relational database, data is organized in a system of
rows and columns.

The rows are called records, and the columns are called

Each record contains a collection of related data

Planning and Developing a Report Prototype
To build a prototype, determine these requirements for the

 By taking a systems-oriented approach to reporting and developing a prototype,

you will produce clearer and more readable reports.

 Design Report prototype by asking report requestor a series of targeted

questions, sometimes in the form of a checklist.

 After determining the outline of the report request, you develop the prototype

 Sketching the report on a blank piece of paper, usually the size the report
will be printed on.
 Filling in a form.
Planning and developing a report prototype
To build a prototype, determine these requirements for the
 Purpose
 Audience
 Report title
 Database information
 Header and footer information
 Information to be included in the body of the report
 Information to be sorted in a specific order
 Groups to be set up
 Specific records to be displayed
 Calculations or formulas
 Summarized data to be included
 Formatting to highlight specific information
Lesson: 2
Creating a Report
 Connecting to a data source

 Adding tables

 The design environment

 Inserting objects on a report

 Previewing and saving a report

 Positioning and sizing objects Formatting objects

Connecting to a data source

 In the Database Expert, you can select from the following as

a data source for your report:
 A currently connected data source.
 An SQL command that has been saved to the
BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
 A data source that has been added to your Favorites folder.
 A recently accessed data source (the Database Expert
automatically maintains a list of such data sources for you).
 An existing data source (for example, a data file residing
locally, or an ODBC data source that has already been set up).
Data Source Tab
This Dialog box will allow you to create different types of connections, Which are listed
Adding Universe
After selecting the data source, you can add one or more tables to base your
report on.
Adding tables
After selecting the data source, you can add one or more
tables to base your
The design environment
Menu Bar
Designer Tool Bar
Preview Tab

Field Explorer

Report Header
Page Header


Page Footer Report Explorer

Report Footer
Inserting objects on a report
We can insert objects on the report by three way:
By using insert menu
By using Standard tool bar
By Right Click and Popup Menu
Previewing and saving a report
To preview a report before printing it, click Print Preview on the Standard toolbar.
The Preview Panel houses the Group Tree, the Parameter Panel, and a Find tab.

Saving a Report:
Use the Save command to save the active report to disk under its current name.
All changes you have made while working on the report will be saved.
The previous version of the report will be overwritten.
If you have not previously saved your report, the program will prompt you to do so.
Note: This command is also available as a button on the Standard toolbar.
Can Also save the report in the business objects repository.
Positioning and sizing objects Formatting objects
In this mode, you can resize the object by dragging any of the resizing handles,
or you can move it by placing the cursor inside the object and dragging it to a
new location. You can also insert fields in this mode, but you cannot insert text.
Lesson: 3
Select Record
Defining the Select Expert

Determining the record selection criteria

Defining saved and refreshed data
Applying record selection

Applying additional record selection criteria

Modifying record selection
Applying time-based record selection
Defining the Select Expert
• The Select Expert makes it easy to specify the records you
want included in your report. When you work with the Select
Expert, you select the field to which you want to apply
selection conditions and then you specify those conditions.

• The Select Expert can be used to set up simple record

selection requests.

• For example:
• Customers from Arizona.
• Orders in the first quarter.
• Sales over $10,000
Determining the record selection criteria
 When you scroll through the report, you will see that it contains information for customers
from many different countries. In this step, you will limit the number of countries displayed
to the USA.
 To enter selection criteria
 Click Select Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar.
 Select Country in the Fields list and click OK.
 Select the condition
 (Select all records where a customer’s country is )
• Select value
• (Select all records where a customer’s country is “USA”)
• Click OK to return to the Design tab.
 Click the Preview tab and then Click Refresh Data.
Defining saved and refreshed data
 Saved Data
 Useful for data that isn't continually updated.
 When users navigate and drill down they don't access the database server directly;
instead, they access the saved data.
 Minimize data transfer over the network.
 Lighten the database server's workload.
 Saved data is discarded and refreshed when you perform any of these tasks in a report:
 Select the Refresh command.
 Change your database logon.
 Change any of the report's data parameters.
 Add a new field that doesn't exist in the saved data.
 Drill down in a report where "Perform Grouping On Server" is selected, and the details
section is suppressed.
 Verify the database—if the database structure has changed drastically.
 Change the linking parameter on a sub report (the sub report is refreshed).
 Change the order of groups (only for reports in the Report Application Server).
Applying Record Selection
Applying additional record selection criteria
By Using the Parameters
By Using the Formula Work shop
Modifying Record selection
Applying time-based record selection
 Year ({file.DATE}) < 2000

 Year ({file.DATE}) > 2000 and Year ({file.DATE}) < 2008

 Year({file.DATE}) >= 2006 and Year({file.DATE}) <= 2010

 Month({file.DATE}) in 1 to 4

 Month({file.DATE}) in [1,4]
Lesson: 4
Organizing data on Report

 Sorting records

 Grouping records

 Summarizing data
Sorting records
In a typical customer list report, customer names are listed
alphabetically. In this example, you will sort the customer names
alphabetically within each region.
Grouping records
 Crystal Reports 2011 allows you to specify the order in which you want the
records on your report displayed. For example, after grouping by region, you
might sort the records within each region in alphabetic order by Customer
 Many of your reports will use some type of sorting. Depending on the report,
you will sort the records in a list or sort in conjunction with grouping.
Summarizing Data
 It will allowing you to calculate averages, counts, and other group (aggregate)
 For example, in a sales report you may want to calculate an average of sales
per state (average summary on the sales field) and calculate the number of
products sold in the state (distinct count of the product name field).
Lesson: 5
Formatting a Report
 Adding graphical elements

 Combining text objects with database fields

 Applying specialized formatting

 Inserting fields with pre-built functions

Adding graphical elements
We can add graphical element in three ways on the report :
By using insert menu
By using Standard tool bar
By Right Click and Popup Menu
Combining text objects with database fields
• Crystal Report provide the facility to combine the database
table field with the Text objects.
Applying specialized formatting
 Formatting refers to changes you can make to the layout and
design of a report, as well as the appearance of text, objects, or
entire report sections. You can use formatting to do many things,
 Dividing sections of a report.
 Calling attention to certain data.
 Changing the presentation of dates, numbers, Boolean values,
currency values, and text strings.
 Hiding unwanted sections.
 Giving the report a professional appearance.
Inserting fields with pre-built functions
 When using a function in a formula, type the name of the
function and supply the arguments required. For example, the
Length function requires a String argument and computes the
length of the string.

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