Expression: Ukm Bahasa English Class

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01 02
Happiness Sadness
Kebahagiaan, suka cita, Kesedihan, Kepiluan, dll.
senang , dll.

03 04
Sympathy Affection
Simpati, Belas kasihan, Kasih sayang, Sayang, Cinta,
Kasihan, dll. dll.

Expression of Happiness

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by

feelings of joy, satisfaction, and contentment.

Happiness expression is an expression that is used to

show that someone or people are glad , have excited
feelings and when successful to do something.
1. I’m (so) happy because… Dialog :
Lin: Hey Han, you look so happy today! What happened?
2. Fantastic!
Han: I got 100 for math test! It was very hard, so I feel so
3. I love it.
happy right now!
4. What an outstanding trip ever.
Lin: I am pleased to know that, Han. You must be very
5. What a lovely day! happy since not everyone can do it.

Responses : Han: Yes, Lin. Thank you.

 I am pleased to know that. Lin: You are welcome, Han.

 I’m happy to hear that.

Expression of Sadness

Sadness is an emotional pain associated with, or

characterized by, feelings of disadvantage, loss,
despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and

Sadness expression is an expression that is used to

show that someone or people are sad, upset or have a
1. I am so sad. Dialog :
2. I'm feeling blue.
Erna : Afifah, what's the matter? You look so sad.
3. I feel really awful.
Afifah : Yes, that’s right. I’m very sad now.
4. I can’t hold back my tears.
Erna : Why?
5. This is the lowest time in my life.
Afifah : Because I lost my bag.
Responses :
Erna : Cheer up, I will help you to look for it.
 I'm sorry to hear that.

 Afifah : Thanks.
Cheer up.

 It’ll get better soon.

Expression of Sympathy

Expression of sympathy is usually

used to show sympathy for other
people who are feeling sad or affected
by a disaster.
1. I'm extremely sorry to hear that. (Aku sangat sedih Note :
Dear John,
2. Please accept my condolences. (Turut berbela
sungkawa) I heard recently that your mother passed away. She
was such a wonderful woman. Please accept my
3. I know how it feels. (Saya tahu bagaimana rasanya) heartfelt condolences on your loss. You have our
deepest sympathy.
4. What a pity of you. (Kasihan sekali kamu)
Warm regards,
Responses :
 Thanks for your sympathy.

 Thanks for your support.

Expression of Affection

The definition of affection is love, a feeling of liking

and caring for someone or something.

Expressions of affection are usually used to express

affection, concern, or concern for others.
1. Are you okay? Dialog :
Fairuz : Let’s go to the canteen, Nadin.
2. I’ll always be here for you.
Nadin : Sorry I can’t.
3. What should I do to cheer you up?
Fairuz : What’s wrong with you?
4. I really care about you.
Nadin : I have terrible stomachache.

Fairuz : Have you had a breakfast this morning ?

Nadin : No, I haven’t . I was in hurry .

Fairuz : That’s why you have to go to canteen to have

something to eat. I will treat you.

Nadin : Ok, let’s go.

James : Don't give up because you failed once, I
have also failed.
Lan : Thanks for your support, James.

Albert : Happy birthday to you Jonathan.
Jonathan: Thanks, Albert.

Donny : I was hit by a car yesterday
Edward : Thank for your sympathy.
Get well soon.
I feel sorry to hear about that.

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