Simple Medical Tests To Check Your Health

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Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health

Asma Maatig/Senior Officer sport

In order to take good care of your health, you should have a full medical examination at least once a year. However, you
should also watch out for your health between doctor visits. There are special tests that you can do in order to diagnose
a serious illness, even before the first symptoms appear

1. Heart and lung disease

Make your fingers in the shape of an upside down letter J

and put your nails against one another. Do you see a tiny
diamond between them? Great, this means that your heart
and vessels are perfectly healthy.

If there is no space between your fingernails, it may be a

sign of nail clubbing. The fact that fingers become thicker
means that the blood doesn’t have enough oxygen. Oxygen
deficiency can be caused by multiple reasons. For example,
cardiovascular diseases, lung problems, and
gastrointestinal issues

2. Stroke and dementia

you need a timer for this test. Lift your leg up

so that the hip is parallel to the floor and start
the timer. If you can stand like this for 20 or
more minutes, it means you have minimal risk
of having a stroke or developing dementia.
And vice versa: if you have trouble
maintaining balance on one leg, it might
indicate problems with vessels of the brain.

3. Anemia

When standing in front of a mirror, pull your lower

eyelid down. If the color is pink, everything is okay.
However, if you have anemia, the color may be a pale
pink or even yellowish. Anemia is caused by a lack of
hemoglobin and indicates that the muscles and tissues
in the body aren’t receiving enough oxygen and can’t
work at 100%. If you notice that you are pale, you get
tired quickly, or breathe heavily, you should get a
doctor to examine you.

4. Hormonal imbalance and lack of microelements

Losing hair is a natural process. According to doctors, we lose

from 50 to 100 hairs every day. There is nothing to worry about.
But in order to understand when it’s time to worry, you can do a
simple test.

Your hair should be dry and clean. Take a small lock of hair
and pull. Don’t pull too hard. If you have only about 2-3 hairs in
your hand, it’s perfectly normal. If you have more, you should visit
a specialist.

There can be a lot of reasons why people lose hair: stress, poor
hygiene, or serious health issues. Hair often becomes thin due to a
hormonal imbalance or nutrient deficiency. These symptoms
should not be ignored
5. Carpal tunnel syndrome
This test can detect a professional problem of office workers,
artists, and bikers — carpal tunnel syndrome.

Lift your hands up so that your forearms are parallel to your

face. Try to reach the base of the palm with the tips of your
fingers. If you can do this for 1-2 minutes, you are fine. But if
you have tingling, numbness, or pain in your wrists or fingers,
this can be a sign of tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome appears when the neighboring tissues

press on the median nerve. The pain and numbness will only
get worse without the proper treatment.

6. Diabetes

In order to do this test, you need help. Ask a partner

to take a pencil with an eraser. Get them to touch your
foot and toes with the sharp end of the pencil and with
the eraser, in turns. Can you tell which side of the pencil
touched you without looking?

If you don’t fully feel the touch, it means that the

nerve endings on your feet don’t function properly. Low
sensitivity can be an indicator of diabetes.

7. Arterial problems

While lying on the floor, put your feet up at a 45° angle and
keep them up for several minutes. Now, evaluate the color of
your feet. Really pale (almost white) feet and toes indicate very
bad blood circulation. The change in color can be seen in both
feet or in just one.

Peripheral arteries deliver the blood to the limbs. And when the
arteries get clogged, the muscles don’t get enough oxygen and
unpleasant symptoms like numbness, pain, and others may
appear. This condition is called peripheral artery disease (PAD)
and it’s hard to notice the symptoms in the beginning. If left
untreated, PAD can lead to heart attack and stroke.

8. Hearing

In order to do this test, you need to be in a quiet room.

Put your hand close to your ear and rub your fingers
together. Do you hear the sound? Then, put your hand as
far from your ear as you can and rub your fingers
together again. Can you still hear the sound?
Congratulations, your hearing is alright. Don’t forget to
do the same with the other ear

9. Predisposition to developing cardiovascular diseases

In order to do this test, you will have to leave your

house. Climb a ladder (8-12 steps) while singing a song.
Or you can talk on the phone or read something. The
most important thing is to talk. If you feel your heart
pounding and you can’t breathe well, it means that
your cardiovascular system and lungs can’t handle the
physical activity.

We want to remind you that self-made tests can’t

replace the professional opinion of a doctor. And if you
have any symptoms that are worrying you, you should
see a doctor immediately.

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