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Did Rizal

Case Study 3
What is a retraction letter? A retraction letter is a document that
withdraws, or rescinds, a previous claim. In this case, we will discuss
Jose Rizal and his “retraction” from what he claimed in his writings
about the misconducts of the Spanish Friars.

One of the recurring themes in Philippine History was Rizal's

retraction of his anti-Roman Catholic writings.

The validity and dependability of the "original" letter as the final

truth/proof of His message are currently being questioned.
José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
Jose Rizal is widely regarded as a revolutionary hero for his writings on the abolition
of colonialism and the liberation of Filipino minds to contribute to and shape the
Filipino nation attitude.

The whole of Rizal's lifework was dedicated to this goal, notably the famous works
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. His articles blame the friars, not the Catholic
Church, as the major drivers of inequality in Philippine society.
Primary Source
“The Retraction” Dec. 29, 1896
Is said to have been signed by Rizal a
Was the date Jose Rizal wrote
few hours before his death.
his retraction in Manila.
It announces Rizal's Catholicism and
retracts all he written against the
Fr. Manuel Garcia, May 18, 1935
An archdeocean archivist, who Was the date, Fr. Garcia found
discovered the lost “original” “The Retraction” document of
document of Rizal's retraction Rizal.
“The Retraction”
The Retraction states:
“I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live and die.

I retract with all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my
character as son of the Catholic Church. I believe and I confess whatever she teaches and I submit to
whatever she demands. I abominate Masonry, as the enemy which is of the Church, and as a Society
prohibited by the Church. The Diocesan Prelate may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, make public this
spontaneous manifestation of mine in order to repair the scandal which my acts may have caused and so that
God and people may pardon me.”

Manila 29 of December of 1896

Jose Rizal
There are four iterations of the text of this
La Voz Española & Fr. Vicente
01 Diario de Manila
Is said to be one of the first published texts,
03 Balaguer.
Revealed his version, anonymously in
the beginning, Few months after
together with Diario de Manila, on the very day of execution 14 February 1897
Rizal’s execution, Dec. 30, 1896.

La Juventud 04 El Imparcial
02 A magazine, which is the second to appear,
in Barcelona, Spain, on February 14, 1897.
Appeared on the day after Rizal’s
execution; it is the short formula of
it came from an anonymous writer who the retraction.
revealed himself fourteen years later as Fr.
The Original Text of Rizal’s Retraction
• Regarding the "original" text, no one claimed to have seen it, even themembers of the family have seen the
“original” text except the newspapers- La Voz Espanola & Diaro De Manila (Dec. 30, 1896); Barcelona,
Spain (Feb. 14, 1897); La Juventud Magazine by Father Balaguer.

• Even the correspondents in Manila of the newspapers in Madrid, Don Manuel Alhama of El Imparcial and
Sr. Santiago Mataix of El Heraldo, were not able to see the hand-written retraction.

• We know not that reproductions of the lost original had been made by a copyist who could imitate Rizal’s
handwriting. This fact is revealed by Fr. Balaguer himself who a letter to his former superior Fr. Pio Pi in

• On May 18, 1935, the lost "original" document of Rizal’s retraction was discovered by the archdeocean
archivist Fr. Manuel Garcia, C.M.

• However, reexamining these claims, Neither the Archdeocean nor Fr. Pi saw the original document of
retraction. What they was saw a copy done by one who could imitate Rizal’s handwriting while the original
(almost eaten by termites) was kept by some friars. Both the Archbishop and Fr. Pi acted innocently
because they did not distinguish between the genuine and the imitation of Rizal’s handwriting.
The Balaguer
Fr. Vicente Balaguer's text, January 1897
The Balaguer Testimony

• Although the alleged retraction document was found in 1935, doubts continued. Especially in the event’s
unique eyewitness account- written by Jesuit Father Vicente Balaguer.

