Core Periphery Model: By: Zachary Krausman

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Core Periphery Model


What is the Core Periphery Model?

It was developed in 1963 by John Friedmann.

The core periphery model shows spatially how
economic, political, and cultural authority is
dispersed in core or dominant regions and the
surrounding peripheral and semi-peripheral regions.
The Core Periphery Model
The Core

Countries in the Core: Europe (Not Russia, Belarus, and

Ukraine), United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Israel, Japan, and South Korea.
Countries in the Core have:
 Higher Wages
 Healthcare
 More technologies

 Sufficient food, water, shelter, supplies, etc.

 Scientific Innovations

Core countries possess many advantages like humans or

resources but can also exploit colonies that they have for
The Periphery

Countries in the periphery are in Africa, South America,

Asia (Not Japan or South Korea), and Russia.
Countries in the periphery have:
 Lower Wages
 Less technological advancements
 Reduced access to healthcare
 Sometimes insufficient food, water, shelter, etc.
There is massive population to keep up with the rural
lifestyles that many in these countries have since they
are lower in the Demographic Transition Model.
The Periphery Cont.

Countries in the Periphery are usually characterized

as poor and many times families live in slums
instead or rural areas.
There are low standards of living.
Despite low living standards, there has been some
improvement to several areas (mainly in China) that
increase the lifestyle there.
Also, many people in the Periphery are moving from
the rural lands into urban areas creating megacities.
Colonization and the Core Periphery Model

Many countries in the Core had or have colonies that

they get resources from.
Britain had many African countries as colonies and
used a lot of resources which has created come conflict.
Many countries like this got resources from the colony,
processed it, and then sold it back to the periphery
The damage done by the Core countries have left the
Periphery countries so far behind that it may be
impossible to now compete in the global market.
Core-Periphery Conflicts

The Demilitarized zone between North and South

The border of the United States and Mexico to
prevent illegal immigrants.
Air and naval patrols between various countries
Superimposed boundaries in many countries has
created massive conflict as well.
Not just global but local conflicts between wages and
Core Periphery Model

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