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social function
• to amuse or entertain the readers with story

• to teach moral lesson through a story

Text Structure
• Orientation

• complication

• resolution

• coda

Once a poor woodcutter had a son and a daughter named Hansel and Gretel. One day they
get an evil stepmother. One night the stepmother tells the woodcutter the kids eat too
much .”we'll be starving soon so let's leave the children in the forest and get rid of them”. “what
are you saying, no” but the wife was very persistent and she kept talking until he was convinced.
Hansel overhears their conversation. so that night Hansel goes out and collects shiny white
stones “we'll find our way back home. stop crying Gretel” “Hansel tomorrow we are going to die.
what do we do?” “don't worry we will survive” “good night Gretel”. Hansel hides the stones and

The next morning the stepmother takes the kids to the forest. Hansel keeps dropping stones on the
ground thinking “we can follow these stones home ‘ ”children, wait by this big tree just sit quietly here and I'll
be back to get you” .But she never comes back to get them “let's wait for nightfall Gretel.” “I dropped a trail of
white stones all the way here so, with the moonlight shining on them we could get back home” “I am so
scared” .So at night, Hansel and Gretel follow the shiny stones out of the forest .The stepmother was secretly
A few days later, the stepmother again tricks the children. “Let's go have a picnic in the forest. Here take
this bread to eat later. we'll go in the morning”. This time, the stepmother locked their room at night and so
Hansel couldn't pick up any shiny stones. Next morning, on their way to the forest Hansel crumbled his bread
and left a trail of crumbs instead. Deep in the forest “this looks like a good spot. You both can take a nap here
while I go and cut some wood”. Hansel and Gretel knew she wouldn't come back again. They slept and waited
for nightfall again. When they woke up the birds and wild animals had eaten up all the crumbs. “now we will
never find our way home I am so upset for us Gretel”. ”Hansel don't lose hope let's walk and maybe we find our
home”. After walking the entire day they find a small house. ”look there, a cookie house. Wow !”.”Oh the house
is made of chocolate with a roof of cake and sugar windows. ”come come.” The hungry children didn't even stop
to think.”I want a big piece of the cake roof…yumm!.”

Suddenly, they hear a voice. ”Children come inside. You seem hungry. I'll make you yummy food right
now.” The lady was an evil witch. The kids go in the house with her.” it's a trap hahaha I like to eat kids I made
this house to lure you in. Now, i'll fatten the boy up and make a tasty treat for myself.” Her eyes were red.She had
terrible eyesight but a good sense of smell.
She locks Hansel in a cellar.She makes Gretel do all the housework, all the chores. Hansel and Gretel cried
and begged, but she had no mercy on them. “Come on girl, cook something delicious for your brother.He should
be fat enough to be cooked by the end of this month.”A week passed, Hansel ate delicious food while Gretel was
always hungry.
Every morning the old witch went to Hansel cellar and shouted, “show me your fingers boy let me check
how much fatter you've gotten.” But Hansel would always stick out a little bone for her to feel because the witch
couldn't see very well. She was furious that Hansel was staying so thin.
One day she lost her patience and shouted at Gretel, “I don't care anymore I'll cook thin Hansel today and eat him
anyhow and start the oven.” Gretel had no choice and she started doing what the evil witch told her.” Now get in
and see if the water is boiling enough.” “How can I get inside the oven? Please show me so that I can check the
water.” “Stupid girl. What is wrong with you? it's so easy! look you just need to step here. Gretel cleverly pushed
the old woman in the oven and shut the door. The vicious witch burn to a crisp.

Gretel cleverly pushed the old woman in the oven and shut the door. The vicious witch burn
to a crisp.
Gretel rushed to the cellar and set Hansel free. Hansel, My dear brother, the witch is dead. Now
let's run out of here and find our home. How happy they were. While running out of the house
they saw wooden chests all over in the witch's room. They were filled with gems and gold. The
children fill their pockets with as many gems as possible and left the house.
Hansel and Gretel walked for a few hours when they got to a bridge that they knew well and was
close to their house, “look! father father.” Hansel and Gretel could finally see their father at the
port looking miserable because his wife had died.” My dearest children I'm so happy you both are
alive. I am sorry for letting you go.” The three hugged and precious gems started to fall out of
Gretel's pockets. Both the children empty their pockets in their father's lap. They told their father
about the evil witch and how they got her treasure. “Oh my god I am happy my kids came back
safe, I will never leave you alone now.” Finally, they could have a carefree life and lived together
happily ever after.

- The cleverness and the bravery are needed in the critical situation

- Don’t seduce with the enjoyment of world easily.

- Family is the most precious wealth in the world.

language features
• use simple past tense

• use adjective

• use adverb of time


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