Basic Leadership Principles and Skills

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Module 3

Basic Leadership
Principles and Skills
• At the end of the session, students are expected to:
• Learn the basic definition of leadership, types, factors and what
legitimates an individual to lead.
• View and identify the difference between different leadership
• Know and understand the different factors of effective leadership.
• Gain proper leadership skills, leadership virtues, and styles for
them to become effective leader in the future to contribute to
national growth and development.
• Grasp the true essence of Vincentian Leadership and start to form
a Vincentian Youth Leader among themselves that Adamson
University could be proud of
1. Leadership
A. Definition
B. Two types of Leadership
C. Four Factors of Leadership
D. Legitimacy of Leadership
2. Bass' Theory of Leadership
3. Leadership Models
4. Leadership Styles
5. The Two Most Important Keys to Effective Leadership
6. Principles of Good Leadership
7. The Process of Great Leadership
8. Virtue
9. Decision Making Styles
 10. Vincentian Leadership skills and principles
A. Objective
B. Four characteristics of Vincentian Leaders:
C. The Task of a Vincentian Leader
D. How does a Vincentian and NSTP youth leader conducts extends service to the community, to their
fellowmen and the country
1. Leadership
A. Definition
•Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective or task,
or sway their decision and opinions;
•Leadership also mean to direct the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and
coherent; or to influence a group of individuals to reach a common goal. 
B. Two types of Leadership
•Process leadership – these are leaders that acquires their leadership skills and knowledge thru
leadership training, workshop and seminars;
•Trait leadership – a common knowledge that leaders are born and not made.
C. Four Factors of Leadership
•Leader - You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you
can do as a leader to be able to lead effectively;
•Followers – they are the direct recipient of leadership
•Communication – there must be continuous and two-way communication between leaders and
followers and much of it is nonverbal in form;
•Situation – the circumstance when the leadership is exercised and followed. No situations are
the same. You must always use your judgment to decide the best course of action and style
needed for each situation
D. Legitimacy of Leadership
• Assigned Leadership – the authority to lead is vested in a particular
position a leader occupies like a manager, supervisor, lead, etc;
• Emergent Leadership – the authority to lead comes directly from the
follower who thinks that the group’s goal could be best achieved under
your leadership.
2. Bass' Theory of Leadership
A. Bass' theory of leadership list down the three basic ways to explain
how people become leaders:
• Trait theory - some personality traits may lead people to be appointed or
led naturally into leadership roles;
• Great Events Theory – a crisis or important event may cause a person to
be appointed or assumed leadership role;
• Process Leadership theory – basically argues that people can learn
leadership skills.
3. Leadership Models
A. Leadership models help us to know what makes leaders act the way
they do:
Four Framework Approach:
• Leaders display leadership behaviors in one of four types of
frameworks: Structural, Human Resource, Political, or Symbolic.
A. Structural Framework
• The leader is a social architect whose leadership style is to
analyze and design course of action. They focus on
structure, strategy, environment, implementation,
experimentation, and adaptation.
B. Human Resource Framework
• The leader is a catalyst and servant whose leadership style
is to support, advocator and promotes empowerment.
C. Political Framework
• The leadership style is based on coalition and
building alliances.
D. Symbolic Framework
• The leader serve as a prophet, whose leadership style is inspiration.
4. What makes a person want to follow a leader?
A. People want to be guided by those they respect and who have a clear sense of

5. The Two Most Important Keys to Effective Leadership

A. Trust and confidence
B. Effective communication

6. Principles of Good Leadership

A. Know yourself and seek self-improvement
B. Be technically proficient
C. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
D. Make sound and timely decisions
E. Set the example
F. Know your people and look out for their well-being
G. Keep your workers informed
H. Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers
I. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished
J. Train as a team
K. Use the full capabilities of your organization

7. The Process of Great Leadership

A. Challenge the process
B. Inspire a shared vision
C. Enable others to act
D. Model the way
E. Encourage the heart
8. Virtue

• The following virtues are considered the foundation of leadership:

