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“The Restless Heart, No

Rest Since Birth”

How to take care of the Heart? ❤️
What is the function Of the Heart?

 The heart is a muscle that is located between the lungs,

just to the left of the centre of the chest.
 The functions of the heart are to pump oxygenated blood
around the body, and to deliver deoxygenated blood and
waste products (carbon dioxide) to the lungs.
Different Heart disease

Coronary Artery
Heart Arrhythmias Heart Valve Disease
Disease (CAD)
Anyone can get Heart disease But you
have a higher risk if you:
 Smoke • Have Unhealthy lifestyle

 Have High Blood Pressure

• Are Obese
To avoid Heart Disease You need to:
 Exercise Regularly. Heart is a muscle so one way to keep it healthy like other
muscles is to exercise

Regular physical activity can improve

your muscle strength and boost your
endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen
and nutrients to your tissues and helps
your cardiovascular system work more
efficiently. And when your heart and
lung health improve, you have more
energy to tackle daily chores.
 Stop Smoking but Just as everyone say “Old habits die hard” so Instead Focus
your attention in other activites like swimming and Cycling.
Why is smoking Harmful?

 Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema
and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain
eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid
 when you breathe in cigarette smoke, the blood that is distributed to the
rest of the body becomes contaminated with the smoke’s chemicals. These
chemicals can damage to your heart and blood vessels, which can lead to
cardiovascular disease (CVD)—the leading cause of all deaths mostly in united
 Eat Healthy Foods Like Fruits And Vegetables

Eating healthy is good for your

overall health – and there are
many ways to do it. Making smart
food choices can also help you
manage your weight and lower
your risk for certain chronic
(long-term) diseases. When you
eat healthy, you can reduce your
risk for: Obesity.
 If you have unhealthy lifestyle Change Your Lifestyle. Change it into Healthy

 Heart is the most important part in our body, it keeps us alive ever since our
birth the only way we can help our heart is to keep it healthy. So stay positve
and have a healthy lifestyle.
Thank You For Listening, Stay Positive
But Not With Covid

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