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Presented by
Control System Introduction
Open Loop and Closed Loop Systems
Differences between Open and Closed Loop
Positive and Negative Feedback
Feedback Effects on System performance characteristics
Types of Feedback control Systems
INTRODUCTION: Basic concept of simple control system, open loop – closed loop
control systems. Effect of feedback on overall gain – stability sensitivity and external
noise. Types of feedback control systems – Linear time invariant, time variant systems.
Differential equations – impulse response and transfer functions – translational and
rotational mechanical systems. Transfer functions and open-loop and closed-loop
systems. Block diagram representation of control systems – block diagram algebra – signal
flow graph – Mason’s gain formula
TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Standard test signals – step, ramp, parabolic and impulse
response function – characteristic polynomial and characteristic equations of feedback
systems – transient response of first order and second order systems to standard test
Time domain specifications – steady state response – steady state error and error
constants. Effect of adding poles and zeros on over shoot, rise time, band width –
dominant poles of transfer functions. STABILITY ANALYSIS IN THE COMPLEX PLANE:
Absolute, relative, conditional, bounded input – bounded output, zero input stability,
conditions for stability, Routh – Hurwitz criterion.
FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Introduction – frequency domain specifications –
correlation between time and frequency responses.
Polar plots – Bode plots – Nyquist stability criterion – Nyquist plots. Assessment of
relative stability using Nyquist criterion – closed loop frequency response.
Root LOCUS TECHNIQUE: Introduction – stability from root locus – construction of
root loci.
STATE SPACE ANALYSIS: Concepts of stat, state variables and state models –
digitalization – solution of state equations – state models for LTI systems. Concepts of
controllability and Observability.
B.C. Kuo, Automatic control systems, 9th edition, PHI.
I. J. Nagrath& M Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, 3rd edition, New Age
What is Linear Control System ?
System : It is connection of components in a proper way in which input signal is
processed to produce output.
Example : Air conditioner, Car, etc..,

Control System : A Control System is a system in which the output is controlled by

varying the input to get the desired output.
Example : 1) Air Conditioner maintaining the room temperature
2) Car moving with a speed of 80 Km/hr
3) Water Tank filling
4) Elevator
5) Traffic lights control system
6) Washing machine
7) Microwave Owen

Linear Control System : This applies to systems made of devices which obey the
superposition principle, which means roughly that the output is proportional to the

System Response Characteristics : Variation of output wrt input in a graphical

Classification of Control Systems
Based on some parameters, we can classify the control systems into
the following ways.

Control Systems can be classified as continuous time control systems and

discrete time control systems based on the type of the signal used.
Continuous time Control System
Discrete-time Control System

Control Systems can be classified as SISO control systems and MIMO

control systems based on the number of inputs and 0utputs present.
SISO Control System
MIMO Control System

Control Systems can be classified as open loop control systems and

closed loop control systems based on the feedback path.
Open loop control system
Closed loop control system
Error : The difference between Actual Response and Desired Response.

Note : In Some systems, Error may be acceptable and in some systems Error need to be
Open loop control system
An open-loop control system is a system in which the control action is
independent of the desired output signal. In this system, the output signal is
not compared with the input signal which means there is no feedback signal
in this system. The open-loop control system is also known as a non-feedback
control system or control system without feedback.

Controller : To control the amount of input required to process.

Process or Plant : Which process the input.
Examples :

Automatic washing machine- In this system, the operating time is set

manually. After the completion of the set time, the machine stops whether the
desired cleanness is obtained or not because there is no feedback signal which
the machine can sense.
Immersion rod- In this system, the rod heats up the water but how much
hot water is required that cannot be sensed by the rod.

Advantages of an open-loop control system :

Open loop systems are simple.
These are economical.
Stable output

Disadvantages of open loop control system

Poorly equipped to handle the disturbances.
Closed loop control system
A closed loop control system is a system in which control action is dependent
on the desired output. In this system, the output signal is compared with the
reference input signal, and an error signal is produced then this error signal is
fed to the controller to reduce the error to obtain the desired output.

Note : Also called Automatic Control System

The presence of feedback compensate the disturbance and improves the accuracy of
the system.
Water Level Controller – Input water is controlled by water level of the tank.
Room Heater - This system allows the user to set a desired temperature
which is then compared to the room temperature measured by a temperature

Advantages of closed-loop systems

Less effected by noise

Disadvantages of closed-loop systems

Complex and costlier
Feedback reduces the overall Gain
Difference between an open-loop system and closed-loop system
Laplace Transform
The Laplace transform is a linear operator that
switched a function f(t) to F(s).


