Barriers in Communication

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1. Internal – are those barriers that are inside a person. Sometimes we call them
psychological barriers.
For instance, problems that are bothering a person could hamper in the effective
communication with others

2. External – those that exist outside the person.

Examples are the honking of the trucks, the noise of the children, the sound of the
thunder, the sound of drums and others that obstruct one from listening.
1. physical barriers- are those that obstruct the communication between two individuals
like a close door, barriers seems, different spaces for people with different work are
few of the barriers in the workplace.

2. Perceptual Barriers- are, those that have to do with how we see the world to be.
For instance, s person thinks that when he speaks, his audience will only laugh at his
mistakes so that he simply keeps quiet most of the time because he is afraid to be mocked.
3. Emotional Barriers- those that stops a person from actually communicating with others
like anger, stress, fear, etc.
For instance, when a teacher is very angry, he could not think well. He could not understand
others well because what he could only focus on his anger.

4. Cultural Barriers- are those which affect the efficient communication with others due to
the behaviors and beliefs or characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Since
culture is the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs affect his way.
For instance, it is not acceptable in one’s culture for a man to touch a woman’s hand. When a
man therefore stretches out his hand with the hope that he makes a cordial and polite
shaking of hands after being introduced.
5. Language Barriers- could also be a problem. When a korean and Chinese communicate
with each other, there are many things that they could not understand due to their own
language difference. Sometimes simply communicate using body language to be understood.

6. Gender Barriers- are also problematic. Research shows that there distinct differences
between that speech patterns in a man those woman: Gardner further stressed that a
woman speaks between 22, 000 and 25, 000 words a day where as man speaks between 7,
000 and 10, 000. childhoos, girls speak earlier than boys and at the age of three, have
vocabulary twice that of boys. The reason for this lies in the wiring of man’s and woman’s
brains. When a man talks, his speech is located in the left side of the brain but in no specific
area. When a woman talks, speech located in both hemispheres and in two specific locations.
This means a man talks in a linear, logical and compartmentalized way, features of left brain
thinking; whereas a woman talks more free mixing logic and emotion, features of both sides
of the brain. It also explains why women talk for much longer than men each day.
7. Interpersonal Barriers
There are six levels at which people can distance themselves from one another:
a. Withdrawal is an absence of interpersonal contact. It is both refusals to be in
touch and time alone.
b. Rituals are meaningless, repetitive routines devoid of real contact
c. Pastimes fill up time with others in social but superficial activities.
d. Working activities are those task which follow the rules procedures of contact but
no more.
e. Games are subtle, manipulative, interactions which are about winning and losing.
They include “rackets” and “stamps”.
f. Closeness is the aim of interpersonal contact where there is a high level of honesty
and acceptance of yourself and other
Speech and Oral Communication With Public Speaking textbook by Concepcion G.
Doyugan, Ph.D.

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