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Motor Systems

Cerebellum “little brain”

• Reception of information from the periphery concerning the position
of the body parts (proprioceptive information + muscle tone +
vestibular information…+ position of the head in space).
• Coordination… + prediction of movement…  skilled manipulation
of muscles…(feed-forward mechanisms…calculates trajectories…An error-
correcting movements/ “predictive control” of movements).
• Comparison + integration of information with plans for movement
received from the cortex… smooth coordinated motor actions…
• Plays a significant role in cognition (language and helps to coordinate &
predict mental concepts)…

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Cerebellum… • 10 % total volume of the brain.
• > ½ of total number of neurons in CNS.
• 40x more axons projecting to it than
exit from it.
• Its activity occurs subconsciously.

 Somatosensory
 Visual
 Auditory
 Vestibular
 Proprioceptive
 Neocortex/corticospinal tracts

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Coordinator +

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Functional anatomy
• Located in the posterior cranial fossa.
• Separated from the cerebrum by tentorium cerebelli.
• Overlies the 4th ventricle.
• Connected to the brainstem by three cerebellar peduncles.
• superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles
• All tracts to and from the cerebellum travel through the cerebellar

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o Superior surface
o Inferior surface
o Anterior surface
o Right hemisphere
o Left hemisphere
• Midline structure: vermis
Folia ….. parallel, longitudinal folds/convolutions
o Organized into groups of folia
o 10 lobules
o 3 lobes

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Lobes: 3

• Anterior (I-V)
• Posterior (VI-IX)
• Flocculonodular (X)

Two deep transverse fissures:

o Primary fissure: ant. & post. lobe.
o Posterolateral fissure: flocculonodular

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Anatomical lobes of the cerebellum
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Cerebellar peduncles
• Connects cerebellum to the
dorsal aspect of the brain stem.
1. Superior cerebellar peduncle
/SCP  midbrain (Brachium

2. Middle cerebellar peduncle

/MCP  pons (Brachium

3. Inferior cerebellar peduncle

ICP  medulla (Restiform

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Afferent tracts to and efferent tracts from the cerebellum

Afferents Efferents
SCP Anterior spinocerebellar tract Dentatorubrothalamic tract
Acoustic and optic information Dentatothalamic tract
MCP Pontocerebellar tract ------
ICP Vestibulocerebellar tract Cerebellovestibular tract
Olivocerebellar tract Cerebelloolivary tract
Posterior spinocerebellar tract

 Most cerebellar output fibers arise from the deep nuclei & project
through the superior cerebellar peduncle.
 Exception: Purkinje cells in the flocculonodular lobe
(directly project to vestibular nuclei in the brain stem).

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Motor planning for


Proximal limb + trunk coordination

Distal limb coordination ACST + Reticulospinal +
LCST+ Rubrospinal tract Vestibulospinal + Tectospinal tracts

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Medial  Lateral
• Fastigial
• Globose
• Emboliform
• Dentate

• Vestibular & visual inputs

• Projects to the vestibular nuclei in
the brain stem.
• Participates in balance + vestibular
reflexes + eye movements.
Functional components of the cerebellum
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Physiological anatomy of the cerebellum

1. Vestibulocerebellum/archicerebellum/flocculonodular lobe
• Oldest part of the cerebellum.
• Consists of the flocculonodular lobe.
• Connected to the vestibular apparatus through the vestibular nuclei in
the brain stem (semicircular canals & otolith organs).
• Receives mossy fiber visual input (from pretectal nuclei + 1° & 2°
visual cortex).
• Concerned with maintenance of equilibrium & controlling eye and
head movement.
• Vestibulocerebellum  spinocerebellum cerebrocerebellum

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Primary fissure

Anterior lobe
Regulation of muscle tone,
coordination of skilled voluntary

Posterior lobe
Planning & initiation of
voluntary activity

Lobe (FN lobe)
Maintenance of balance, control
of eye movements Vestibulocerebellum

