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Full-circle Endings and

Free Throws

Wrap your essay up by reminding

your reader of how it all started!
Get to Know Your Team
• Take 1 minute to say hi to your teammates.
• Create a team name for the competition.
What is a Full-circle Ending????
• Sometimes writers wrap up their essay by
restating the claim (or thesis) in another way.
Make sure you that you don’t change the
order of how you wrote about the reasons.

• We call this “Remember where you started”!

Bring the reader back to the very beginning.
What was your claim again? They may have
Remember where you started?

Have you ever heard of Tillaman the Orca whale?
You might have. He was the subject of a very
controversial film called “Blackfin.” It was all about
how he turned violent after being raised in captivity.
Many people believe that breeding whales in
captivity is the only way to ensure that the species
will survive. But that isn’t necessarily true. After
reading several articles about raising Orcas in
captivity, one can see that breeding whales in such a
confined space is unhealthy, unethical, and
Bring it full circle and make it satisfying.

In the end, one can agree that raising any

animal, let alone whales, in captivity is wrong
because of unhealthy conditions, unethical
practices, and dangerous training methods.
With the proper resources, Orcas can be
watched over and protected while still living free
in the ocean. Poor Tillaman, the Orca, never
had a chance; however, that doesn’t mean that
future whales have to suffer the same fate.
Bring it full circle and make it satisfying.

Format of the conclusion paragraph:

1. Conclusion transition
2. Restate the claim in a different way
3. Go over the reasons, briefly.
4. Summarize what the solution is
5. Connect to beginning (full circle)
6. Connect to Future, Big Picture, or Society
Full-circle Ending Writing Instructions
• I will show you an essay introduction that includes a hook and
a very basic (boring) conclusion that is missing a full-circle
• Silently read the prompt, introduction, and basic conclusion.
• You will have 5 minutes to individually write the best full-
circle ending you can think of for the conclusion on a sticky
• As soon as you can, stick your completed sticky onto the
• When time is up, I will read your full-circle ending and vote on
whether or not it would be effective for the essay.
• If it is an effective full-circle ending, your team wins a point.
If it is not, no point will be awarded.
Hoop Points
• For each point your team earns by writing an
effective full-circle ending, you will vote on
one teammate to shoot for additional points.
• Your team earns one chance to shoot for
every point your team earned.
• For every throw your teammate gets into the
hoop, your team will get an extra point.
• Good luck!
Prompt: Your parents are concerned over recent news reports about tik tok and
similar phone apps. Think about the safety issues of using tik tok and other
phone apps. Now write to convince your parents whether or not you should
have unsupervised access to these phone apps.

 Introduction with Hook

“The devil finds work for idle hands.” This idiom perfectly describes
what many kids and teenagers fall victim to online. Too much
unsupervised time means teenagers often get into trouble, especially
when left to their own devices – or phones. I believe I should not be able
to have unlimited access to tik tok and other similar phone apps because
they increase my chances of being involved with cyber bullying and
interacting with child predators.

Conclusion that is missing its full-circle ending

In conclusion, Mom and Dad, I may not always sound like I want or
need your protection; however, when it comes to tik tok and other phone
apps, I need you to be involved so that I do not become a victim of cyber
Prompt: Often students are put into cooperative learning groups in the
classroom. Think about whether working in groups is a good or bad idea
for you. Now convince your teacher your point of view on cooperative
learning groups.
Introduction with Hook
“Yes! Did you see the board!!! The objective for the day says that
we will be working in cooperative learning groups! I love Mrs. Tolrud’s
class!” Working in groups is a great idea because I can get help from my
peers, and group work makes learning fun.

Conclusion that is missing its full-circle ending

In conclusion, group work helps me learn from other people, it helps
make the learning more fun. I understand that sometimes I need to
work alone, but I look forward to working with my
 Prompt: The district is thinking about changing its 9-months of school policy
into an all year-round policy. This would take away the summer and only give
us 4 days of school a week, but it would be all year long. Now write to argue
against this new policy.

Introduction with Hook

Splish! Splash! What’s that sound? That’s the sound of summer fun, and it’s
about to disappear. The district is thinking of extending its current 9-month
schedule into a full year, and I don’t think it should happen. Making the school
year longer than it is already is a bad idea because of the risk of student burn
out, lack of family time, and the expensive costs involved.

Conclusion that is missing its full-circle ending

All in all, one an see that moving the school year to a year long schedule is no
going to work because it’s going to cause student burn out, take away preciou
family time, and would be totally unaffordable. Parents and medical experts
everyone agree that we don’t need more time in school, we just need to use
our time more wisely when we are

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