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ASJ-PO Constitution

and By-Laws
June 18, 2021 (F)
1:30 – 2:30 PM
ASJ Auditorium
We, the academic and non-academic personnel
of Academia de San Miguel Arcangel, Argao,
Cebu, implore the aid of the Divine Providence as
we animate an organization that embodies our
ideals and aspirations, fosters unity and
cooperation in the pursuit of personal,
professional and corporate aims and creates a
community of communion and discipleship.
Exercising our informed freewill, we hereby
establish and promulgate this constitution and
Article 1.
Declaration of Raison
The purposes of the Academia de San Miguel
Arcangel - Personnel Organization, otherwise
known as the ASMA-PO, include the following:
a. To carry out the established goals and objectives set
by the school;
b. To develop a bond of partnership and a culture of
consultation in relation to the implementation of
policies, practices and procedures except those
aspects which are part of management right and
those which are reserved to the prerogative of the
duly constituted BOT;
c. To enhance healthy educator-learner relationships
founded on respect and confidence manifested in
genuine and altruistic interest in the integral welfare
of every learner;
d. To create working committees which respond to
the existing needs and concerns of the organization;

e. To encourage and provide each member the

chance to have socio-cultural, psycho-emotional,
spiritual-pastoral and professional enhancement
through updating activities, study grants,
immersions, exposures and the like so that they
may continue to serve with zeal and dedication; and

f. To promote solidarity, responsibility and

accountability for institutional, professional and
personal responsiveness.
Article 2.
Name and Domicile
The organization shall be known
as the Academia de San Miguel
Arcangel - Argao Personnel
Organization. Its address shall
be Academia de San Miguel
Arcangel, Dr. Jose Rizal St.,
Barangay Poblacion, Argao,
Cebu, 6021, Cebu, Philippines.
Article 3.
Section 1.
The ASMA-PO shall be composed of
all present academic and non-
academic personnel of Academia de
San Miguel Arcangel, Argao, Cebu.
Section 2.
Membership in this organization
shall be terminated automatically
upon separation from service.
Article IV.
A. Officers
Section 1. The ASMA-PO shall have a president, vice-
president, secretary, treasurer, auditor, and two (2)
public relations officers representing the academic
and/or the non-academic personnel. They shall be
elected from among the tenured members of the
organization for a term of one school year, until their
successors are duly elected and qualified, by secret