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2. Spinocerebellum/paleocerebellum
• Consists of the vermis + intermediate/medial paravermal parts of the
cerebellar hemispheres.
• Receives signals from somatosensory + proprioceptors (touch,
pressure & limb position)…spinal cord.
• Vermis receives visual, auditory, and vestibular input as well as
somatic sensory input from the head & proximal parts of the body.
• Concerned with the control of posture + muscle tone + gross
• Provides some immediate feedback based on sensory input from the
• Projects through the ICP to fastigial & interposed nuclei.
• Is somatotopically organized
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3. Cerebrocerebellum/neocerebellum/pontocerebellum
• Consists of the lateral parts of the cerebellar hemispheres.
• Connected to the cerebral cortex/thru dentate nucleus (projects to
motor, premotor & pre-frontal cortices).
• Concerned with the planning & control of skilled voluntary
movements initiated by the cerebral cortex/contralateral cerebral cortex.
• Working memory…
NB: All these divisions are interconnected by interneurons.
• The structure of the cerebellum
o Outer layer  gray matter  cerebellar cortex
o Inner layer  white matter  cerebellar white matter

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Functional organization of the spinocerebellum, cerebrocerebellum & vestibulocerebellum.

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Cytoarchitecture of the cerebellar cortex
Three layers:
1. Molecular layer…. lies deep to the pia mater
• Outermost layer + processing layer.
• Interconnecting fibers/parallel fibers.

• Contains cell bodies & dendrites of stellate + basket cells

(+++ extensive dendrites of Purkinje cells).
• Inhibitory inter-neurons, dispersed among the excitatory axons of
granule cells and the dendrites of inhibitory Purkinje cells
• Contains the axons of the granule cells/parallel fibers.

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Cytoarchitecture and types of neurons
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Cerebellar cytoarchitecture
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2. Purkinje cell layer

• Middle layer + output layer.

• Giant Purkinje cells + processes of stellate & basket cells.
• Have large cell bodies and fanlike dendrites, extend upward into the
molecular layer…
(climbing fibers + excitatory & inhibitory interneurons).
• Purkinje cell axons conduct the entire output of the cerebellar
cortex (to the deep nuclei in the underlying white matter/or to the
vestibular nuclei in the brain stem).
• This output is entirely inhibitory and mediated by the
neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

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Cytoarchitecture… Cerebellum

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3. Granule cell layer
• Deepest layer + input layer
• Granule cells (1010 cells!)
• Golgi cells (+++ + chandelier cells)
• Cells of Lugaro (5-HT), form inhibitory synapse with Golgi +
basket + stellate cells
• Unipolar brush cells, glutamatergic/glycine in FN lobe.
• Mossy fibers terminate in this layer
• Contains synaptic complexes cerebellar glomeruli.
• Space where the bulbous terminal of a mossy fiber makes
synaptic contact with golgi and granule cells.

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Cerebellar glomerulus
• Mossy fibers
• Granule cell
• Golgi cell

Cerebellar layers and cerebellar glomerulus

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Cells of the cerebellar cortex
• 5 types of cells:
o Basket (-)
o Golgi (-)
o Granule cells (+)
o Purkinje (-)
o Stellate (-)
1. Basket cells(-)
• Inhibitory, GABAergic neurons, located in the molecular layer.
• Fiber branching is  to the Purkinje cell dendritic tree.
• Inputs: mossy + climbing fibers

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Cellular anatomy
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Cerebellar cortex and its component cell layers
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2. Golgi cell (-)
• Located in the granule cell layer.
• Processes radiate into all other layers.
• Inhibitory interneurons/GABAergic
• Synapse in the cerebellar glomerulus (+ parallel + mossy + climbing
3. Granule cell (+)
• Very abundant & located in the granular layer/glutamatergic
• Inputs: mossy fibers within the cerebellar glomerulus.
• Form parallel fibers (axons bifurcate at molecular layer… T-
shaped configuration).
• Course through the bushy dendrites of Purkinje cells
• Forms glutamate releasing excitatory synapses
• Stellate cells, basket cells, and golgi cells
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Cerebellar cortex and its component cell layers
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4. Purkinje cell (-) ….. are multipolar neurons
• Largest cell in the cerebellar cortex.
• Cell bodies are located in the Purkinje cell layer.
• Excitatory inputs: climbing fibers + parallel fibers of granule cells.
(200,000 to 106 granule cells)
• Inhibitory inputs: basket cells + stellate cells.
• Purkinje axon is the efferent pathway of the cerebellum.
• Projects via the deep cerebellar nuclei…. dentate nucleus
• Inhibitory/GABAergic synapses.
• Axons of some purkinje cells go right past the deep cerebellar nuclei
and synapse in the vestibular nuclei.
• Extracerebellar projection…. flocculonodular lobe/FNL

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5. Stellate cells

• Inhibitory interneurons/molecular layer.

