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Training objectives

 Objectives are statements of the specific

outcomes to achieved by training stated
from the point of view of the trainee.
Importance of objectives
 Ensure clear focus and measurable
 Satisfy audience and their purposes
 Designer can decide content, structure
and methods
 trainers can used it to evaluate the
success of the program
Learning objectives

 Explain what is leaning

 Explain some learning theories
 Understand learning style explained by KOIB
 Understand how to maximize learning
 Describe individual differences in the learning
What is learning ?

 Learning can be defined as relatively

permanent change in behaviour which
occur as a result of one’s interaction with
the environment.
Key aspects of the definition
 Learning is change
 Change must be relatively permanent
 Changes are related to the specific Learning outcomes such as
Verbal information
Intellectual skills
Motor skills
Learning theories
Several important learning theories are
 Adult learning theory
 Reinforcement theory
 Social learning theory
 Expectancy theory
 Goal theory
Reinforcement Theory

In brief this theory argues that behaviour

is function of consequences.
• Positive Reinforcement: Pleasurable
outcomes resulting from a behaviour
• Negative Reinforcement: It is a removal of
unpleasant outcomes
Social Learning Theory
According to this theory learning new skills
or behaviour comes from
• Directly experiencing the consequences of
using that behaviour or skill
• The process of observe ring others and
seeing the consequences of their

 Learning also influenced by self efficacy.

Self efficacy is a person’s judgment about
whether he or she can successfully learn
knowledge and skills.
 It can be increased
Adult learning theory
 This theory is based on several assumptions

• Adults have the need to know why they are learning something

• Adults bring more work related experiences into the learning


• Adults enter into a learning experiences with a problem

centered approach to learning

• Adults are motivated to learn by both extrinsic and intrinsic

Implication for training
Design issue Implications
orientation problem centered instead of subject

Experience user learner experience as a basis for

examples & applications
Readiness develop instructions based on their
based on their interests interest and competencies

Time Immediate application of content

Learning styles
A leaning style represents how individuals
choices made during the learning process
affect what information is selected and how
it is processed.

Kolb presented four modes of learning.

1. Concrete experience

2. Abstract conceptualization

3. Reflective observation

4. Active experimentation
Kolb learning styles
KOIB stated that individuals learning styles often combines two
modes of learning. Based on his studies identified four learning
• Convergent : combination of AC and AE (thinking and doing )

• Divergent : combination of CE and RO (feeling and watching


• Assimilation :combination of AC and RO (thinking and

watching )

• Accommodative : combination of CE and AE (feeling and

doing )

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