Name: Kurniawan Hadi Prasetyo (201801165) Novaline Neltjie Laipen (1801166) Class: D S1 Nursing Science

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: Kurniawan Hadi Prasetyo (201801165)
              Novaline Neltjie Laipen (1801166)
Class  : D S1 Nursing Science
 RSUD RA BASOENI Mojokerto Regency islocatedat Jln. Rayagedeg no.
17, GedegDistrict, Mojokerto Regency. This hospital istheonlyreferral
hospital in theNorthoftheriver. RA hospital Basoeni found edon 16 Mey,
In 2011 RSUD Basoeniparticipated in accreditationwith 5
WorkingGroups. 2016 followedthe 2012
editionofthestringsaccreditationwith 15 Pokjas. And in 2019
completedthe 1st edition of the strings accreditationand in 2016
wasawardedthePlenary Level Accreditation Pass bythe Hospital
 RSUD RA Basoeni currently has 9 service sincluding emergency services, maternity
counseling counseling services, intensive care services, intensive neonatal care services,
operating room services, inpatient services, outpatient services, medical record services, and
mortuary services. There are also 3 new building sandpolyand laboratoryrooms such as
polymataroom, polyobgyn, NICU, lactationroom, radiology, serology/immunology laboratory,
hematology laboratory, clinical chemis try laboratory, endoscopyroom, triageroom,
resuscitationroom, observationroom, isolationroom, and ICU.
 The superior service savailable at Basoeni Hospital are:
 - Endoscopy service. A service with modern technology forsupporting diagnosis of disorder
sof the digestive tract system through a small camera that is inserted into the
 - Cataractsurgeryservices. Phacoemulsificationis modern
cataractsurgerywith verysmallincisionsandwithoutsutures.
 - Worktreatmentservices.
 - 4-dimensional ultrasound service. This type of pregnancy examination use sultrasound
which cancapture images of the fetus in the uterus more clearly and can see the move
mentsand sound sof the fetus.

In 2005 Basoeni Hospital had 76 bedswith 42 health work

ersincluding 2 specialists 10 general practitioners 30 nurseswho
were still being assisted by healt hworkers from health centers in
Mojokerto. In 2019 there was a nincrease where Basoeni Hospital
had 167 bedswith 127 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) employees,
184 ASN or BLUD no, 17 specialistdoctors, 2 specialist dentists, 1
dentist, 2 general practitioners 134 people medical, non-medical
95 people, non-nursing media 57 people.

Now at the time of registration at the Basoeni Hospital, it can

bedone by registering online through the website or via
WhatsApp. Other facilities are E-prescriptions and outpatient
pharmacies. As well cafeteria and cooperatives that  can assist the
needsof families ofpatients to meet the need sof the
principal at the time at home sick

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