• Inhibitory synapses with the dendrites of the Purkinje cells (taurine)
• Excitatory synapses with parallel fibers of the granule cells.

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Cerebellar neurons

- -
Afferent neurons

+ -

Efferent neuron

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Fibers of the cerebellar cortex

Three fiber types:

• Climbing fibers (+)
• Mossy fibers (+)
• Parallel fibers (+)
• Modulatory fibers…

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Wiring of cerebellar cortex

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1. Climbing fibers
• Originate from the inferior olivary nuclear complex.
• Sensory information from periphery & cerebral cortex.
• 1Climbing fiber: 1Purkinje cell (excitatory).
• Event detection, motor learning,.
• Glutamate/aspartate

• Each neuron within the inferior olivary nuclear complex gives rise to
about 10 climbing fibers.
• Each climbing fiber contacts 1 to 10 Purkinje neurons, but each Purkinje
neuron receives synaptic input from only a single climbing fiber.

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2. Mossy fibers
• Cell bodies in spinal cord + brain stem.
• Afferents from the spinal cord + posterior column nuclei + trigeminal
system + pontine nuclei + vestibular nuclei…cerebral cortex.
• Form excitatory synapses on the dendrites of granule cells in the
granular layer.
• Encode magnitude & duration of peripheral stimuli or centrally
generated behaviors….
• Cerebellar glomerulus
o Golgi cell + granule cell dendrites + bulbous axon terminal of mossy
o First processing station for cerebellar afferents.
o The synapse with granule cells is under inhibitory control of Golgi cell
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Cerebellar glomerulus

 Each mossy fiber forms 50 glomerulus/folium.

 Each granule cell receives input from 3-5 mossy fibers.
 A granule cell 3-5 short dendrites and each forms a glomerulus.
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3. Parallel fibers
• Synapse with the Purkinje cell dendrites (+++basket + stellate cells)
• Parallel fibers run perpendicular to the plane of the Purkinje cell
dendritic tree.

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4. Modulatory fibers

• Neural projections to all cortical layers/molecular layer

• Locus ceruleus  NE
• Raphe magnus  5-HT
• Brain stem  ACh
• Hypothalamus  Histamine

• Two afferent fiber systems encode information differently.
• Parallel pathways compare excitatory and inhibitory signals.

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How does Purkinje neuron firing affect movement?

• 50APs/sec in the absence of sensory input

(Rapid, precise, tight temporal control)
• Purkinje neurons are inhibitory, thus when they slow or stop firing their targets are excited.

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Synaptic organization of cerebellar microcircuit
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Wiring of cerebellar cortex

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Canonical circuit
• Climbing fibers
• Mossy fibers Excitatory

• Basket cells
• Golgi cells Inhibitory/GABA
• Purkinje cells
• Stellate cells

• Granule cells: excitatory/Glutamate

- • Deep nuclear cells: excitatory
Sculpting inhibition
• Allows cerebellum to smooth & coordinate

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Wiring of cerebellar cortex

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Cerebellar deep nuclei

• 4 paired deep cerebellar nuclei.

• Relay + processing stations for information coming from the
cerebellar cortex to targets outside the cerebellum.
• Nuclei (LM):
o Dentate….. largest deep nucleus
o Emboliform
Interposed n
o Globose
o Fastigial

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Organization of deep cerebellar nuclei Dentate nuclei
• Project contralaterally through the
SCP to contralateral thalamus & to
motor cortex.
• Influence planning & initiation of
voluntary movement.
Emboliform & Globose nuclei
• Project mainly to the contralateral
red nuclei & a small group is
projected to the motor cortex.
• Red Nuclei  Rubrospinal Tract
control of proximal limb muscles.
Fastigial nuclei
• Project to the vestibular nuclei
& to the pontine & medullary RF.
• Vestibulospinal & Reticulospinal
tracts (+ controls all musculature
involved in stance and gait).

