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Distinction Between curriculum and other Related

Terminologies1. Curriculum and Syllabus
By: Catherine Caspillan
• What is curriculum?
• is wider in scope than syllabus.-Prepared by the
curriculum designer.
• 2. Curriculum and Scheme of work
• -It is a breakdown of the content of what students are
expected to learn in a given period.-The systematic
arrangement of subject matter and activities within a
given time.-Is a plan of what will be covered in each week
of session of the learning programme or courses?
• 3. Curriculum and course of study
• Is an educational programme leading to the award of
certificate at the end of the programme for aparticular set
of learner.Example: BSED major in SS in a teacher
education programme.
• 4. Curriculum and lesson note/ Lesson plan
• Is the teacher guide for running a particular lesson and it
includes the goals and objectives for thatlesson or subject
matter.-Guide of the teachers to assist them in an orderly
presentation of a lesson to the learners in order tofacilitate
• 4 Fundamental question
• 1. What educational purposes should the school seek?
• 2 .What educational experiences can be provided to
attain this purpose?
• 3.How can these educational experiences be organized
effectively to achieve these purposes?~Is it student
centered or Teacher centered?
• 4. How can we determine whether or not the expected
objectives have been achieved?~ Through using test,
performance observation and other form of evaluation.
• Curriculum
• - is the HEART of school system because there can be no
school if there is nocurriculum.-is the very vital software
without which building and other facilities will have nothing
to do inschool as well as the teacher too.

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