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Classroom Management

Plan Part 1
By: Cristina Lopez
Welcome to my Classroom Management Plan! This portfolio will
showcase varies classroom management ideas, discipline system,
procedures, first day ideas, and many other ideas I hope to
implement in my future class! This plan will help me lead a
successful, teamworking, positive, and fun classroom environment
with my students. As a future middle school Science teacher, I want
to have this CMP aimed towards 4-8 graders. Many ideas seen
throughout are for secondary grade students. This CMP is a way to
stay organized from the first day of school until the end of the
school year. I hope to mold this CMP to best fit my students and
classroom as I continue teaching. This CMP will help me reflect on
what works for each class and things that I can modify for the
future! I hope to grow this portfolio as I continue teaching and
share my findings with other teachers!
First Days of
Ice Breaker
Students will receive a small package of M&M’s ad
they are entering and pick at least 2 things they will
want to share with the class about themselves based
on the questions. Students can choose what questions
they would like to answer depending on the color of
M&M’s they got. This ice breaker will be fun and
engaging activity to help break the ice among the
class. It will also help students feel welcomed as they
are entering. The whole class will be participating in
the ice breaker, including myself. We will all say “thank
you for sharing” as everyone finishes to promote
kindness and respect to everyone.

Source 4
Our Class Promise
Each class will agree on 5 class promises (class rules) that
they will have to follow upon entering the class. I guide
them to come up with proper “rules” that everyone can
follow such as “we will respect others”. Everyone will make
a promise, to each other and to myself, to follow these.
They will also need to remind each other if they are not
following our promises because they would be breaking

Source 5
Meet the Teacher

As a teacher I want to reduce the amount of

paper used in my classroom and have a digital
letter to the parents. I want to utilize Canva to
create my letter and share this with them via
email. If their email is not available, then I will call
them and introduce myself. If possibly I will send
a paper copy home with the student and have
them sign and return a form that they received it.
I will want to ask the parents if they have an
email that I am able to use to send them weekly
updates on the class.

Source 6
Reading Corner
Having a reading corner in the room
allows students to take a break or just
grab a book when they finish with their
assignment. This is also a great way for
students who enjoy reading to go grab a
book and read in a corner way from their
peers in a quiet place. It would also be
useful to have a sign out sheet for
students who get a book, so we make sure
that all books are still there. This reading
corner would be in the back corner of the
classroom with comfortable seating for
students. That way they are still looking at
the front of the classroom and are able to
pay attention right way.

Source 8
In order to make the classroom seem
more welcoming for students,
playing music during independent
work or even group work. Playing
music allows students to focus and
some even work better. This can also
be used to get students’ attention by
pausing/playing the music. This is a
great way to have a positive
classroom environment since
nowadays students are on their
phones and this can reduce that by
playing songs that they listen to (but
is appropriate).
Source 9
List of Procedures
1. Entering/exiting the classroom 1. Restroom Procedures
2. Sharing agenda 2. Fire/emergency drills
3. Attendance Procedures 3. Using Laptops/cell phones
4. Absence Procedures 4. Small groups procedures
5. Substitute Procedures 5. Cleaning up after labs
6. Hand signals 6. Borrowing pens/pencils/colored
7. Voice Level Gestures pencils/etc.
8. Turning in assignments 7. Late work procedures
9. Picking up assignments

Turning in Assignments

I want to have Turn-In Trays at the front

of my classroom for students to turn in
their work. Each class period will have a
slot to turn in their work when they are
done. This will also be used for
homework as soon as they are walking in
the classroom. This allows me to make
students responsible for turning in their
own work and keep it all in one place.

Absence Procedures
I will have a bin with folders labeled
with each day of the month. All
assignments that we complete in class
will be placed in the corresponding
folder. Students are expected to find the
day(s) they were absent, take a copy,
and complete the work for that day.
Students will be accountable and
responsible for their own work/grade.
They will have up to 3 days to complete
the work and bring it back.

Pencil System

I will have pencils labeled with numbers in

a jar. If students need a pencil, they will be
required to sign out the pencil and return
it. They will fill out a form with their name,
date, number on the pencil, and the date
they returned it. This will help me keep
track of pencils and which students are
consecutively checking them out.

I would want to use Kahoot to keep students engaged
throughout the lesson. Many students like to play this quiz
game and they feel excited to get to it at the end. This is a
fun quiz game that teachers can create to best fit their
lessons and check for understanding in their students.

Brain Breaks
During a long lesson I would want to include quick 4-5
minutes breaks. These breaks can help students stay
engaged and focused. During these breaks, students
can have a quick activity, stretch, or play a quick game.
This is a great way for teachers to keep students awake
during lessons and can be used as a little refresher.

Source 17

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