A. Prudence – the habit which enable man to direct his actions to human life’s goal.
B. Justice - the habit of giving each one his due with constant and perpetual will.
C. Fortitude – the habit of overcoming the difficulties and pressures of life in the pursuit
of good.
D. Temperance – the habit of bringing the desires and natural inclination of man under
the control of reason.
E. Industry – the habit of working hard and working under pressure.
F. Loyalty – the habit of remaining true to your friends and to your principles (goals) in
times of troubles.
G. Responsibility – the habit of being accountable for one’s actions, duties and
obligations; readiness to answer the consequences of one’s actions.
H. Cheerfulness – the habit of being optimistic, positive and always seeing the bright
side of things.
I. Generosity – the habit of sharing the good that one has with other people; thinking
first of the people around him and looking for ways he can help and serve them,
J. Magnanimity – the habit of having great ideas and ambitions of doing good; being
concerned with doing great deeds of service to others by devoting one’s life to serve
and one’s country or to help people.
9. Decision Making Styles
A. Authoritarian Leadership (Survival)
• A leader makes a decision and announces it.
• The member of the group is not asked for opinion or suggestions but all major
decision is from top to bottom
• The leaders does not consult its member and take sole responsibility of the
B. Consultative Leadership (Security)
• A leader presents a tentative decision subject to change
• The members of the group received a pre-conceived plan and decisions which are
still subject for approval, reform and changes
• The leader consult the member but in the end still take full responsibility of
decision making
• Enabling Leadership (Participation)
• A leader defines limits, calls on members to make a decision.
• The members are given more power and privilege in defining the nature,
objective and the course of action of the organization
• Each member of the group has more opportunity to be trained to become
leaders in the future
• The leaders believe in shared aims and objectives and a sense of
commitment to the group
• To motivate the members to participate there must be acceptance of group
values and norms
• There is also feeling of mutual trust and dependency which leaders to full
participation by all members and decision-making

10. Vincentian Leadership skills and principles

A. Objective
• The National Service Training Program of Adamson University is not just
intended to promote civic consciousness and social responsibility among
students but also to mold a Vincentian leader among them.
B.  Four characteristics of Vincentian Leaders:
• Make no small plans
• People and process first
• Promote sustainable institutions
• A heart and concern for the poor
C. The Task of a Vincentian Leader
• Strive for excellence by following through with a task until completed.
• Offer clear directions to achieve objectives.
• They must be pragmatic and effectively communicate ideas and plans, base
judgments on facts, and set clear and realistic goals.
• Take risks, pursuing innovation even if risky.
• View conflict as opportunities for growth.
• Openly receive criticism and challenges from others

10.How does a Vincentian and NSTP youth leader conducts extends service to
the community, to their fellowmen and the country?
• Inspire others with examples of service.
• Practice leadership as a responsibility rather than a position.
• Serve others regardless of race, gender, religion, or position.
• Empower people by helping others to become better leaders.
• Create environments that promote learning.
• Delegate appropriately; encourage others to work independently.
• Work for social justice by seeking to transform the causes of poverty and challenge
unjust practices.

1. Self-Evaluation
a. Each student must evaluate their weaknesses and strengths that may hinder or
promote their becoming Vincentian leader in the future
b. Ask them to list down their weakness and how should they work out on
improving it to become a Vincentian Leader in the future
c. Ask them to list down the strength in their character that could be maximize to
make them effective Vincentian leader in the future
2. Pledge of Commitment

  “I, state your name do understand my role as a student of Adamson

University NSTP program to Inspire others with examples of service, to practice
leadership as a responsibility rather than a position, serve others regardless of
race, gender, religion, or position, empower people by helping others to become
better leaders, create environments that promote learning, delegate appropriately;
encourage others to work independently, work for social justice by seeking to
transform the causes of poverty and challenge unjust practices specially in the
government. I would like to make a commitment to becoming a model Vincentian
leader, my alma mater, Adamson University could be proud of thru the guidance of
St. Vincent de Paul, the patron saint of Adamson University and the blessing of our

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