Interposed nucleus = [Emboliform n. + globose n.]

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Deep cerebellar nuclei… outputs

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Cerebellar cortex: Fractured somatotopy

Somatotopic representation/homunculus Functional areas of cerebellar cortex

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• Anterior lobe: extremities
• Posterior lobe: extremities + head
• Midline: trunk

Somatosensory projection areas in the cerebellar cortex

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Principal afferent inputs to cerebellum

Cerebral cortex

Pons Cerebellum

Vestibular Inferior Spinal

inputs Olive Cord

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Mossy fibers

Climbing fibers

Afferent inputs
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Afferent inputs from brainstem & cerebral cortex

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• Cerebellum receives + interprets proprioceptive information.
• Coordinates balance/+ vestibular nuclei.
• Connections with the forebrain  coordination of limb movement + fine
movement + eye-hand coordination.
I. Afferents
• Vestibular system/balance.
• Spinal cord/proprioceptive information. Mossy fibers
• Pontine nuclei about cortical information.

• Inferior olivary nuclear complex Climbing fibers.

(Mainly contralateral/+bilateral projections…)

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Cerebellar Afferents

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Cerebellar Afferents

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Principal afferent tracts to the cerebellum
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Spinocerebellar tracts
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II. Efferents
• Information leaving the cerebellum is relayed through the
deep cerebellar nuclei.
• Project to the cerebral cortex via the red nucleus and the
thalamus, vestibular nuclei and the olivary nuclear complex.
• All information leaving the cerebellum travels through the
superior and inferior cerebellar peduncles

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Principal efferent outputs of cerebellum

Cerebellar cortex

Deep nuclei

Vestibular Inferior Red

Nuclei Olive Nucleus


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• Direct  vestibular nuclei
• Indirect  CDN…brainstem, thalamus…
cerebral cortex…

Efferent outputs
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Purkinje cell projections from the cerebellar cortex to the deep cerebellar nuclei & the vestibular nuclei
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Cerebellar efferents

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Cerebellar efferents

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Principal efferent tracts from the cerebellum
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Efferent outputs of cerebellum

Outputs from fastigial nucleus

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Efferent outputs of cerebellum

Outputs from Purkinje cells thru interposed nucleus

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Efferent outputs of cerebellum

Outputs to cerebral cortex thru dentate nucleus

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Functional relationships
• Cerebellum  feedback + feed-forward mechanisms.
• Inputs from the inferior olivary nuclear complex /IONC go to all areas
of the cerebellum  modulate the output from the Purkinje cells…
• Inputs to & outputs from the cerebellum are segregated, and each
functional loop is independent of the others.
Feedback mechanism
• Plan for movement is compared with sensory + proprioceptive
signals resulting from movement…
• Requires an accurate comparison between the actual movement +
planned movement.
• Correct errors that have already occurred + cannot predict & prevent
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Feed-forward mechanism

• Allows quick reactions because errors are predicted and prevented

before they can happen…it involves anticipation of errors from previous
• Relies on learning from previous experience/associative learning.
• Calculates likely outcomes + predicts the sensory consequences 
correcting the ongoing movement before an error can occur.
•  not only for our movements but also for movements of objects and
people around us.
• Cerebellar coordination, timing & learning.