• Father Vicente Balaguer, was one of the Jesuit priests who visited Rizal during his last hours in Fort
Santiago and claimed that he managed to persuade Rizal to denounce Masonry and return to the Catholic
fold. In an affidavit executed in 1917 when he had returned to Spain, Balaguer also claimed that he was
the one who solemnized the marriage of Josephine Bracken and Rizal hours before the hero's execution.
Moreover, According to Balaguer, Rizal woke up several times, confessed four times, attended a mass,
received communion, and prayed the rosary, all of which seem out of character.

• According to his testimony, Rizal woke up several times, confessed four times, attended a Mass, received
communion, and prayed the rosary, all of which seemed out of character. But since it is the only testimony
of allegedly a “primary” account that Rizal ever wrote a retraction document, it has been used to argue the
authenticity of the document.
The Testimony Of
Cuerpo de Vigilancia
The Cuerpo de Vigilancia de Manila (Security Corps of Manila)
The Testimony Of Cuerpo de Vigilancia
• The Cuerpo de Vigilancia de Manila (Security Corps of Manila) was the intelligence service that the Spanish
colonial government created in 1895. It was organized primarily to gather information on the activities of
Katipunan members and supporters.

• Cuerpo collection a.k.a. the “Katipunan and Rizal Documents,” deals with Andres Bonifacio—a prominent
Katipunan leader—or Rizal.

• The Cuerpo de Vigilancia documents, a report written on the day of Rizal’s death can be found by Federico
Moreno, recounting a statement made to him by an agent of the Cuerpo, a guard of Rizal’s jail cell, who
serves as an “additional independent eyewitness account”.

• According to their statement, Rizal wrote a paper he heard of the Retraction. Mentions of two Jesuit
priests who entered Rizal’s cell – Fr. Jose Vilaclara and Fr. Estanislao March, and two others, Juan del
Fresno, and Eloy Moure.
The Testimony Of Cuerpo de Vigilancia

Highlights of the testimony:

• An agent of the Cuerpo de Vigilancia stationed in Fort Santiago (where Rizal was imprisoned) reported the
• Jose Rizal entered a death row accompanied by his counsel, Senior Taviel de Andrade, and Fr. Vilaclara at
7:50 in the morning of this previous day.
• Senior Maure, asked Rizal if he wanted anything, but said he only wanted a prayer book. Fr. March brought
Rizal the prayerbook.
• It appeared that the two priests, Fr. March and Fr. Vilaclara gave Rizal something to write as a preparation
for his retraction on his life and deeds that he refused to sign.
• Father March entered the chapel where Rizal handed what he had written,
• Senior del Fresno, and Senior Maure were informed by what Rizal gave in the chapel.
• The two Seniors together with Rizal signed the document that Rizal had written, which seemed to be was
the Retraction of Rizal.
The Testimony Of Cuerpo de Vigilancia

This version corroborates the existence of the retraction document, giving it credibility. However, nowhere in
the account was Fr. Balaguer mentioned, which makes the friar a mere secondary source to the writing of the

The retraction of Rizal remains to this day, a controversy; many scholars, however, agree that the document
does not tarnish the heroism of Rizal. His revolution, which eventually resulted in Independence in 1892.
Did Rizal
Here are some arguments to
further enlighten our minds
whether or not Jose Rizal
No one and members of the family
have seen the “original” text except

01 the newspapers- La Voz Espanola &

Diaro De Manila (Dec. 30, 1896);
Barcelona, Spain (Feb. 14, 1897); La
02 No names of Witnesses as to the
Copy of Fr. Vicente Balaguer as the
prime source sent to Fr. Pio Pi.
Juventud Magazine by Father

The copy was sent to Fr. Pio Pi on

Inconsistency of the discovered
1910 for verification of “an exact
copy of the retraction written and
signed by Rizal”- Fr, Pio is not
04 “original” document on May 18,
1935 by archdiocean archivist Fr.
Manuel Garcia.
certain of the handwriting and it
was not verified in his sworn

The controversy whether Jose Rizal actually wrote a retraction document only lies in the
judgment of the readers as to the Masonic Rizalists who firmly believed that Rizal did
withraw and the Catholic Rizalists who were convinced that Rizal retracted. His writings
speaks of our nationality and identity as a Nation.
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