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Chapter Three

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Discrete Fourier Series
Properties of DFS
Periodic Convolution
Discrete Fourier Transform
DFT Properties
Computation of DFT
DFT as a Linear Transformation
Direct computation of the DFT
Digital Computation of the DFT /FFT
Introduction To FFT
• The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a very efficient algorithm for performing a discrete
Fourier transform
• FFT principle first used by Gauss in 1805.
• FFT algorithm published by Cooley & Tukey in 1965.
• Some FFT algorithms are:
Goertzel Algorithm: periodicity to reduce the complexity

Radix-2 algorithms: Decimation-in-time; Decimation-in-frequency

Composite N algorithms: Cooley-Tukey; Prime factor

Winograd algorithm

 Chirp transform algorithm

Decimation in time FFT algorithms
Input Sequence Order
The Decimation in Frequency (DIF) Algorithm
Decimation in Frequency
Decimation in Frequency
Decimation in Frequency
Inverse Fourier Transform
Flowgraph of IFF: DIF
In place computation
Applications of FFT

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