Solas Bagian Akhir: I G. N. S. Buana

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Bagian Akhir
I G. N. S. Buana
Sea Area
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Geographical sattelite and radio

MDSSSea Area
Radio and S attelite Automatic and portable
communication coverage communication equipment radio equipment
Within continuous VHF (Very High Frequency) DSC (Digital Selective 406 MHz EPIRB(Emergency Position Indicating Radio
Calling) coverage from a CRS with follow on VHF RT(Radio VHF radio – DSC and RT Beacon)
A1 (about 20 - 30 NM from the coast) NAVTEX receiver - Automatic reception of MSI (Maritime SART (Search And Rescue Radar Transponder)
Safety Information)
VHF handheld radio
Outside Sea Area A1 MF radio – DSC and RT 406 MHz EPIRB
Within continuous MF (Medium Frequency) DSC coverage from
A2 a CRS with follow on MF RT
(about 100 NM from the coast) The equipment included for Sea Area A1 VHF handheld radio
Outside Sea Areas A1 & A2 HF (High Frequency) radio – DSC 406 MHz EPIRB
Within INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite Organisation) Or SART
INMARSAT – Satellite Communication VHF handheld radio
A3 Plus
System for reception of MSI in Sea Area A3 (EGC or Radio Telex)
The equipment included for Sea Areas A1 & A2
Outside Sea Areas A1, A2 & A3 HF radio – DSC 406 MHz EPIRB
A4 Above 700 N and below 700 S Plus
The equipment included for Sea Areas A1 & A2
VHF handheld radio
Chapter V: Safety of navigation
Regulation 22: Navigation bridge visibiIity
Collision Regulation 1972
Part C –Lights and Shapes
Posisi Lampu Tiang Agung

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