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Therapeutic Recreation
In these ancient societies, they attempted to The national council for therapeutic
overcome mood disorders by participating in use recreation certification (NCTRC) was
of music, songs, dancing and more to try and
promote a positive atmosphere and overall well- Hull House was one of the first founded and is still the international
being. Although they did not have all the scientific settlement homes to be created. It was organization for therapeutic recreation.
answers to support why they were doing these founded by Jane Addams who was a They are determined to protect people
activities, they could feel the benefits for activist, social worker, author, sociologist obtaining the certificate for recreational
themselves. Most ancient cultures used these and more. Initial programs provided therapists. They are the final and revised
activities to implement good health and did not
even realize they were practicing therapeutic recreational programs for US citizens. organization to provide protection
recreation until later on. following CTRS, NTRS and ATRA.
Ancient Egyptian and
Hull House was created
Greek civilization founded
1850’s 1940’s-1950’s 2021

600 BC 1889 1986

Florence Nightingale Beginning of profession, post
Proposal World War II Present day
Florence Nightingale proposed that The profession of therapeutic recreation Therapeutic recreation is a profession
recreational activities and experiences can be began in the aftermath of World War II. that is growing more and more by the
concluded that it improves the human
During the war it was being provided by day. It is becoming more recognized by
wellbeing and overall condition. She is
considered the “mother” of hospital Red Cross workers to military members. doctors and health providers as a tool to
recreation of her time. She was the first At the time it was considered “hospital use for mental, physical and emotional
professional nurse after assisting in the recreation”, until it later became known health. It is now in multiple settings such
Crimean War where she helped care for as therapeutic recreation as a developing as hospitals, schools, nursing facilities,
British military. paid profession. sports programs, just to name a few.

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