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• Objective: preparation
• Implementation:
Cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple using a knife.
Stand the fruit upright and cut off the skin, following the curve of the fruit.
Remove any remaining hard brown spots, or "eyes“.
• Transformation of material: inedible parts are removed.
• Equipment: knife and cutting board
2. Washing
• Objective: preparation
• Implementation: gently wash the peeled pineapple under a tap
• Transformation of material: mechanical damage to the pineapple pulp
3. Cutting
• Objective: for the better size and shape of the final
• Implementation:
Cut the pineapple into four parts, from stem to
Remove the core
Slice each quarter in half lengthwise and into
small triangular pieces.
• Transformation of material: inedible parts are
• Equipment: knife and cutting board

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