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Audio Media

• Produce audio materials that can be used in
the classroom for teaching and learning

•Audio-media are materials or sounds that are

transmitted, produced, or received thru high
fidelity waves that are heard thru certain equipment.

• Inexpensive materials and easy to use

• The materials are light and usually portable and

easily duplicated or replaced.
Sound and Hearing

 Sound is produced by vibrations that set into

motion radiating waves of compression and
rarefaction propagated through a range of media
such as gases, liquids, and solids.
Sound and Hearing

 Hearing occurs when these vibrations are

received and processed by the ear and sent to the
brain by the auditory nerve.
Sound and Hearing

 Sound begins when an object vibrates and sets

into motion molecules in the air closest to it.
The Hearing and Listening Process

 Hearing is a process in which sound waves

entering the outer ear are transmitted to the
eardrum, converted into mechanical vibrations in
the middle ear, and changed in the inner ear into
electrical impulses that travel to the brain.
The Hearing and Listening Process

 Process of listening begins with someone’s

awareness of and attention to sounds or speech
patterns (receiving), proceeds through
identification and recognition of specific auditory
signals (decoding), and ends in comprehension
Advantages and Disadvantages using
Audio Media in Teaching and Learning
 Classroom audio overcomes ambient noise levels
and distributes the teacher’s voice
 at the same amplified level throughout the
classroom. Every child hears the teachers
 at the same level no matter where the child is
Advantages and Disadvantages using
Audio Media in Teaching and Learning
 Reduce a child’s sensitivity to distractions. When a
teacher’s voice is amplified 5 to
 15 decibels above ambient noise, articulation and
speech intelligibility are enhanced.
 Teachers using classroom audio report less need for
repeating of instructions, and
 fewer reminders are needed.

 Students will not learn how to read as effectively
(as they listen instead of practice to
 read stories, poem, etc.
 Difficult to teachers to control device(s) use in
class (affects classroom management and
especially time management).

 Teachers must grow eyes in the back of their
heads and when mobile devices are
 used in class, the need for continual monitoring
and regulation increases.
 Inabilityto know how to extract information from
text successfully.
Examples of Common Audio Format

 Cassette Audiotape

 Micro cassettes
Examples of Common Audio Format

 Phonograph Record (Disc Recording)

 Compact Disc

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