Section 2. Academic and/or non-academic departments

shall be represented by, at least, an officer.
B. Powers and Duties
Section 1. President
a. S/He shall be the head of the organization and
shall preside at all meetings of the members of
the organization and their elected officers;
b. S/He shall represent the organization either
singly or jointly with the other officers designated
by the organization;
c. S/He shall coordinate with the administration as
regards the activities of the organizations;
d. S/He shall sign the official communication and
documents of the organization; and
e. S/He is a co-signatory in matters involving
disbursement and withdrawal of PO funds.
Section 2. Vice-President
a. S/He shall take place of the president
and assume responsibility in case of
absence, death or disability of the
latter as well as perform the duties of
her/his office as designated by the
b. S/He shall be a chairperson of a
committee; and
c. S/He shall perform other functions as
may be prescribed by the
Section 3. Secretary
a. S/He shall keep the minutes of all meetings of
the organization and is legal custodian of all
papers and records of the organization;
b. S/He shall furnish the administration a copy of
the minutes and the matrix of the approved
activities of the organization; and
c. S/He shall perform other duties as may be
prescribed by the organization and after
her/his term shall turn over all records
pertaining to the organization to her successor.
Section 4. Treasurer
a. S/He shall collect all fees, dues and contribution from the
members or from a lawful source and shall receive any
and all accounts payable or due to the organization;
b. S/He shall exercise good and faithful stewardship of all
funds, properties and accounts of the organization;
c. S/He shall prepare and submit financial or property report
during regular meetings or at such time when these are
required by the organization or by the school
administration; and
d. S/He shall perform other duties pertaining to her/his office
as may be prescribed by the organization.
Section 5. Auditor
a. S/He shall scrutinize all the accounts of the
organization and examine its books
periodically or as often as may be
b. S/He shall prepare annual report in the
form of expert impressions, and
c. S/He shall perform other duties pertaining
to her/his office as maybe prescribed by the
Section 6. Public Relations
a. S/He shall take charge of properly disseminating worthy
information relative to the activities of the organization
and to take charge of the dynamics of integrated corporate
communications. S/He shall manage well the image,
identity and reputation of the organization;
b. S/He shall take the place of the secretary and assume
her/his duties in case of absence, death or disability of the
latter as well as perform other functions as may be
prescribed by the organization; and
c. S/He shall assist the treasurer in collecting all fees, dues
and contributions from members or from other lawful
Article V.
Meetings and Elections
Section 1.
PO meetings shall be held every third
Wednesday of the month, after school
hours, from 3:40 to 4:30 PM. Notice for the
holding of meetings stating its purpose shall
be given to all the PO members and the
administration at the earliest time possible
before the meeting date.
Section 2.
The Professional Learning Community
Sessions of all members shall be held every
second Wednesday of the month. Notice for
the holding of meetings stating its purpose
shall be given to all members and the
administration at the earliest time possible
before the meeting date.
Section 3.
Special meetings of the organization
shall be called by the president, in case
there are urgent matters to be
discussed, by giving notice to the
members, officers and the
administration at the earliest time
possible before the meeting date.
Section 4.
Election of officers of the
organization shall be held during
the pre-service training of every
Section 5.
In all meetings of the organization and its
chosen representatives, the attendance of
the majority shall constitute a quorum. In
the transaction of business and in
deliberations leading to a decision, the
presence of the simple majority shall be
required to carry out or approve an act or
Article VI.
Fees and Dues
Section 1.
Every member of the organization shall be
required to pay an agreed nominal annual fee of
fifty pesos (PHP 50) payable to the treasurer per
month. Special contributions may also be solicited
from the members as occasions demand. The
membership dues and contributions shall be
covered by proper receipts duly signed by the
Section 2.
The membership fees collected shall accrue to the
general fund of the organization collected by the
Treasurer agreed upon by the organization and
shall be disbursed only upon the proper
accomplishment of official vouchers or
presentation of valid receipts to defray expenses
authorized by the president of the organization.
Article VII.
ASMA Solidarity Fund
Section 1. Membership
Membership is automatic upon payment of the capital share to the
ASF Treasurer. Payment shall be voluntary. It shall fall during the
remuneration date of either 15th and 30th of the month. Capital
share shall not be less than two-hundred pesos (P100.00). Accrued
annual ASF loan interest and penalty interest shall be distributed
equally to all active members a (1) day after the Christmas
Fellowship Program. Non-payment of the capital share shall merit
no interest share for a particular period of inactivity. In cases when
an ASMA employee ASF member decides to resign or retire, such
membership shall be automatically revoked on the effective date of
resignation. Only the paid-up capital share shall be withdrawn plus
the accrued interest share spanning only the period of active
Section 2. Loan Eligibility
Since the ASF aims to provide benefits to its members, its
credit programs are specifically designed to address its
members’ needs. However, in order to safeguard its
resources, only members of good standing can avail of the
credit services of the ASF. To be members of good
standing, they have to meet the following requirements:
1.The borrower has to be a bona-fide member of the ASF.
2.The borrower has no default on any outstanding loan to
the ASF.
3.Must be an active member with a minimum monthly
share of P100.00 per month.
Section 3. Loan Supervision
The Credit Committee has general
supervision over all loans within the ASF. In
the evaluation of all loan applications, the
Credit Committee must satisfy themselves
that every loan promise to be of benefit to
the borrower. The Credit Committee shall
decide within (2-7) days from the date of
submission of complete requirements upon
the loan’s approval.
Section 4. Loan Type
1.Productive Loans – for the purpose of generating income/business.
2.Provident Loans – those not primarily intended to generate income but for the purpose of providing financial relief to the borrower and his/her family.
3.Special Loans – other loans offered by the Cooperative, usually above the loan ceiling of a regular loan.
The initial loan offering available from the ASMA Cooperative as of this date are the provident cash loans. Under such loan are the Petty Cash Loans and
Multi-purpose Loans.
a. Petty Cash Loans: Mini-loans not over FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00)