Transfer Function of Open Loop:

The transfer function of a control system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace
transform of the output variable to Laplace transform of the input variable

In a Laplace Transform , if the input is represented by R(s) and the output is

represented by C(s), then the transfer function will be:

That is, the transfer function of the system multiplied by the input function
gives the output function of the system.
Types of Feedback :

There are two types of feedback −

Positive feedback
Negative feedback

Positive (or Regenerative) Feedback

The positive feedback adds the reference input, R(s) and feedback output to increase
the Overall Gain. The following figure shows the block diagram of positive feedback
control system.
The concept of transfer function will be discussed in later chapters. For the time
being, consider the transfer function of positive feedback control system is,

T is the transfer function or overall gain of positive feedback control system.
G is the open loop gain, which is function of frequency.
H is the gain of feedback path, which is function of frequency.

Negative(or Degenerative) Feedback:

Negative feedback reduces the error between the reference input, R(s) and system
output to reduce the Overall Gain. The following figure shows the block diagram of
the negative feedback control system.
Transfer function of negative feedback control system is,

T is the transfer function or overall gain of negative feedback control system.
G is the open loop gain, which is function of frequency.
H is the gain of feedback path, which is function of frequency.
Feedback Effects on System Performance
characteristics :

Overall Gain
External Disturbance or Noise

If we give 15v to a bulb the output maximum will be 14v
for a good system the GAIN=1

practically GAIN may not be equal to 1;as output never be equal to input

Stability :
It describes whether the system will be able to follow the input command.
ie.., Output is bounded for bounded input.

A system is unstable if its output is out of control.

Note : Bounded means maxima and minima of signal must be finite.

Sensitivity :
Sensitivity is defined as how much the output is sensitive or change with
respective to variation of system parameters or input.
System parameters like if we consider motor which can have certain
parameters like temperature dependency, magnetic field, resistance, etc..,

For control systems the sensitivity must be as low as possible .

If the output is get affected to a very large extent due to disturbances then
control system is highly sensitive.

External Disturbances/Noise:
All physical systems are subject to some types of extraneous signals or
noise during operation.
Thermal Noise voltage in electronic circuits and Brush noise in electric
motors are the examples.
Effect of Feedback on Overall Gain:
we can say that the overall gain of negative feedback closed loop control
system is the ratio of 'G' and (1+GH).
So, the overall gain may increase or decrease depending on the value of (1+GH).

For the negative feedback, (1+GH) increases, then the overall gain decreases.

For the positive feedback, (1-GH) decreases, then the overall gain increases.

Effect of Feedback on Sensitivity:

Sensitivity of the overall gain of negative feedback closed loop control system
(T) to the variation in open loop gain (G) is defined as
So, we got the sensitivity of the overall gain of closed loop control system as the
reciprocal of (1+GH). So, Sensitivity may increase or decrease depending on the
value of H.

For the negative feedback, (1+GH) increases, then the Sensitivity decreases.

For the positive feedback, (1-GH) decreases, then the Sensitivity increases.

Effect of Feedback on Stability

A system is said to be stable, if its output is under control. Otherwise, it is said to be

If the denominator value is zero (i.e., GH = -1), then the output of the control
system will be infinite. So, the control system becomes unstable.

Therefore, we have to properly choose the feedback in order to make the control
system stable.
Effect of Feedback on Noise

To know the effect of feedback on noise, let us compare the transfer function
relations with and without feedback due to noise signal alone.

Consider an open loop control system with noise signal as shown below.

The open loop transfer function due to noise signal alone is

It is obtained by making the other input R(s) equal to zero.

Consider a closed loop control system with noise signal as shown below.

The closed loop transfer function due to noise signal alone is

It is obtained by making the other input R(s) equal to zero.

In the closed loop control system, the gain due to noise signal is decreased by a
factor of (1+GaGbH) provided that the term (1+GaGbH) is greater than one.
Types of Feedback control systems :

• Based on the method of analysis and design ;

 Linear
 Non-linear
 Time-varying
 Time-invariant
 Linear Time Variant
 Linear Time Invariant

A linear system has these properties:

If you multiply the input by a number, the output will be multiplied by the same
The output for the sum of two input signals is the sum of the corresponding
output signals.
A system is called time invariant if its input, output characteristics does not change
with time shifting.
e.g. y(n)=x(n)+x(n-1)

A system is called time variant if its input, output characteristics changes with time
e.g. y(n)=x(-n).
Linear versus Nonlinear Control Systems :

Strictly speaking, linear systems do not exist in practice.

Linear feedback control systems are idealized models defined for the simplicity
of analysis and design.

Non linear systems are usually difficult to treat mathematically, and there are no
methods available for analysing non linear systems.

In the design of control systems, it is practical first to design the system based on
linear model by neglecting nonlinearities of the system. Then applied to the
nonlinear system model for analysis or redesign.
For instance, amplifiers used in control systems often exhibit a saturation effect
when their input signals become large, because magnitudes of signals are limited to
ranges in control systems leads to non linear operation.

E.g.; Car speed, Water level in tank, etc..,

In real life, all control systems are non linear systems.
In practice most physical systems that vary with time.

For example,
Resistance of electric motor will vary as temperature rising.
Guided missile control system in which the mass of the missile decreases as the
fuel on board is being consumed during flight.

The analysis and design of linear time variant systems are usually much more
complex than that of linear time-invariant systems.

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