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Define e-learning

e-learning as instruction delivered on a computer by

way of CD-ROM, Internet, or intranet with the
following features:
• Includes content relevant to the learning objective
• Uses instructional methods such as examples and
practice to help learning
• Uses media elements such as words and pictures to
deliver the content and methods
• May be instructor-led (synchronous e-learning) or
designed for selfpaced
• individual study (asynchronous e-learning)
• Builds new knowledge and skills linked to individual
learning goals or to improved organizational
What, how and why
• What. e-Learning courses include both content (that is,
information)and instructional methods (that is, techniques)
that help people learn the content.
• How. e-Learning courses are delivered via computer using
words in the form of spoken or printed text and pictures,
such as illustrations, photos, animation, or video. Some
forms of e-learning (asynchronous) are designed for
individual self-study. New e-learning formats called virtual
classrooms or synchronous e-learning are designed for
real-time instructor- led training. Both formats may support
asynchronous collaboration with others through tools such
as wikis, discussion boards, and email.
• Why. e-Learning courses are intended to help learners
reach personal learning objectives or perform their jobs in
ways that improve the bottom-line goals of the
Goal E-learning
• In short, the “e” in e-learning refers to the “how”:
the course is digitized so it can be stored in
electronic form. The “learning” in e-learning
Goal e-learning
refers to the “what”: the course includes content
and ways to help people learn it; and the “why”
refers to the purpose: to help individuals achieve
educational goals or to help organizations build
skills related to improved job performance.
• goal of e-learning is to build jobtransferable
knowledge and skills linked to organizational
performance or to help individuals achieve
personal learning goals.
Tim yang terlibat
e-Learning disiapkan, ditunjang, dikelola oleh tim yang terdiri
dari para ahli di bidang masing-masing, yaitu:
• Subject Matter Expert (SME) atau nara sumber dari pelatihan
yang disampaikan
• Instructional Designer (ID), bertugas untuk secara sistematis
mendesain materi dari SME menjadi materi e-Learning dengan
memasukkan unsur metode pengajaran agar materi menjadi
lebih interaktif, lebih mudah dan lebih menarik untuk dipelajari
• Graphic Designer (GD), mengubah materi text menjadi bentuk
grafis dengan gambar, warna, dan layout yang enak
dipandang, efektif dan menarik untuk dipelajari
• Ahli bidang Learning Management System (LMS). Mengelola
sistem di website yang mengatur lalu lintas interaksi antara
instruktur dengan siswa, antarsiswa dengan siswa lainnya.
• A learning management system (LMS) is software
for delivering, tracking and managing
training/education. LMSs range from systems for
managing training/educational records to software
for distributing courses over the Internet and offering
features for online collaboration.
• A learning content management system (LCMS)
is software for authoring, editing and indexing e-
learning content (courses, reusable content objects).
An LCMS may be solely dedicated to producing and
publishing content that is hosted on an LMS, or it
can host the content itself (remote AICC content
hosting model).
Tahapan Pembuatan
sistem e-learning
Simultan dengan Pengembangan
Tahapan Awal Tahapan Akhir
Analisis dan Perancang IHT
Kebutuhan an System penggunaan
Coding Testing
System m- system
Analisis Implementas
System m- Analisis Design Convert i dan
learning Content Content Content Sosialisasi

Komponen kegiatan Tahapan Awal

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

1 Workshop Penjaringan kebutuhan system Pegawai P4TK Laporan
e-learning di lingkungan IPA kebutuhan
Kemendiknas (SU) sistem

2 Workshop Workshop Analisis system e- Pegawai P4TK Model-model

learning, menentukan model- IPA yang akan
model yang diperlukan pada dikembangkan
system yang akan pada sistem
Komponen kegiatan
Perancangan Perangkat Lunak

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

3 Workshop Perancangan logika dan Input- Pegawai P4TK Rancangan
Output. System e- IPA logika sistem,
learning.(TK) IO eL
4 Workshop Perancangan antar muka Pegawai P4TK Rancangan
System e-learning (GM) IPA Antar Muka eL

5 Workshop Perancangan Hardware- HW/SW eL

Software System e-learning
Komponen kegiatan Coding

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

6 Workshop Pemrograman database Pegawai P4TK ERD dan
System e-learning(LZ) IPA database
7 Workshop Workshop Pemrogramman Pegawai P4TK Source code
Input-output System e- IPA IO
8 Workshop Workshop client-server Pegawai P4TK Source code
programming System e- IPA CS
Komponen kegiatan Testing

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

9 Workshop Workshop Uji Coba Sistem e- Pegawai P4TK Laporan hasil
learning(RZ) IPA, User, pengujian
Admin sistem
Komponen kegiatan Analisis content

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

10 Workshop Workshop analisis kontent Pegawai P4TK Daftar
pembelajaran e-learning IPA spesifikasi
• Kontent pembelajaran konten, text,
text based audio video,
• Analisi sKontent animasi,kurikul
berdasarkan Standar um
• Animasi
• Audio Video (NA)
Komponen kegiatan Design content

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

11 Workshop Workshop penyusunan kontent Pegawai P4TK Konten yang
pembelajaran e-learning IPA akan
(KD) dimasukkan ke
sistem eL
Komponen kegiatan Convert content

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

12 Workshop Konversi kontent pembelajaran Pegawai P4TK indexing
support e-learning(AP) IPA
Komponen kegiatan Tahap Akhir

No Jenis Nama Kegiatan Peserta Produk

13 Workshop Workshop Perencanaan Pegawai P4TK Jadwal
Implementasi Sistem e- IPA
learning (RR)
14 Diklat Diklat Penggunaan system e- User Laporan
learning di 21 kegiatan diklat

15 IHT IHT e-learning(AA) Pegawai P4TK Laporan

IPA kegiatan diklat
16 IHT IHT Supprorting system e- Pegawai P4TK Laporan
learning(SO) IPA kegiatan diklat

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