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Development Communication
 What is Development?
 A common way to discuss development is as purposive changes
undertaken in a society to achieve what may be regarded generally as a
different ("improved") state of social and economic affairs
 Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change
or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and
demographic components.  The purpose of development is a rise in the
level and quality of life of the population, and the creation or expansion
of local regional income and employment opportunities, without
damaging the resources of the environment.  Development is visible and
useful, not necessarily immediately, and includes an aspect of quality
change and the creation of conditions for a continuation of that change.
Development Communication
 What is Communication?
 A process by which information is exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
 Communication is simply the act of transferring information from
one place, person or group to another.
 Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which
participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information,
news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In
general, communication is a means of connecting people or
Coverage of Development issues in
Contemporary Indian Media
 Crime, accidents , forgery, strikes and politics are
covered in a maximum parts of newspaper. Even the
problems of various section of the society at individual
level have been highlighted in a very comprehensive
manner. But the information about various
Government schemes and development program is very
rare. Generally a newspaper gives coverage to those
development stories which came in controversy in any
way. There is hardly any story about development
program on the front page of the newspaper.
Coverage of Development issues in
Contemporary India
 Health: The coverage is reported in an alarmist view. For
example coverage of Swine Flu, Encephalitis
 Anjana Om Kashyap had barged into the ICU of a Bihar
hospital and heckled the doctor on duty, asking him questions
about Encephalitis care. She had essentially stopped the doctor,
who was doing his job, and asked him why a patient who had
just come in was not being attended to.
 Education: Mostly coverage related to admissions during the
admissions seasons, very rare coverage of education in
government schools or investigation journalism on the state of
affairs in schools
Coverage of Development issues in
Contemporary India
 Agriculture and Rural Development: Agriculture
news is covered when Farmers death resurface.
Moreover, they have started to cover the issues
now since the elections
 Environment: Alarmist reportage related to global
warming however no real education about how to
prevent global warming.
Coverage of Development issues in
Contemporary India
 No coverage on activists like Greta Thunberg: Greta
Thunberg is a Swedish activist who, at age 15, began
protesting outside the Swedish parliament about the
need for immediate action to combat climate change
and has since become an outspoken climate activist
 She is known for having initiated the school strike for
climate movement that formed in November 2018 and
surged globally after the United Nations Climate
Change Conference (COP24) in December the same
Definition of Development
 “The art and science of human communication
applied to the speedy transformation of a country
and the mass of its people from poverty to a
dynamic state of economic growth that makes
possible greater social equality and the larger
fulfillment of the human potential“
- Nora C. Quebral
Definition of Development
 Development Communication is the "integration of
strategic communication in development projects"
based on a clear understanding of indigenous realities.
- World Bank
 “A two-way process for sharing ideas and knowledge
using a range of communication tools and approaches
that empower individuals and communities to take
actions to improve their lives.“
Meaning of Development
 Development Communication is communication with a
social conscience. Development communication is
associated with rural problems, urban problems and takes
humans into account. 
 It has two primary roles:
 A transforming role, as it seeks social change in the
direction of higher  utility of values of society. 
 It seeks to create an atmosphere for change, as well as
providing innovations through which society may
Goal of Development Comm
 Three main ideas which define the philosophy of
development communication and make it different
from general communication are:
 Development communication is purposive
 communication, it is value-laden; and it is
pragmatic(dealing with things sensibly and
realistically in a way that is based on practical).  
Goal of Development Comm
 Development  communication is goal-oriented.
The ultimate goal of development communication
is a higher quality of life for the people of a
society by social and political change.
 The goal of development communication not
consider only in economic terms, but also in
terms of social, political, cultural, and moral
values that make a person's life whole, and that
enable a person to attain his or her full potential. 
 It is a weekly newspaper in the local language
-Bundeli and is run completely by women from
Dalit, Muslim, and lower caste communities. This
newspaper was started in 2002 in the Chitrakoot
district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Khabar Lahariya
employs neo-literate and semi-literate journalists
and many of them have been working for the
newspapers since it started.
 Khabar Lahariya is a weekly newspaper that
started in 2002 from Chitrakoot district of Uttar
Pradesh. The first edition was in the local
language, Bundeli. Currently, it has six editions;
one each from Chitrakoot, Banda, Mahoba,
Banaras, Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, and Sitamarhi
in Bihar. The newspaper is printed in four local
languages, namely Budeli, Bajjika, Bhojpuri and
 KL consists of eight pages with seven sections
covering news on the Village, the Town, Women
Issues, Regional News, National-International
News, Entertainment, and Editorial. It is the only
newspaper that covers issues from rural areas that
are usually ignored by mainstream print media.
 NIRANTAR – a national centre for gender and
education – instituted the Sahajani Shiksha Kendra
(One who helps women) and the Khabar Lahariya
(News Waves) programmes in an effort to combat
illiteracy among rural women and girls in Uttar
Predesh and, by extension, to empower them
through gender-sensitive literacy training and
educational support.
 Since 2013, Khabar Lahariya has also gathered a
growing digital presence. They have an active
Facebook page and Twitter handle. The first
primarily uses Hindi and the latter uses English to
connect with their audience. Recently, reporters
are also being trained in how to use video
equipment as well as smartphones to record news
videos. The news video packages are shared on
their social media pages.
 He has published well over 150 investigative reports
on India’sagrarian crisis in The Hindu alone, the
largest journalistic body of work ever on India’s
farming communities. Many of those, stories from
the households of marginal farmers and landless
labourers across the country.  He takes his own
photographs for all his reports. 
 For 20 years, he has spent, on average, 270 days a
year in the Indian countryside. 

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