1 Semestre

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Introducing yourself

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Introducing yourself

1. What’s your name? My name is…

2. What’s your last name? My last name is…

3. How old are you? I am …

4. When is your birthday? My birthday is in…

5. What’s your favorite food? I like pasta.

6. What’s your hobby? I like football..

Introducing yourself
Pronouns Possessive adjectives
1 2

3 4

5 6
1 2

3 4

5 6
1 2

3 4

5 6
Teacher Military

Pilot Vet Doctor Lawyer

Housewife Farmer

His name is…

Her name is…

Her name is LUNA.

Father Mother
This is my father, his name is Cesilio. This is my mother, her name is Angelica.
He is 60. She is 50.

He is bold. Tall--- short
She/he has color+hair

He/she has+Color+eyes

She/he is+

She/he is+number
bold Tall--- short
She/he has color+hair

He/she has+Color+eyes

She/he is+

She/he is+number
He is a… She is a…
She is an ARTIST
1. What is his name?
2. How old is he?
3. Where does he live? United Kingdom.
4. Whom does he live with?
5. Does he have pet(cat, dog…) home?
6. What is his favorite thing?
7. What languages does he speak?
He IS slim
What is her job?

What is her name?

How old is she?

When is her birthday?

What is she like?

What is his job?

How old is he?

What is his job?
When is his birthday?
What is he like?

What is her job?

What is her name?

How old is she?

When is her birthday?

What is she like?

What is his job?

How old is he?

What is his job?
When is his birthday?
What is he like?

What is her job?

What is her name?

How old is she?

When is her birthday?

What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?

What is her job?

How old is she?

What is her job?
When is her birthday?
What is she like?


There is/deRis/
 There is one fish.

There are/deRáR/
 There are two sodas.

 There are twelve students.

 There is a teacher.
 There is an apple.
Any: Ninguno
Somo: alguno

Aren’t any: ninguna

Is the weather cold?
Yes, it is cold.
No, it is not.
Is the weather cold?
Yes, it is cold.
No, it is not. It’s cloudy
1. What is your name?
2. What is your rank? 1. ¿Cuál es su nombre?
3. What is your favorite food? 2. ¿Cuál es su grado militar?
3. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
4. What is your hobby? 4. ¿Cuál es su pasatiempo?
5. How many people are in your family? 5. ¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?
6. ¿Describa a su mamá/papá?
6. Describe your mom / dad? 7. ¿Cómo está el clima hoy?
7. What is the weather like today? 8. ¿Cómo es clima en tu ciudad?

8. What is the weather like in your city?

1. Sergeant/Sáryent/
2. Third Corporal/Dird Cóporal/
3. Private First Class: SLP
1. What is in this photo?

1. There is a banana and an apple.

2. There are two oranges and two lemons.

2. What's the weather like?

 The weather is hot.

1. The weather is cold.
1. Is the weather rainy?
 No, it’s not. It’s hot.

No, they are not. They are singers

¿Qué hay en esta foto?
¿Cómo está el clima?

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