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English Class with

Ma’am JC
Quarter 1 Lesson 4
Past and Perfect Tense of Verbs
Use the past and past
perfect tenses correctly 
in varied contexts
Learning Competency
What is the
difference between
past participle and
the past perfect?
The main difference between past
participle and past perfect is that
past participle is a verb form
whereas past perfect is a tense. It
is not possible to form a past
perfect tense sentence without
using a past participle.
Use the simple past when the action
started in the past, finished in the past,
and is not continuing now. Use the
present perfect when the action started
in the past and is continuing now. The
simple past tells us that an action
happened at a certain time in the past,
and is not continuing anymore. 
The past perfect tense says that an
action was completed at a time before
another action happened in the past. The
past perfect is formed using the past
tense of the verb "to have" and the past
participle of the main verb.
“to have” = HAD
The present perfect tells us that an
action started in the past and it is still
happening now, or it is something that
happens regularly. We may need more
information to tell us how long it has
been going on. It may also tell us that the
time period it started in is still going on. 
The past perfect tense is formed with
HAD + the past participle of the verb

had laughed
had played
had seen
had arrived
There are two (2) action words in
the sentence.
I had just stepped outside when it started to rain.
Perfect tense Simple Past

She had just finished her exam when the timer went off.
Perfect tense Simple Past

When the fire alarm went off, I had just smelled smoke.
Simple past Perfect tense
I (visit) ____ so many beautiful places since I (come) ____ home.
When I (turn)____ the radio on yesterday,
I (hear) ____ a popular BTS song.
Write only the letter of your answer.
Complete the
table in your
answer sheet.
Write only the letter of your answer.
Write only the letter of your answer.
Write the complete sentence.
Tell me a short story about your
family vacation.

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