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Reality Therapy

Dr. Arra
PSY 201
Reality Therapy
Based on the work of William Glasser
Based on choice theory
- how we deal with unsatisfying
- clients choose their behaviors
to cope with unsatisfying
relationships (depressing,
obsessing, worrying)
Reality Therapy
Goal of therapy:
Teach client to behave in more effective
Don’t label client with diagnosis
Help client look for better choices
Reality Therapy
Choice Theory:
Born with genetic needs for survival, love,
power, freedom, fun
If we feel ‘bad’, a need is unmet
Therefore, work to identify frustrated need
and satisfy it
Reality Therapy
Analogy of the car
Reality Therapy
Identify unsatisfying relationships or lack there of
Focus on what you can control
Focus on responsibility: since we choose what
we do
Don’t focus on past
Work on changing present behaviors
Don’t focus on symptoms, focus on improving
Reality Therapy
Excellent for working with delinquents,
inmates, abused individuals
Help them connect with others
Reality Therapy
Therapist Role and Function:
Keep client in present
Keep client focused on meeting
relationship needs
Effective-satisfying client/therapist
relationship needed; base for exploring
other relationships
Reality Therapy
Therapist role and function:
Confrontational (WDEP), empathy,
genuine, non-critical, accepting
Therapist disclosure
Reality Therapy
Clients Experience:
Therapy is a safe place
Therapist is a good person
Work toward developing needed
Focus on present problems
Client is in control of plan of action
Reality Therapy
Reality therapy does not focus on:
unconscious, past experiences,
transference, dreams, repressed thoughts,
repressed conflicts
Reality Therapy
Counselor creates a supportive
environment so client can begin to make
Focus on what the client is doing now –
front wheels
Teach client to accept responsibility for
total behavior; no excuses
Reality Therapy
Client also accepts consequences of
Individuals will change when they realize
that present behaviors are not getting
them what they want
Client works to believe that they can
choose other behaviors to get them what
they want
Reality Therapy
Wants: explore wants of client
If you were the person you wish you were,
what kind of person would you be?
What do you think stops you from making
the changes you would like to?
Define clients wants and needs
Reality Therapy
What are you currently doing and how well is it
See where there present behaviors are taking
Help client make better choices
What do you see for yourself now and in the future?
What did you do different last week?
What will you do tomorrow?
Reality Therapy
Confront them with the consequences of their behavior
Get them to judge their actions and thoughts
Have client evaluate all aspects of behavior
Does your present behavior get you what you want?
Is your behavior helping or hurting you?
Is your behavior taking you in the direction you want to go?
Self-evaluate, then help them make effective choices
Reality Therapy
Jointly form plans around exploration of
new behaviors
Make a commitment
Helps them take control
Develop a plan
Reality Therapy
Good plans are: simple, attainable,
measurable, immediate, involved,
controlled, committed, continuous
Creating and carrying out plans helps
people to take control
If a plan doesn’t work, try a new one
Reality Therapy
Short-term therapy
Clients self-evaluation and plan
People are responsible for who they are
and who they are becoming
Clients sense of control
Reality Therapy
No focus on the unconscious, dreams,
People choose disorders; depressing
Plans for how someone should live their
life should be made jointly and not just by
the therapist

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