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Protect Our Polluted Environment

Company name
• Do you know What is the most littered item in India ?

It’s Cigarettes Butts

• More than 24 Crores Cigarettes Butts thrown
• Cigarettes butts is made of cellulose acceate A plastic
filter that is not BIODEGRADABLE.
• Each, butt may take 10 years for natural disposal
harming the ecosystem.
• A single butt is enough to contaminate 20ml of water
and kill marine life.


Process starts from Raw-material

• This is P-Bins
means Protect bins
used to collect
Cigarettes Butts.
• P-Bins will be Attached at
cigarette vendors’ shop
instead of Rs.150 deposit.
• Every 15 days Accumulated
butts will be collected from
vendors or associate in
Rs.500 per KG rate.
• Once collecting
estimated cigarettes’
Butts separation
process of butts will
be started.
Raw-material Separation
• There are 4 types of raw-material, That
can be separated from cigarettes butts.
1) Ash
2) Tobacco powder
3) Paper
4) Filter-toxic (Cellulose acetate )

1) Separated Ash will be used in

manufacturing bricks.
2) Tobacco and Paper both will be used in
making Manure. (Adding water) Within a 15
days it will be converted into Manure .
Filter-toxic (Cellulose acetate)
• Filter will be reused after 20 days of chemical cleaning
• Cellulose Enzyme and Tio2 pigment (Titanium dioxide) chemicals
Will be added.
• Cellulose Enzyme help to exhibited efficacy in degrading
polymicrobial bacterial bizfilms by hydrolyzing.
• Tio2 provides whiteness and opacity. Which help to filter plastic
and coating.
Recycled (Cellulose acceate)
• Recycled Cellulose
acetate used in
industrial area where
huge pollution is
created, Cellulose
acetate works as a air
• (By which toothpaste,
Playing cards, tool
handles, Magnetic
tape, Combs)
Cost of Raw material (Butts)

• 50 vendors will be tied up.

• Per vendor 500 gm. P-Bin Estimated.
• 15 days collecting period.
• Estimated 25 kg. per 15 days.
• Butts will be collected Per kg. Rs.500
So, 500*25= Rs. 12500

Cost of Raw material (Chemicals)
• Cellulose Enzyme 150/kg.
Mitushi Biopharma , Ahemedabad.
• Tio2 pigment (Titanium dioxide) 170/kg.
Krishna trading, Ahemedabad.
• Both chemical 2 kg will be used in 25kg, Cellulose acetate.

Cellulose Enzyme 150/kg *2= Rs.300

Tio2 pigment (Titanium dioxide) 170/kg.*2= Rs.340
Cost of labour
• 2 labour will be required on salary
condition 8000 per month.
• For 15 days,

2 labour*4000= Rs.8000
P-Bins (Deposit income)
• Per P-Bins Rs.150 deposit
• 50 vendors So, 50*150..
• Our costing per P-Bins
• 150..(1)-70...(2)=80
• 80*50=4000 is our profit.
(From deposits)
Net Profit (15 days)
1) Revenue
a. Ash = Rs. 30*5= Rs.150
b. Manure = Rs. 30*10= Rs.300
c. Cellulose acetate = price Rs.6,000*10= 60,000
2) Expenses
d. Cost of row-material
(cigarette Butts 500*25= Rs. 12500
Chemicals bottles , Cellulose Enzyme 150/kg *2= Rs.300
Tio2 pigment (Titanium dioxide) 170/kg.*2= Rs.340)
b. Cost of labour 2 labour = Rs.8000
Net Profit
= 60450-21140
= 39310
Future Expansion
• Ash Bricks Manufacturing
• Air purifier Plates
• Mass Manure Manufacturing

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