The Agriculture Objective of Drainage

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 For design of agricultural land drainage systems all factors are grouped into three input factors:

 Agricultural objectives

 Environmental parameters

 Engineering factors

The agriculture objective of drainage:

 There are three main objective of drainage in agriculture:

 Prevention or reduction of ponding water and/or water logging condition

 Salinity control

 Making new land available for agriculture production

Environmental aspects of drainage:

• When we introduce drainage system into an are, we are manipulating the environment.

• The environmental impacts of the two direct effects of drainage (e.g. a lower GW table and an
increase in discharge):
• Side-effect inside the project areas
 Loss of wetland

 Change of habitats

 Soil salinity/sodicity

 Subsidence

• Side-effect outside the project areas

 Disposal of drainage effluent/waste
• Engineering Factors:

Soil and hydrological conditions:

• For the design of a drainage system, the drainage requirement or the drainable surplus has to be
• Removing the drainable surplus has two advantages:
• It prevents waterlogging by artificially keeping the water table sufficiently deep.

• It removes enough water from the root zone so that any salts brought in by irrigation
cannot reach a concentration that would be harmful to crops.
 The criteria for drainage design system is to have the optimum level of water control required the
kind of agriculture to practiced.
 The criteria consist of:
1. the rate of water removed necessary to provide a certain degree of crop protection
2. the optimum depth to water table
 The rate water removed often referred to drainage coefficient.
Drainage coefficient is the depth of water to be removed at particular period, usually 24 hrs.
Normally, a DC of 10mm to 50mm may adopted for surface drainage, and 6mm to 25mm for sub-
surface drainage
 It can be estimated as:
Q = Dc*A, where, A = area in ha Dc = Q/A (Flow rate or discharge rate per unit area)
Dc =Drainage coefficient
Q = discharge from the field
 Dc- is varies with; 1. Geographical location
2. land use
3. Size of area to be drained
• The drainage requirement: is the amount of water that must be removed from an area within a
certain period so as to avoid an unacceptable rise in the levels of the groundwater or surface
• Calculating the drainage requirement is a major problem in many irrigated areas.
Because, the natural conditions in these areas are diverse, and
different water resources may be involved in the calculations
• To calculate the drainage requirement, an analysis has to be made of the overall water balance of
the study area

• Drainage requirement can be depend on:

 Rainfall/irrigation
 Crop tolerance
 Soil type
 Temperature
 Water table condition
 Presence of salt

• The water table is the upper boundary of the groundwater.

• The water table the locus of points at which the pressure in the groundwater is equal to
atmospheric pressure.

• Below the water table, all the soil pores are filled with water. This is known as the saturated zone .
Most of the flow of groundwater towards the drains takes place in the saturated zone.

• Above the water table, there is a zone where the soil pores are filled partly with water and partly
with air. This is the unsaturated zone.

• The unsaturated zone is very important for plant growth. This is the zone where roots take up

• The depth to the water table is measured in observation wells


• All groundwater contains salts in solution.

• The type of salts depends on the geological environment, the source of the groundwater, and its movement.

• Evapotranspiration tends to concentrate the salts at the surface of the land, but when they are dissolved,

they increase the salinity of the groundwater.

Therefore, highly saline groundwater is often found in arid regions with poor natural drainage.


• The choice of a method to measure groundwater salinity depends on:
 the reason for making the measurements,
 the size of the area (and hence the number of samples to be taken and measured), and
 the time and the budget available for doing the work.

• The salinity of groundwater can be rapidly determined by measuring its electrical conductivity (EC).

• Electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of the concentration of salts, by measuring the conductance of
water at a standard temperature of 25 C.

• The EC expresses the total concentration of soluble salts in the groundwater, but gives no information on the
types of salts.

• These may be calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, and
nitrate, and need to be determined in the laboratory


• The hydraulic conductivity (also known as the K-value) is a measure of the water-transmitting capacity of

• There are big differences between the K-values of soil types, mainly depending on their texture.

• There are various ways of measuring hydraulic conductivity:

 can be by laboratory or in the field (auger-hole method).

Hydraulic conductivity of some soil types


• Information on the topography of an area with a drainage problem is essential, because the excess water
has to be removed by gravity flow.

• The topographic map should show all physical features both natural and man-made which will influence
the design of the drainage system


• Soils are hardly ever uniform or homogeneous in the vertical direction.

• At some depth below the soil surface, there will always be an impermeable layer.

• If this impermeable layer is deep and the groundwater only partly fills the permeable top layer, the water
table is free to rise and fall.

• The groundwater in such a layer is said to be unconfined, or to be under phreatic or water table conditions

An impermeable layer: is a soil layer through which no flow occurs or, in a practical sense, a layer through
which the flow is so small that it can be neglected. END

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