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Watson & Rayner (1920)

• Create a classical conditioning model for Watson & Rayner (1920)

• p8
Watson & Rayner (1920)
1. Using p354 of the textbook (+ booklet) – create a storyboard of the
Watson and Rayner study
1. Helped to develop phobia treatments
2. Controls:
Number and timing of pairings were carefully recorded
3. There was no objective measurement of the fear
response in Little Albert
 Researcher bias – Watson may have over-emphasized the
fear displayed after conditioning
4. One participant
5. How many ethical guidelines did it break!?!
 Note - the experiment was conducted without the
knowledge or consent of Albert's parents…
6. Albert was away from his playroom and familiar
nurses during the experiment - this may have made
him nervous
1. G
 One participant
2. R
 Controls: number and timing of pairings were carefully recorded
3. A
 Helped to develop phobia treatments, including systematic
desensitisation and flooding
4. VI
 There was no objective measurement of the fear response in Little
Albert – researcher bias – Watson may have over-emphasized the
fear displayed after conditioning
5. VE
 Albert was away from his playroom and familiar nurses during the
experiment - this may have made him nervous
6. E
 Consent, right to withdraw, psychological harm
 They didn’t extinguish his fear reaction, possibly leaving Albert with
long term phobia

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