Figures of Speech 1

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Figures of Speech

• A “Metaphor” goes further than a comparison
between two different things or ideas by fusing
them together: one thing is described as being
another thing. It is an implicit comparison.

Love is the star to every wandering bark

• It is an explicit comparison between two
things or ideas using “like” or “as.”

Her heart is like a stone

• It is giving something nonhuman human

Flowers dance

The sun smiles

• They are words which sound like the noise
which they describe.

Bang - cuckoo - smack

• It is the repetition of the same initial
consonantal sound along a line.

Bed and breakfast

• It is the repetition of the same vowel sound
along a line.

Child and silence

• It is a deliberate exaggeration to create an

There were millions of people at

the café.
• It consists of saying one thing while you
mean another.

Having 1000 spoons when

you only need 1 fork.
•It is the point at which the protagonists´
fortunes reach their highest point before
the “turning point” which initiates the
“falling action.” In general, any point of
great intensity in a literary work.
• It is the repetition of a word or phrase for
amplification or emphais.

Five years have passed: five

summers, with the length of five
long winters.
• The lines of the road streched out toward infinity. (Hyperbole)
• Julia´s heart sings as she watches her boyfriend step off the plane.
• The panicked crowd rushed foward like a flood of chaos. (simile)
• His presence at the funeral was an anchor, keeping me steady. (Metaphor)
• The dropped beaker was bound to smash beautifully. (Onomatoeia)(Alliteration)
• Thanks a lot for stretching out my favourite shirt. (irony)
• The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains. (Assonance: /ei/)
• Don´t slam the door! (Onomatopeia) (Alliteration)
• Breathe, breathe, breathe, I told myself. (Repetition)

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