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Vestibulocerebellar connections…
• Stability & balance/state of body equilibrium.
• Components:
o Vestibular nuclei
o Inferior parts of the paravermal area +
o Fastigial nucleus.
• Afferent inputs:
o Vestibular apparatus
o Vestibular nucleus
o Primary visual cortex
o Superior colliculus…. +

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• Efferent outputs:
o Vestibular nuclei.
• Function:
o Influences vestibulospinal tracts
that control postural muscles
(to maintain equilibrium).
o Influences vestibulo-ocular reflex…

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Spinocerebellar connections/
• Proprioception…
o Anterior lobe (vermis +
o Vermis
o Superior paravermal area
Afferent inputs:
o Ia + II, Ib, Clarke nucleus
o Acc. cuneate nucleus…
posterior spinocerebellar and
cuneocerebellar tracts through
the ICP to the spinocerebellum.
• Spinal border cells + ‘efference copy’
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• Influences lateral muscles
(paramedian zone)
• Influences axial muscles (vermis).

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• Influences corticobulbar tracts that
control facial/tongue muscles
• Influences vestibulospinal, reticulospinal
+ ventral corticospinal tracts that control
axial muscles.


• Via fastigial nucleus to:

o Vestibular nuclei
o Reticular formation
o Motor cortex

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Spinocerebellum/Vermis/Anterior lobe
• Influences rubrospinal, LCST that
control limb muscles/movement.

• Via interposed/emboliform + globose
nuclei to:
o Red nucleus…thalamus/VL
o Motor cortex/LCST…
 Cerebellum controls the ipsilateral side of the
body thru the projection to the contralateral
motor cortex (coordination of limbs is

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Cerebrocerebellar connections/
• Comprises the lateral aspects of
the posterior lobes.
• Input: pontine nuclei (contralateral
side, MCP, contralateral olivary
nuclear complex).

• These reciprocal connections with the

cerebral cortex put the cerebellum in a
position to coordinate & streamline motor
output from the cortex.

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Reciprocal connections:
• Thru the dentate nucleus  red nucleus 
dentatorubrothalamic tract  VL  motor
+ sensory area of cortex.
• Influences corticospinal & corticobulbar
tracts to regulate complex movements.
• Necessary for eye-hand coordination
(visual input + calculates the trajectory of
movement needed to reach or manipulate a
target, feedback & feed-forward mech.).
a. Sensory consequence: neocerebellum
predicts sensory consequence of a
movement thru comparison with past

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b. Voluntary movement
• Planning + automatization of voluntary
movements (fine-tuning of motor patterns).
c. Coordination of motor activity &
o Modulates but does not generate language
and cognition…
o Interface between cognition & motor
o Language… linguistic coordination…
o Fluidity of language…
o Automatization of syntax & grammar…
Prediction of sentence structure &
Cerebrocerebellar circuitry
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Cerebellum and nonmotor function…
 The cerebellum is able to subserve cognitive & emotional functions because it is
anatomically interconnected with the associative and paralimbic cortices.
 The convergence of inputs from multiple regions of the cerebral cortex to adjacent
areas within the cerebellum facilitates cerebellar regulation of supramodal
 The cerebellar contribution to cognitive & emotional processes is one of modulation
rather than generation.
 The cerebellum performs computations for cognitive functions similar to those for
the sensorimotor system—but the nature of the information being modulated is
 The disruption of the cerebellar influences on higher functions can lead to dysmetria
of thought or impairment of mental agility.
 The cerebellum may play an important role in the development of cognitive &
emotional function.
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Feedback pathways: between the cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal cord and the brainstem nuclei
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Cerebral and cerebellar control of voluntary movements

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Clinical correlates
The cerebellar syndrome
Lesions involve large errors in movements…

 Same side of the lesion (3As)

• Asthenia
Potentiating motor signal is lost…
• Atonia (hypotonia, a diminished resistance to passive limb displacements).
o Loss of facilitatory effect of dentate and interpositus nuclei
o Pendular reflexes
o Astasia-abasia, an inability to stand or walk.
o Astasia is loss of the ability to maintain a steady limb or body posture across
multiple joints.
o Abasia is loss of the ability to maintain upright stance against gravity.

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• Ataxia: the abnormal execution of multi-jointed voluntary movements,
characterized by lack of coordination

 Dysmetria (Failure of the timing and damping functions)

 Kinetic tremor (intention tremor)
 Adiadokokinesia/dysdiadochokinesia…
 Decomposition of movement…
 Dysarthria…
 Rebounding…
 Nystagmus…
 Staggering gait…

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