Short Story Questions Presentataion

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He is wrong to hit the Jaguar with a brick? Yes or No?
Explain your answer.

The boy needs help to rescue his special needs brother who fell from
a wheelchair. He tried to stop a passing vehicle but his attempt failed.
He was also not strong enough to lift his special needs brother. So,
he had no choice but to throwing a brick at the Jaguar in hopes he got
the driver’s attention. I am impressed by his actions. A boy has such
thoughts. But I think he was desperate to do such a thing. He could
be subject to legal action. In my opinion, the boy was not at fault for
the action taken at the time. Because he wants to save his special
needs brother. Plus, he did what he was supposed to do. He also
tried other ways but was unsuccessful, so he had no choice but to
take such an action. I predict the Jaguar driver is a good guy.
Although at first, he was angry. But, when he heard the explanation
from the boy, he was touched. The Jaguar driver was taught that
don’t chase this world just to achieve success without caring about
the people around like there are those who need help.


What would you have done in his place? Explain
your reasons.

A boy tries to help his special needs brother who fell from a
wheelchair. He wanted to help his special needs brother who fell from a
wheelchair by trying to lift him but he was not strong enough. He tried to
stop passing vehicles around there. But no one stopped until he used a
way that could trouble himself by throwing a brick at the vehicle to
attract attention. He may be subject to legal action for endangering
people's lives as well as damaging someone's vehicle. The boy threw a
brick at the Jaguar. But, he was lucky that the Jaguar driver did not take
such action against him. In my opinion, I might do something the same
as that of what the boy did. This is because it is difficult for a boy who
has limited strength to lift a load that is unlikely to be lifted by a boy his
age. I predict a boy of that age is unable to think rationally of the
consequences of his actions. But, out of desperation to ask for help
because he was not willing to see his brother in a state of injury. I notice
that, he loved his special needs brother so much that he was willing to
do such a thing because he wanted to help him. What we can see is
that he put family as his priority. He takes good care of his special
needs brother. He is a responsible brother.


Explain what the line “Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw
a brick at you to get your attention!” means based on your understanding of
the story?

In the story what I understand is that a boy is desperate to help his special
needs brother who fell from a wheelchair so he does an action out of his mind by
throwing a brick to the Jaguar because he wants help. I notice that after the boy
did such a thing, he told the Jaguar driver mentioned that he tried to stop the
passing vehicles there but no one stopped. So, he had no choice but to throw a
brick at the Jaguar to get attention. He did it because he told him that his special
needs brother was so heavy to lift. The boy had limited strength. His strength is
not the same as adult males. The line “Don’t go through life so fast that someone
has to throw brick at you to get your attention!” means based on my
understanding of the story. In my opinion, how busy we are that we ignore what
was around us in living life. We are so busy that we don’t notice that there are
people who need our help. In this world, we are not the only ones who inhabit this
place. We also share the same life with others. It's just that our life journey may
be different. For the sake of surprising us from the hustle and bustle of the world,
someone has to do things in a really outrageous way like in this story a boy
throws a brick at a car get attention. Sometimes, we have to put ourselves in the
place of others to found out what they feel.


In your opinion, can this happen in real life and are
people kind like the Jaguar driver?
In my opinion, I think this can happen in real life and
people that kind like the Jaguar driver do exist. It is because
there are many kind hearted human being out there. Even we
are in a modern life, there are still many people who are in
trouble and need help from anyone who willingly to help
them. If we are the person who help the other, we should not
expect a return for our kindness. We also should be sincere
in everything we do. My opinion can be related with the short
story when the boy without doubt threw the brick to the car for
asked a help. In this situation, the boy with a kind hearted still
wanted to help his brother even he have been scolded by the
Jaguar driver. Then, in the Jaguar driver situation, at first he
wanted to scold the boy because the damage but then I think
that he is still have a humanity sense when he knew the truth
of the boy’s action by helping him without saying anything.


Thank you


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