Loanable twice monthly. Once in both any day scoping the 15th and 30th of the month respectively.
Loanable Amount: Minimum of P100.00 and a maximum of P500.00.
Terms of Payment: Maximum of (1) month.
Interest Rate: Fixed interest 2% for (1) month.
Eligibility for Renewal: 50% of initial loan paid.
1.Paid-up capital of at least ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00).
2.Duly filled-up and approved Loan Application Form.
b. Multi-purpose Loans:
Loanable twice monthly. Once in both any day scoping the 15th and 30th of the month respectively.
Loanable Amount: Up to Ninety Percent (90%) of the total ASF.
Terms of Payment: Maximum of (2) months.
Interest Rate: Fixed interest 2% for (2) months.
Eligibility for Renewal: 50% of initial loan is paid.
1.Paid-up capital of at least TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P200.00).
2.Duly filled-up and approved Loan Application Form.
Section 5. Loan Payment
Petty Cash Loans/Multi-purpose Loans:
Voluntary payment of member to Credit
Committee on the remuneration date of
either 15th and 30th of the month
contingent on the due date of the loan.
Section 6. Loan Reliefs
ASF aims to provide members a sense of ownership
and thus presents members reliefs from loans in
specific circumstances.
A. Grace period: A grace period of SEVEN (7)
working days after date of due shall be given to
B. Loan Restructure/Renewal: A borrower may avail
a refinancing of his/her loan after if, at least, FIFTY
PERCENT (50%) of the original amount has been
Section 7. Penalties
Loans shall be considered default after (7) working days
upon the date of due. A written notice shall be sent to the
borrower at the date of default. The borrower may opt to
settle the account without penalties within SEVEN (7)
working days upon the date of due. Loans are subject to
penalty after SEVEN (7) working days upon the date of due.
A. Petty Cash Loans:
a. Late Payment: TWO PERCENT (2%) due per month.
B. Multi-purpose Loans:
a. Late Payment: TWO PERCENT (2%) due per month.
Section 8. Loan Application
The following are the Application Procedures for members securing a loan:
1. Fill-up application form and submit to Credit Committee.
2. Credit Committee checks for loan and payment standing.
3. Credit Committee approves loan, affixes signature on application form
for processing.
4. Treasurer releases funds in means necessary.
5. Applicant to verify loan status regularly with the Credit Committee. If
the application is approved and available, the Credit Committee releases
loan proceeds.
The process of approving and releasing must not exceed SEVEN (7)
working days unless funds are not available. In that case, the applicant
shall be duly notified and scheduled if deemed necessary.
Section 9. Repealing Clause
All guidelines in conflict herewith are hereby
deemed repealed or amended accordingly.
Article VIII.
Permanent Ministries
A. The Ministries
Section 1.
There shall be in the organization, the
following working ministries: the Ministry
on Spiritual Formation, Ministry on
Academic Formation, Ministry on Pastoral
Formation, Ministry on Socio-Cultural
Affairs, Ministry on Information and
Communication, and Ministry on Physical
Fitness and Sports.
Section 2.
These ministries should coordinate with
each other for a harmonious
management of organized activities.
Section 3.
There will be six (6) ministries headed by a
qualified and competent ministers duly appointed
by the administration in a plenum from among
tenured personnel only. Each committee shall be
composed of members of the organization duly
appointed by the administration.
B. Functions of the
Section 1. Ministry on Spiritual
a. This ministry shall take charge of the
spiritual growth of each member through
religious activities; and
b. It shall spearhead in the preparation and
overseeing of liturgical celebrations.
Section 2. Ministry on Physical
a. This ministry shall design and plan ways
and means to raise funds to meet the
financial needs of the organization; and
b. It shall submit the budget for project
proposals to the body for scrutiny and
Section 3. Ministry on Academic
a. This ministry shall take charge of the
planning and execution of activities geared
towards the professional development of its
members; and
b. It shall establish linkages with reputable
professional organization and entities.
Section 4. Ministry on Pastoral
a. This ministry shall oversee that peace
process is religiously observed in the
settlement of disputes and other contentious
situations; and
b. It shall initiate outreach programs
consonant with the core values of the
learning community.
Section 5. Ministry on Socio-
Cultural Affairs
a. This ministry shall take charge of planning
and implementing socio-cultural activities
of the organization, presenting the same to
the body for pre-post evaluation; and
b. It shall organize wholesome special events
and fellowships.
Section 6. Ministry on
Information and Communication
a. This ministry shall animate an efficient
management information system in taking
care of the information and communication
needs of the organization; and
b. It shall introduce innovations relative to
the optimization of the power of
information and communication technology.
Article IX.
Protection of Rights,
Special Mission &
Organized Charity
Section 1.
The organization shall protect the rights of
members and promote their welfare. To this
end, the permanent members shall endeavor
to protect security of tenure, promote
humane conditions of work, and ensure just
reward-compensation scheme in the light
of the school manual of operation.
Section 2.
The organization shall seek to mitigate
the turnover of personnel so that the
learning community would continue to
enjoy the services of competent and
qualified human resources.
Section 3.
In case of death of the immediate family
member or the demise of the member of the
organization herself/himself, a bereavement
support shall be given by the organization.
Article X.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 1.
Any personnel appointed to key
administrative and academic positions in
the school system, such as Basic Education
Principal, Academic Moderators, Prefect of
Discipline, Guidance Services Provider,
Learner Activities Animator, and Learning
Area Facilitators is not qualified from
holding major and elected positions of the
Section 2.
The organization shall provide a
conciliation forum for contentious
situations among members or between
the organization and the administration.
Section 3.
There will be one representative from each
of the following sectors of the school
community: academic teaching personnel,
academic non-teaching personnel and non-
academic non-teaching personnel who will
carry the voice, sentiments, and the needs of
their sectors. They shall be chosen from
and by their respective groupings.
Section 4.
Special election may be called by the
president for any vacancy in the
organization’s key positions of
Article XI.
Effectivity and
Section 1.
This constitution and by-laws shall
take effect upon its oral and written
approval by the majority of the
members of the organization.
Section 2.
This constitution and by-laws may be
amended and approved by the majority
whenever necessary at a general
assembly or a special meeting called
for such purpose.

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