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Crystal Report For Enterprise BI 4.1 :Report Design I – Fund.

of Report Design

1. Planning a Report 30 Minutes
2. Creating a Report 90 Minutes
3. Selecting Records 60 Minutes
4. Organizing data on Report 90 Minutes
5. Formatting a Report 90 Minutes
6. Applying Section Formatting 60 Minutes
7. Creating Basic Formulas 180 Minutes
8. Applying Conditional Reporting 45 Minutes
9. Representing Data Visually 45 Minutes
10.Distributing a Report 30 Minutes
Content : Day-2
a) Applying Section Formatting Theory & Practical 60 Min

b) Creating Basic Formulas Theory & Practical 180 Min

c) Representing Data Visually Theory & Practical 45 Min

d) Applying Conditional Reporting Theory & Practical 45 Min

e) Distributing a Report Theory & Practical 30 Min

Lesson: 6
Applying Section Formatting

 Formatting Sections
 Creating a Summary Report
Formatting Sections

Crystal Reports provides five design section areas to use when

building your report:
Report Header
Page Header
Report Footer
Page Footer
You can:
Inserting a section
Deleting a section
Moving a section
Merging two related sections
Resizing a section
Formatting Sections
Section Expert :

Section Formatting :
Formatting Sections
Common Tab
Hide (Drill-Down OK)
Suppress (No Drill-Down)
Suppress Blank Section
Print at Bottom of Page
Keep Together
Underlay Following Sections
Format with Multiple Columns
Clamp Page Footer
Reserve Minimum Page Footer
Relative Positions
Formatting Sections
Paging tab
New Page Before
Reset Page Number After
New Page After

Color tab
Background Color
Conditional Formula
Creating a Summary Report
Summary reports is a relatively easy way to ensure that users
quickly find the data they need over the Web. A summary
report can include as much data as any other report.
However, by hiding a summary report's Details section, you
avoid overwhelming users with data they may not
immediately need.
Lesson: 7
Creating Basic Formulas
•Defining formulas
•Creating formulas
•Applying Boolean formulas
•Applying If-Then-Else formulas
•Applying date calculations
•Applying number calculations
•Applying string manipulation
Defining formulas
A formula is used to manipulate data in your report. For example, it can perform a
calculation or change the way a field looks. You can think of a formula as a small piece
of computer programming code that processes and prints its result on your report, just
like a database field. It will print the result wherever you place the formula field.

You can write formulas that are as simple or complex as you need them to be.
Understanding the formula language will help you develop powerful and flexible

Typical uses for a formula include:

• Calculating a percentage of a number

• Extracting a single character from a string field
• Combining a text string with a number or date field
• Finding the difference between two date fields
• Performing conditional logic
Creating Formulas
 The Formula Editor is a component of the Formula Workshop.
Using the Formula Editor, you combine fields, operators, and
functions together to create a working formula. The Formula
Editor enables you to type the components of the formula

Formula Workshop/
Formula Editor
Creating Formulas
Select the various functions, operators, group field
values, and other formulas from the available lists. By
double-clicking the item, Crystal Reports inserts it into the
formula for you. In the Formula Editor, you can customize
your settings with dockable and resizable frame windows,
bookmarks, drag and drop, and search and replace.
Applying Boolean formulas
Boolean formulas incorporate the operators AND, OR and NOT and
are used when you want to signal a condition of “true” or “false”.

Boolean formulas can be displayed as True or False, T or F, Yes or

No, Y or N, or 1 or 0. A Boolean formula would have a result that
was a set of one of these values.
You can change how a Boolean value is displayed in your report by
right-clicking the value and selecting Format. You then have the
option to display it as 1 or 0, Y or N, Yes or No, True or False, or
T or F.
You can use Boolean formulas to check for conditions within a
field. For example, to determine whether an order amount
matches a certain condition, you would write a formula like this:
{Orders.Order Amount} > 5000
Boolean Formulas
Boolean operators are used to create conditions that require a logical
relationship between two or more values. Conditions that use Boolean
operators are called Boolean expressions.

• A and B means that both A and B must be true for the condition to be
satisfied (to return a TRUE value).
• A or B means that either A or B (or both) must be true for the condition to
be satisfied (to return a TRUE value).

Several useful examples of Boolean operators are:

• And
• Or
• Not
Applying Date Calculations
• Date Functions allow you to convert numbers to dates, which
you can then format to display as appropriate, and to convert
dates to numbers.

• Examples of calculations using date or date/time fields are:

• Current Date
• Addition and subtraction
• Year, month and day functions.
Applying Date Calculations
Current Date : To have today’s date appear on a report, use the
Current Date function.

Addition and Subtraction : You can add days to date fields by

adding a number.
You can also subtract days from date fields by subtracting a

The most useful application of these concepts is finding the

difference in days between two date fields.

Year, month and day functions: At times you may need to extract
the year, month or day portions from a date field. To accomplish
this task you would use the Year(), Month() or Day() function.
Applying Number Calculations
• Number Calculations can include
• Addition
• Subtraction
• Count
• Distinct Count
Applying String Manipulation
String manipulation formulas include:
Uppercase and Lowercase
Lesson: 8
Representing Data Visually
Creating a Chart
Chart Expert
Creating a Chart
 Crystal Reports enables you to include sophisticated, colorful charts in
your reports. You can use charts any time you want to improve the
usefulness of a report.
 For example, if you have a sales report grouped by Region with a subtotal
of Last Year's Sales for each region, you can quickly create a chart that will
display Sales per Region.
 You can chart on the following:
 Summary and subtotal fields.
 Detail, formula, and Running Total fields.
 Cross-Tab summaries.
 OLAP data.

 You will typically chart on summary and subtotal information at the group
level. However, depending on the type of data you are working with, you
can create an Advanced, Cross-Tab, or OLAP grid chart for your report.
Chart Expert
Chart Expert
The tabs in the Chart Expert are:

• Type
• Data
• Axes
• Options
• Color highlight
• Text
Lesson: 9
Applying Conditional Reporting
Determining trends in data
Formatting data conditionally
Determining Trends in Data
The trend are the summery information which explain the
business day to day activities.
For Example;
Sales by region
Sales by country
Sales by state
Customer by country
Formatting Data Conditionally
 Conditional formatting is formatting that applies only under certain
 For example, in a report you may only want:
 Customer balances printed in red if they are past due.
 The dates to appear in Day, Month, Year format if the customer is Canadian.
 Background color to appear on every other line.
 Conditional on or off properties
 A conditional on or off property tests to see if a condition has been met. It is
on if the condition is met, off if the condition is not met. There is no middle
ground. Use Boolean formulas for this kind of formatting.
 //Conditional formatting example 1
 If {Customer.Last Year's Sales} > 100000 Then crGreen
Else If {Customer.Last Year's Sales} < 15000 Then crRed
Else crBlack
Lesson: 10
Distributing a Report
Exporting a report
Saving a report to Business Objects Enterprise
Exporting a report
 Finished reports can be exported to a number of
popular formats, such as spreadsheet, word
processor, HTML, and common data
interchange formats.
Crystal Reports (RPT)
HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0
Microsoft Excel (97-2003)
Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-only
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Separated Values (CSV)
Saving a report to Business Objects Enterprise
 You can save Crystal reports to Business Objects Enterprise folders. Use the Save
As dialog box to save a modified report back to its original location, or use it to
save a new report to an Enterprise folder. Saving a report to an Enterprise folder
is the same as publishing the report to Business Objects Enterprise.

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